Update 3: Home now! Looking like that time where I leave this earth

OP, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope nothing but the best for you. Please stay strong, you will over come this, you just have to believe.
Keep pushing my dude. Don't exert yourself when trying to do certain tasks. We wish you the best.
Stay Strong bruh, NikeTalk most definitely has you in their prayers.
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damn, this really puts life in perspective for real. Keep that fight going homie and definitely know we got you in uplifting words and motivation!
I remember your SN, I remember your avy, I remember your comments and you seem like a cool dude. I hope that everything works out for you and I wish you a speedy recovery. Good luck.
Latley ive been beating myself up about a certain situation, but your post def helps put life into perspective. I wish you the best, a speedy recovery. In my prayers for sure brother. Keep your head up, niketalk feels for you !! Stay positive, much love

:nthat: :nthat:
My heart goes out to you OP. Never lose your will to live and stay optimistic, everything will be better. And always know we got you for support.
prayers to you OP...feel so bad man 
B, the offer still stands from pages back I know it's risky to give out your address but if you wanna pm it I know there's a bunch of NT'ers that could send stuff your way to get you through this rough period in your life.
 to hear that your radiation is working better. sorry you had to go through that scare you posted in your update, hopefully its the last time.

stay strong fam! and thanks for the perspective and inspiration!
Best of luck brah, hope you get better.

Stay positive and don't give up man, some say you can beat the illness with the mind too.

I'm not gonna lie and say I understand what you're going through, because I don't, but know everyone here supports you in your struggle and wishes you the best.
damn bruh, hope you get better.

keep faith man. we are all pulling for you and here for support.

you can do it
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