UPDATE: undecided Maui vs Costa Rica HELP ME CHOOSE

Bro, you aint yolo at all. If you were u wouldn"t currr about a dam thang and just do it. Someone give u lip? Get da goons and clap dem shoulders. Simple. you being madd weak. I dont know much about u and I already dont like u. Smh at being scared . Cant stop wont stop naa-mean brawseefph-UNDFT-
Originally Posted by Retro707

Bro, you aint yolo at all. If you were u wouldn"t currr about a dam thang and just do it. Someone give u lip? Get da goons and clap dem shoulders. Simple. you being madd weak. I dont know much about u and I already dont like u. Smh at being scared . Cant stop wont stop naa-mean brawseefph-UNDFT-

best advice in this thread, say no more 
If you wanted to do it backpacker stylio, I could help you out. I'm not the all-inclusive type my self, just yet. I would book the resort, and no excursion until to you set foot in Costa Rica, you can usually find the best deals through the locals or hotel staff, and try to haggle the prices.. 
check out

jetsetter.com http://www.jetsetter.com/group/costarica?nm=linkbin&cl=2

and lonelyplanet.com

This one is from $173/night

6k for 8 days?? dont be a sucker although u did cop that kony kit so i wouldnt be surprised. 

My friends went to CR and spend a lot less than 6k between the 3 of them in a week. 

for 6k just cop some plane tickets, then rent a house, a jeep and do whatever you want with plenty of money left over. 
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

If you wanted to do it backpacker stylio, I could help you out. I'm not the all-inclusive type my self, just yet. I would book the resort, and no excursion until to you set foot in Costa Rica, you can usually find the best deals through the locals or hotel staff, and try to haggle the prices.. 
check out

jetsetter.com http://www.jetsetter.com/group/costarica?nm=linkbin&cl=2

and lonelyplanet.com

This one is from $173/night


thank you!
how about the nightlife??...any clubs??..
Don't bother much with San Jose the, capital. Not much to see there other than a dirty metropolitan downtown. I went to Costa Rica about a year ago and had a blast. Pretty much went surfing in Jaco and hit bars at night time. Went to Manuel Antonio Park, it was beautiful. You should def check out Arenal. Driving is mandatory and GPS is a must. You'll get taxed on the rental and get full insurance IMO. Costa Rica is more expensive since it is Americanized. They accept US currency but will give you colones (their currency) as change.
dude, i love you guys, thank you for all the info, i didnt know i could surf there!.....yes we are planning on spending the first half in Arenal....

cant thank ya enough for the input, Syxth i know its pricey but is it 6k pricey like i was quoted at liberty travel? since youve been there...
Originally Posted by bakedFresh707

drive to Hawaii, i hear theres no traffic

This had me Laughing my rolls off. Sorry ill leave.But seriously ksteezy, have you tried looking around through other travel agents ? What about through triple a idk if you're a member but if you are try asking them its worth a shot.
Ya bro 6k is pricey. I probably spent around 2-3k for flight/food/housing. My bro and I kind of winged the trip and should have planned better. If you do your research correctly, you can plan out your vacay to be just as enjoyable and still spend less money than the agent quoted. I bought a CR travel book from Borders and just went from there. You should also check out the reddit link, it seems somewhat helpful. Since you're with the wife you might as well do the tourist type of trip. I was with my bro so we did a tourist/surfing trip. We also hit the zipline the forest near Jaco which isn't bad. It's fun but another tourist type attraction. Poas volcano is a hit or miss since there can be a lot of fog. It's best to go early if you check that place out but when I was there it was foggy as hell.
ahhhh hellllll no, is this the type of $!$! im gonna run into over there....ill die on sight...

