US Congressman vs College Kid

Jun 28, 2008
What Happens when a US congressman meets a college student on the street? this:

Originally Posted by NLoc

What Happens when a US congressman meets a college student on the street? this:

If i'm those kids, believe i'll be getting PAID.  Congressman assaulting somebody=$$$$
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

couldn't have just told him their names?

i wudda @%**#% %*!@$ up no lie. you grab me like that ur getting swung at.

plus it was on video. idiot.
Originally Posted by romedadude

I would've been on the news too...for knocking his old +@$ out.

Hell yeah. I would have had to swing, I'm sorry. I hate when someone grabs me like that. 
The congressman looks like he is coming off supporting those Obama policies by having himself a 3 cocktail lunch. Dude hugged him then pushed him away. lol.
The congressman looks like he is coming off supporting those Obama policies by having himself a 3 cocktail lunch. Dude hugged him then pushed him away. lol.
I bet this dude has some SERIOUS dirt on him.

Dude lookin like he just came from his ladyboy %!%+*# crib and just came off extra paranoid like they knew something
Congressman seems mad paranoid. I don't know if it was edited to make him look worse than he acted, but holding that student like that was uncalled for. If it were me I would have at least held the guy like he was holding me. I do think those two conservative students were begging for trouble out there, so it seems like all involved were idiots. At least it shows how disconnected those in congress are from the real world. You've got to be prepared for that, aging congressman.
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

couldn't have just told him their names?

If these college kids were trying to have conversation the first thing they would do is introduce themselves.
Originally Posted by ToLiveandDieinNJ

The congressman looks like he is coming off supporting those Obama policies by having himself a 3 cocktail lunch. Dude hugged him then pushed him away. lol.

Lol que?
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

I bet this dude has some SERIOUS dirt on him.

Dude lookin like he just came from his ladyboy %!%+*# crib and just came off extra paranoid like they knew something

"i have a right to know who you are"

I didnt know that was in the constitution.

And like some of you are saying, if some congressman laid hands on me like that he would either A. get swung on, or B. get sued on
The easier way around that if I were the Congressman would be "What kind of silly %%! question is that?" (in reference to the do you fully support the Obama agenda)

I am quite curious as to what they were headed toward with the line of questioning... If they were to say he's "destroying America" I would have been the wrong congressman to say that to...  I would have Zach Galifianakis in Hangover the phone in his hand.
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