Vacation to Tokyo...

Feb 12, 2008
So I can get a plane ticket to Tokyo for $240 one way, so $480 round trip...worth the money?

Anybody been...
i want to take a trip there myself. if you go, please keep me posted. that sounds like a good price for the flight. you can use also to look forflights. Kayak is for lazy people (they search all the major travel sites and airline for you and return the results).
$480 is pretty good deal!!
Flying to Asia usually cost around $1000!
You will like it alot! and you could get some asia exclusive kicks~
That's a steal, take it!

I've been to Tokyo a few years back, and although expensive, it's a rather cool place.
Originally Posted by KL9

That's a steal, take it!

I've been to Tokyo a few years back, and although expensive, it's a rather cool place.
so the city and vacation is expensive...or were you referring to plane tickets...?

and i can go anywhere in the world for probably around $500 round trip
^ Sorry for the misunderstanding...

The tickets are definitely a deal, but Tokyo itself is very expensive; such as the food and transportation (probably the hotels as well).

Not sure when you're going, but when I went during December and it was extremely cold.
If you go get a rail pass. Ride just about every JR trainincluding the Nartita express to and from the airport and almost all bullet trains plus no hassling with trying to figure out fares to and from places. Plusthey send you an English magazine with a map of the rail lines. That way you can wander around to your heart's content. If you end up riding in taxisyou'll probably cancel out whatever saving you'd get from such a cheap ticket. Check this rail route planner site but be warned not all the routes are JR only so you might have to pay. Can drink 24-7 but thetrains stop at midnight so be prepared to stay either close to your hotel, pull an all nighter at a karaoke place, manga cafe or family restaurant, sleep in acapsule hotel or overpay for a taxi if you miss the last train.

Make a plan of places you want to go and things you want to do for sure. If you can't read Japanese make a chart with the place names in Japanese and inEnglish so at least you can match them up in case you're somewhere where the signs are only in Japanese.

Went last December before New Year's and with exception of a few nights it was nice crispy weather. Got by comfortably with just adding gloves, a mufflerand a fleece to what I'd usually wear. I'd definitely want to go back during the winter, spring or fall. I heard summers there are painfully hot andhumid but that could be good too.
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