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Retro707

Bro, you aint yolo at all. If you were u wouldn"t currr about a dam thang and just do it. Someone give u lip? Get da goons and clap dem shoulders. Simple. you being madd weak. I dont know much about u and I already dont like u. Smh at being scared . Cant stop wont stop naa-mean brawseefph -UNDFT-

best advice in this thread, say no more 

Do it brah.  If you have too many if's and but's you won't enjoy yourself.  Clear your head, enjoy da time with the lady and don't get suckered for no 6k.  Do some more price comparisons and do it right.  You want to be YOLO?  Be YOLO da smart way.  Why rent a jeep when you can get da lambo aventador and do it real grande.

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Co worker is colombian and he went to costa rica about 2 years ago. He said they can REALLY tell who are colombian, and they WILL treat you like *%+$, at least the locals. He would try to ask for directions and stuff and often got the reply of "we dont help colombians around here"  Had a hard time getting around. Alot of people mean mugged him, to the point he felt uncomfortable and scared.... But said the place is beautiful!!
Good luck man

lol what? I'm Colombian/Costa Rican and ive never heard anything dumber in my life. My fam owns property all over Costa Rica, and they fly back and forth all of the time.

Costa Rica is all love, they dont care where you're from.

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Check out Manuel Antonio National Park. Monkeys, sloths, etc....

Do a canopy tour as well.

6k is INSANE. You can do your trip for half of that if you do your own research and plan your own excursions.

I don't feel like giving you any more advice.
This. If you fly into San Jose, you can ride a bus(which SUCKS) to Manuel for like $15 bucks, you can also look up Tico Taxi, he'll charge you like $115 but it is worth it, as you aren't sitting on a GD bus with a bunch of people all day. There is a hotel right at the national park. If you need more help PM me, been there a couple times.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Co worker is colombian and he went to costa rica about 2 years ago. He said they can REALLY tell who are colombian, and they WILL treat you like *%+$, at least the locals. He would try to ask for directions and stuff and often got the reply of "we dont help colombians around here"  Had a hard time getting around. Alot of people mean mugged him, to the point he felt uncomfortable and scared.... But said the place is beautiful!!
Good luck man
WTH?  Are they trained to detect Colombians?  I don't know how you can tell someone's nationality that easily if it's not obvious.  Unless there's a certain way they talk or the lingo they use.
Originally Posted by 940sicc3

tu no eres de esa vida

Dats da damb truth.  I agree with this Man.  I'am telling you.  Give me your 6k, and i'll make sure you get a jeep to offroad somewhere in Norcal and get da good food, da good wine and da good roof.   I gotchuu.

I only accept cash and all 20's

if ur gonna be in San Jose go to Hotel Del Rey...prostitute paradise...like at least 150 of them in the lobby waiting on you...no joke

head to Jaco on the Pacific coast and stay at any of the little cheap hotels on the beach front, that place is like hippie paradise, and the crocodile man tour is like 15 minutes away. That river has the most crocs per sq inch than anywhere else on Earth, and the tour guides feed monstrous crocs from the river right in front of you

Limon is a nice littel town on the Caribbean side, a lot of Jamaicans there. They listen to reggae all day and speak patois when speaking English

love that country, you'll have a great time

I would even recommend busing it around the country. You can get to any city for like $5 each way and they are pretty comfortable
Originally Posted by shogun

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Co worker is colombian and he went to costa rica about 2 years ago. He said they can REALLY tell who are colombian, and they WILL treat you like *%+$, at least the locals. He would try to ask for directions and stuff and often got the reply of "we dont help colombians around here"  Had a hard time getting around. Alot of people mean mugged him, to the point he felt uncomfortable and scared.... But said the place is beautiful!!
Good luck man
WTH?  Are they trained to detect Colombians?  I don't know how you can tell someone's nationality that easily if it's not obvious.  Unless there's a certain way they talk or the lingo they use.
Colombian's speak the best spanish and have a distinctive accent.
Bro, did you just recommend me a hotel full of hookers for me and my wife?

Thanks for the info guys, looking to book the flights, safe to say I should fly into San Jose and go from there?

Ohh and the Colombian accent is dead give away if you've ever spoken to a Colombian, specially a paisa..
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