UPDATE: Car Towed-- $500 dollars?!?

sucks bro. thats probably one of my worst fears. but ask friends or fam to loan you money. or bribe them with kicks and/or clothes. haha thats what i do whenim desperate
Do you live near a Nordstrom store? Because if you do this is what you should do. Go to Nordstrom and buy $500 dollars worth of merchandise(using yourcredit card) then return it the same day getting cash back. Trust me fams I do this sometimes when I need cash and only have CC. Hope this helps.
Depending on who had it towed, honestly, you could report it stolen, if it wasn't the cops who had it done.

I had a buddy who did this a few years ago.

A private company towed his car from a parking lot next to his apartment building.

He claimed they wrongly towed it (when they didn't), but nevertheless, they weren't a reputable agency and buddy called them out on that in front ofthe cops, accused them of "slamming" to make money. He made such a scene, they wanted him and the cops gone, so they opened the gates and let himdrive away.

Only way this wouldn't work is if the cops had it towed or if the cops use the same towing company.
Where in the world did $500 come from I got my car towed the other night and it was a flat $75 fee plus $4.50/mile plus tax they're pulling your leg
...you can't set up a payment plan?

in NYC...it's about $300 when you get your car towed.

$150 for getting towed.
$150 for the ticket
at least now you learn an important lesson in life, and that lesson is that all tow truck drivers/companies are CROOKS. anyway, if borrowing money fromfriends/fam doesn't work out that nordstrom idea sounded decent.

where were you parked that it ran you 500?
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

...you can't set up a payment plan?

in NYC...it's about $300 when you get your car towed.

$150 for getting towed.
$150 for the ticket

thats what i thought.. damn $500? and they only accept cash? seems weird to me ..
Originally Posted by KnockoutNed

Do you live near a Nordstrom store? Because if you do this is what you should do. Go to Nordstrom and buy $500 dollars worth of merchandise(using your credit card) then return it the same day getting cash back. Trust me fams I do this sometimes when I need cash and only have CC. Hope this helps.
Originally Posted by KnockoutNed

Do you live near a Nordstrom store? Because if you do this is what you should do. Go to Nordstrom and buy $500 dollars worth of merchandise(using your credit card) then return it the same day getting cash back. Trust me fams I do this sometimes when I need cash and only have CC. Hope this helps.

This will work....I never tried it but Nordstrom has the most Loyal return policy in retail...Point blank....Their* SA's are told to honor everyreturn...My girl use to work there.

No tags needed, no reciepts needed....
Damn that sucks. My girl went through something similar. Ended up having to pay like $600 or something. Those impound fees are killer too. I guess the towtruck business is where its at if you wanna make money these days.
^ word my ex manager used to go to nordstorm and return shoes he bought and wore a year ago and get store credit and sometimes even cash back im talkinggucci's etc.. they crazy for that lol..

But yea this is my worst fear also i stay checking signs lol .. i got hit with this before in nyc im talking about i didnt make it halfway across the streetand they were taking my +@% i ran back and cursed dudes out they didnt care lol they was like meet us in brooklyn im like great... there more leniant causethey know someone not well off will come up there shooting.. so i had to pay 200 to get my car back and that was maybe 2 weeks before i got my new car.. smh ..but i remeber back in the day when i was using my grand fathers car i parked in white castle and went in the mall came back in time to see his car on a flatbed ready to be sent off asked dude how much to get it off he said 100 so luckily i had just got my check to get it off or i woulda bee stranded smh
can you get a cash advance from your card?

Maybe you know someone getting ready to make a cash purchase and you can use your cc with them and take cash.

Sorry to hear about your trouble...it seems everyone is out to get the little money most of us have
I've had my car towed, and they are STRAIGHT HUSTLING you. For one day, the most, and i mean most is $150. I would call the cops as there should not be anysheriff fees because it was blocking someone, meaning they called someone to tow to move them and most places charge $35 a day. Also, they do not, I REPEAT donot get funded by California. Only the ones on the freeway are funded by Cali. Tow companies are the grimiest people I have ever met. When i crashed my STI,dude lied to me and then charged me 3X more...As for towing, its not more than $100.

call the nearest sheriff or PD first and verify they were called to check out your car. If they weren't, report the tow company for bogus charges. Then thesheriff will escort you to the tow yard and demand your car back or they will face charges.

Holyyy shieeet. One time my car got towed too....(!##+ those neighborhoods full of red lines) and I had to cough up $300, so whack....
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