update - Atlanta baby shot dead in stroller; teen gunman asked mom, "Do you want me to kill your bab

Yeah why waste time getting the facts straight :rolleyes


Google "Susan smith"


This is why I never bother watching the news or reading newspapers anymore. The media is so unreliable.
Mom does seem like a user or abuser...I see why people sayin she is off center

In any case RIP to the child, that kids lives is over with...:smh::frown:
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damn i literally cant fathom some S!!! like this.

Straight EVIL

God Bless


Just read some of page 7. umm guess theres more to the story...shame eitherway
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This crap is messed up seriously.

I couldnt even begin or want to fathom going through something like this.

I'd be on some serious revenge steez. I'd find a way to murder that fool in the courtroom.

I'd stab him in his eyeballs and then dowse him with a bottle filled with acid. Then watch his skin melt away from his bones.
Hopefully who ever really did this, gets exposed.

I'll def be following this story.
Since nobody has brought it up (but it was conveniently used in Sandy Hook & Auora situations) what if these young men weren't wired correctly? Do we still blame them?

No I am not defending anyone, just bringing up another potential possibility.
I heard this story the other day..I couldn't believe what I heard..I can't even fathom an infant gettin his brains blown out for no reason..what the hell is wrong with our society? :rolleyes :smh:
While I agree that nothing SHOULD be enough to make someone kill a child, we can't assume it was for nothing. We will never know the real story.

I know people don't like hearing that type of response in this type of situation but we don't know anything but what the media tells us.

There is always more to the story.

RIP to that child. Didn't even get a chance in life.
This crap is messed up seriously.

I couldnt even begin or want to fathom going through something like this.

I'd be on some serious revenge steez. I'd find a way to murder that fool in the courtroom.

I'd stab him in his eyeballs and then dowse him with a bottle filled with acid. Then watch his skin melt away from his bones.

yep i would do the acid. That way if im charged It would be assault, which i would claim I wasnt in my right mind, probably only do 6 months. I dont think the judge or prosecutors would care to much about the suspect to give me much time
They couldnt be wired correctly, unless they are just that cold and ruthless. The only diffence is that this was seemingly a robbery gone bad. But what some of you are trying to suggest- and she somehow was involved (maybe hired some young men to do it, why would they also shoot her? To make it look more legit, no way they're good enough to shoot at her head and just grazed her ear or whatever on purpose).

A bullet have about a 2 feet radius, if your in that field your gonna get grazed because of the force field from the bullet
Since nobody has brought it up (but it was conveniently used in Sandy Hook & Auora situations) what if these young men weren't wired correctly? Do we still blame them?

No I am not defending anyone, just bringing up another potential possibility.

I never sympathize with killers, no matter what their mental state is

Women who go through post partum psychosis often kill their babies.
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They couldnt be wired correctly, unless they are just that cold and ruthless. The only diffence is that this was seemingly a robbery gone bad. But what some of you are trying to suggest- and she somehow was involved (maybe hired some young men to do it, why would they also shoot her? To make it look more legit, no way they're good enough to shoot at her head and just grazed her ear or whatever on purpose).

A bullet have about a 2 feet radius, if your in that field your gonna get grazed because of the force field from the bullet
View media item 179849
They couldnt be wired correctly, unless they are just that cold and ruthless. The only diffence is that this was seemingly a robbery gone bad. But what some of you are trying to suggest- and she somehow was involved (maybe hired some young men to do it, why would they also shoot her? To make it look more legit, no way they're good enough to shoot at her head and just grazed her ear or whatever on purpose).

A bullet have about a 2 feet radius, if your in that field your gonna get grazed because of the force field from the bullet

All those who wanted to defend the mom after watching that sketchy *** video please click the link and watch.


BRUNSWICK, Fla. -- As the investigation into the shooting death of a 13-month-old Brunswick toddler continues, some people are beginning to question the mother who's child was shot and killed during a morning walk.

The daughter of Sherry West, Ashley Glassey, said she does not want to falsely accuse anyone but she wants the truth.

Glassey, 21, lives in New Jersey and said her mother lost custody of her when she was 8. She said she has forgiven her mom and has spoken to her every day since Thursday's shooting but said some of her mother's responses have her concerned.

Glassey said she started to have her doubts after receiving a phone call from her mother telling her that her brother, Antonio Santiago, had been killed. She claims the night of the shooting her mother asked, "How soon do you think life insurance policy will send me a check?"

Glassey tells First Coast News she hopes her suspicions are wrong but based on conversations with her mother she's not sure. Glassey described their discussions by saying her mother is crying one minute and then sounds fine the next.

"I spoke with the detectives and investigators and the evidence leads to many witnesses, not just me," said Sherry West, mother of the 13-month-old that was killed last Thursday morning.

Glassey says her mother is bipolar and has schizophrenic tendencies. She believes her mother is on medication but could not tell me any prescriptions specifically.

"She changed her story she told me the baby was shot first and then she told me she was shot first," said Glassey.

Sherry West maintains her story.

"They shot my baby in the head and I had to watch him die and I want that boy to die."

Glassey said she has contacted the Brunswick Police Department and no one has called her back. First Coast News contacted police to ask why, buy have yet to receive a response.

Police have not suggested that Sherry West is a suspect in this case.

Two teens are currently facing the murder charges.
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If this has something to do with getting a life insurance check or some other money......WOW.

All that bipolar and schizophrenia stuff goes out the window at that point, IMO.  If you're capable of hatching a plan like that and following through, you shouldn't get to use poor mental health as a scapegoat.  

I really hope that isn't why this baby died, but I guess time will tell.  
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