USA invading JAMAICA!!

Originally Posted by aznjmacan

He is applauded because he keeps peace using fear, but if they take him out the businessmen are suceptable to killings, and all the guns that are stockpiled are going to be loose on the streets in the hands of mindless thugs fighting for power. I have business down here so I'm sitting It out
I hope you're sitting with a gun. Lock your doors and close the windows

ACTIVITIES in sections of the country's capital city, Kingston, andseveral major towns came to a standstill yesterday as severalbusinesses closed their doors, as reports circulated rapidly thatGovernment had signed the extradition request for Christopher 'Dudus'Coke.

lol at us trying to prosecute someone who doesn't even live here much less have citizenship or any form or residency papers here.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

lol at us trying to prosecute someone who doesn't even live here much less have citizenship or any form or residency papers here.
This is I don't understand why the ##$+ are they worried about other countries
if everybody is comfortable with him why not let him live
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

lol at us trying to prosecute someone who doesn't even live here much less have citizenship or any form or residency papers here.
This is I don't understand why the ##$+ are they worried about other countries
if everybody is comfortable with him why not let him live

Are the people that are being extorted comfortable with it?
Damn this is news to me. I'm sure the media isn't reporting this right? Everyone stay safe out there.
First i have heard of this. Stay safe OP.

Maybe snap a couple pics or video? Don't endanger yourself for the sake of NT pics tho.

I can't help but think that there may be bigger reasons for the U.S. involvement. And if there isn't, why do we continually set out to !@#$ with other countries governments/well being. Its not like we don't have enough problems of our own.
The media probably isn't reporting this because it might be detrimental towards the investigation and pursuance of Coke. He probably took part in trafficking narcotics and weapons INTO the U.S. or U.S. enemies, hence why he's a wanted man by U.S. authorities. It has to be way deeper than any of us can possibly know.
this isnt some cover-up by the media by the way. honestly i just think no one in america would care so they dont bother reporting it
Caught the news of the extradition yesterday on Yahoo...

They got him on a phone talking about transporting all kind of %+@+.


All I could think of was:


The USA is def flexing their muscle on this situation. I probably shouldn't be saying some of this, but up here in Toronto they just recently did a sweep of 100+ "suspected" showa posse members. That's not even the issue, but that a friend of mine that's works for one of the local police departments. Told me that the USA (F**), pretty much forced them and the Canadian government to round up these "suspected" members trying to cripple all of Dudus abroad ties/businesses. Thus hoping to force Dudus into retaliating in some sort of violence, so they could possibly force there way in Jamaica and extradite him, if Jamaica didn't sign him over.
Ok, so is it still cool to vacation on the northside of the island (Ocho Rios) this summer??

Not trying to die in Jamaica..
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Ok, so is it still cool to vacation on the northside of the island (Ocho Rios) this summer??

Not trying to die in Jamaica..

thats like a 2 hour drive from the hot spot...tourist areas are much more calm than the other parts of the island
Originally Posted by TripleXL Vol 2

The USA is def flexing their muscle on this situation. I probably shouldn't be saying some of this, but up here in Toronto they just recently did a sweep of 100+ "suspected" showa posse members. That's not even the issue, but that a friend of mine that's works for one of the local police departments. Told me that the USA (F**), pretty much forced them and the Canadian government to round up these "suspected" members trying to cripple all of Dudus abroad ties/businesses. Thus hoping to force Dudus into retaliating in some sort of violence, so they could possibly force there way in Jamaica and extradite him, if Jamaica didn't sign him over.


Originally Posted by moneymike88

^he's already signed over...the Jamaican police now have to find(
) and arrest him

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