Utopia - Season 1 - Amazon Prime

May 14, 2002
Anyone peep this show yet?
It’s really good so far, Finished episode 6 last night.

It’s a little eerie though, especially with how 2020 has been.
It's not a bad show, I was entertained. I try not to compare it to the original so it can stand on its own two and I can appreciate the direction they went in.

Trying to recreate a beloved show is always going to be a losing battle so might as deviate a bit and develop your own thing.
remember watching the UK original years ago.. Was devastated when they cancelled it. Can't wait to hop on this !
All I can do is compare the original to this since I just saw the OG like last week.

So far I like some things a bit better than the OG like dealing with an independent medical/alt food source corporation in the main plot as far as the virus and vaccine goes compared to the subplot turned main plot of the politicians and dept of health and the secretary guy turned whistleblower who was being blackmailed and was unknowingly apart of the "evil" plot.

Like Dr. Mike and that guy play the same role functionally but it was way better for the US version.

This Jessica Hyde is trash. Dont care about her at all. Dont feel bad for her either. She's way too cutthroat to garner sympathy from the **** she pulled from episode 2 onward.

The OG just had something really great with how tight and concise and how smoothly the plot flowed and developed with Jessica, RB, and Wilson. Really good writing and acting with those 3 in the OG.

The other changes are okay but a lot of it are the same beats and scenes.

About to bang out the last 2 episodes now.

Probably not gonna happen at all but what I would love is for it to be revealed that this version and the OG are connected and the new Mr. Rabbit shows up here.
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On ep 5 good watch really like it

Smh, was looking forward to it. Rewatched the og on Amazon and wasn't the biggest fan of season 2. Was hoping the US version made it more entertaining.
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