USA family law judge caught beating daughter

@ some of y''all
"well, my mother use to hit me with a bat when i didn't take the garbage out..i came out fine 

Originally Posted by jmadidas2001

Seriously...there are SO MANY Niketalkers that have mental problems...

Anyone that actually, seriously thinks that ANYTHING about this is OK is messed up in the head and I will hope against hope that you never have children... the person that said that "16 is too old to spank"...WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?  That is the most backward and asinine thing I have ever heard in my life...but, sadly you aren't the only one that feels that should "spank" YOUNG CHILDREN, but not OLDER CHILDREN?  So, the MORE defenseless and fragile the child the BETTER you think it is to "spank"...errr...abuse them?


What he did to that child would have landed him 20 counts of Felony Assault (at least) had he done it to an adult who wasn't related to him, hell...had he hit has wife with a belt 20 times he would have been arrested for domestic battery/spousal abuse...but, because it is his child there are some people that say this is OK?

What is wrong with you people???  You are seriously sick in the head...

That is child abuse, plain and simple...

Just because it happened to you in the past and you turned out fine doesn't mean it's ok
QFT...hopefully our generation will be the first to realize this...[table][tr][td]

You sound really distressed.  Mental problems?  There is nothing with my head... I live in reality while you sound all shock and appalled which is hilarious to me.  You need to get out of your little bubble and realize beat downs and spanking is the norm for families here in America so for a majority of us, seeing that video is not shocking.  
  That $*@ is tame compared to some of the punishment I or a good majority of my friends had to live with.  Were you thinking every single American family grew up like the... 
To those saying he OD'd, I disagree. Wait so for those saying its wrong to whoop your kid's as$ when they do something egregious, what should they do? Talk to them? Take away the tv?

Only reason that vid was hard to watch is b/c I kept having flashbacks to my childhood.
they were playing mind games, hitting the lights so she couldn't see the belt. The +%!% the dad was saying was weird as @!#$. "gimme some more... give it to me.... give it to me..... ima go get another one.
Im sure me and INS got whipped like crazy when we were younger. I use to get smacked in the mouth when i was younger. I use to get choked and lifted up. She use to choke slam me with 2 hands man. i use to get hit with this stick idk what its called. Belts, cords .. etc.

1 Thing though. When ever i got suspended from school my parents never beat me.
Originally Posted by ncjamn

Originally Posted by Crispy Cream

Originally Posted by jdizzle75

Just because it happened to you in the past and you turned out fine doesn't mean it's ok.

<rant, mm>

Let me preface this by saying first and foremost:

I don't condone child abuse by any means, even though on the personal bias that I've gone through my share of unnecessary beatings growing up myself. 
^ Now then, I would like to play Devil's Advocate on this one.
I understand he went overboard (youtube recording or not) and beating her with a belt over illegal downloads and any other superficial reasons in the past for his justifcation in doing so.

A lot of you argue and justify "Oh my parents just put me in my room and grounded me and look at me now functioning normally society."

How about that recent thread with a 12 year old kid that just pushed the grocery cart down four stories high and gave that woman a coma induced injury. Do you really believe he would have changed his decision? Given no beatings and simply being counseled (like any good parent would) in order to avoid such a traumatic experience for another kid witnessing his mom suffer?

Although these are two extreme circumstances and polar opposite of one another on the spectrum of our discussion. Our human psychology is complex and difficult to streamline, especially when it comes to disciplining our own kin. Everyone is different both in personality and development in behavior. If anything, I think the judge should have beat up (gotten into a throw down) with that 12 year old instead (the one who said, whatever happens, happens). Maybe because if he got an %@+ whooping for acting unruly like that, maybe the incident with the mom could have been avoided.

Also think of this way, the reason why we have the law is, it allows society to conduct itself in a civil fashion and uses its consequences (or punishments: imprisonment, hard labor, loss of freedoms and the physical/mental dangers associated with living in a penitentiary and etc.) as a an effective deterrent for those to break the law. So for a lot of you that are against child abuse but for swift capital punishment and judge rulings based on our perceived criminals (and I use the term loosely) of today. Think twice and you will realize a lot of human nature is (and can be) hypocritical in of itself. 

</end rant, method man> (just kidding meth, 
Woah, at some of the responses.  If that made you cringe, some of the beatings me and my brothers took would make you vomit.  At 16, she's a bit old for the spanking thing, and as a father of two girls, I could never lay my hands on my kids.  I've actually lashed out at my wife when I've walked in and heard a spanking taking place. Something about hearing my girls cry makes me irate.  It's kind of forbidden when I'm at home.  I know..I of consciousness.  I think somewhere in all of that gibberish I was trying to say that it's a complicated situation.  You don't know if the child has been warned about illegal downloading before.  We don't know if this is the first time or the fifty-first time.  As a judge or an aspiring judge, you don't want your kid committing a crime at the house.  I think if his wife were doing the beating, I would have no problem with it.  As a man, you shouldn't lay your hands on a woman...especially your daughters.  At least that's what my mom told me....and I'm going to listen to her...because I don't want my A@# beat
I went thru this as a kid and I would have to say....... It kept me in line and out of trouble because I knew the consequences that awaited me if I did wrong. Though I am a firm believer to spank children, this was a lil excessive.
As kdawg, cwrite and myself have said the issue has little to do with discipline but the fact he is a family court judge. I haven't reviewed his judicial record but family court judges tend to error on the side of caution when it comes to allegations of child abuse. It wouldn't surprise me if judge williams has taken kids away from their families based on facts similar to his situation. I'd even guess that had he been the judge in this situation (video proof), he wouldn't be so sympathetic. People don't like hypocrisy.
Did you all read the article?

The girl is disabled. She has cerebral palsy. And the father has an addiction.

I bet a lot of his frustration came from having to raise a disabled child.

I don't give a damn what anyone says. You don't beat your disabled child.
Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

Did you all read the article?

The girl is disabled. She has cerebral palsy. And the father has an addiction.

I bet a lot of his frustration came from having to raise a disabled child.

I don't give a damn what anyone says. You don't beat your disabled child.
wow l dld not noe that... that was out of l1ne
somethin bad needs to happen to that man honestly..If you want to whip your child ok whatever..he took it WAY past all that..everything that has been building up in him for months came out in that might have started about the computer but it turned into somthing else real fast..not only should he be in jail but it just goes to show the kind of people we have judgeing others and what they do behind closed doors
somebody should make the hillbilly get on his knees and beg for his life , i would just look at em smile and fill his head with lead
 hope he gets charged/convicted atleast disbarred or soemthing judges have 2 much freedom
son I've had my **$ WHOOPED by my mom and grandparents, but to say this was normal is crazy. Yall are coming from some $*%$*! up homes, or yall are some $*%$*! up parents. This dude was CLEARLY taking out his anger on that girl, and yeah you might do something to piss off your parents that warrants an **$ whooping but not in that manner. Any decent parent will tell you first off that you don't discipline a kid while you are upset yourself. On top of that son is whooping her over downloading a game, talking about hitting her in the $%%*%+* face, she don't deserve to live there, and beating her into submission? Like if she had been doing something that warranted a serious lesson I guess that would be understandable but over this? If a parent reacts like this over a game and some music imagine what would happen when she does the other things most teens experiment with, shorty would literally get toe tagged if she ever touched some alcohol or god forbid some trees. 
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