Varejao Doesn't Want To Return To Cleveland Cavaliers

yeah for real, let him walk. i dont know why ididit defends this guy like its his brother or something. he did contribute, no one is saying he didnt, but heisnt worth what he is asking. that would cripple the team for the future even worse than it is already.
His production per minute
I've always hated this stat in regards to guys who play limited minutes. It's just statistical speculation on what a player might do if they were out there for the entire 48 minutes.

But the fact is, they're not.

A player like Varejao is a shot in the arm, a guy who comes off the bench and provides a much-needed, but short-lived, spark. So why do these players, whoseaverages seem more than ample when projected out over an entire game, wind up back on the bench? It could be the fact that they handicap your team offensively;the defense knows that they don't have to guard him, just put a body on him once a shot goes up. It could be that they're a poor free-throw shooter;can't leave him in when the game's tight and you're up by a bucket or two. Or it could be that he gets himself into foul trouble very easily; asstated earlier, Varejao was top-20 in fouls per game last season despite averaging less than 24 mpg.

Whatever the case may be, there's a reason why "energy guys" don't start and a reason why they don't play more minutes than they do, asI'm sure you're well aware.

I'm not trying to argue that Varejao isn't a decent guy to have coming off your bench. All I'm saying is that he's in no way, shape, or formworth anything more than a MLE in my eyes. If some high-ranking exec is, for some reason, enamored with Varejao's game and believes that he's worth $11mil per year then that's their business, but I feel very confident that they'll end up regretting the decision in a Jim McIlvane-ish, Ike Austin-esqueway a few years down the road.
and i was just thinking, that 'per 48 min' stat is a joke. back when diop was on the team, we used to look at that too. hed get 3 rebounds and 2 blocksin 5 minutes then get sent to the bench. if he did that per 48, hed average 30 boards/20 blocks and be the greatest inside presence since Wilt. Well we allknow that never happened. if they only play 15 min a night, thats all you can look at, you cant project stats like that.

Trash > AV
Jason Terry is the only guy coming off the bench that could actuall have a decently priced contract. That's how you come off the bench and provide.

And I hate the Mavs.
I never said I'd give AV 11 million per year. I flat-out wouldn't.... I just laugh at the comparisons that people make, although I'm sure most arejokes. They are a much more effective team with him on the team though, I'll tell you that. And as much as I like Drew, they were willing to send himpacking if they could've pulled off the Mike Bibby deal (and still might).

I apologize for not speaking on the money aspect. I would not pay him 11M per. I'm not sure why you guys think that's the number they're at rightnow. But Mid-level isn't the issue. The Cavs and 7 other teams would pay him that tonight. The problem is that other teams have money out there for him,but D Ferry is asking for the moon for AV. Couple that with the him stating that he will match ANY offer for AV, you have what you have here. At this pointmost players become frustrated (see Charlie Bell) that teams play this game and won't just offer them what they feel they're worth. Restricted FreeAgency has this effect and ultimately skews things in an unnatural, non free-market way. Of course for the current team it's a way to screw around and turnother teams off at attempting to sign a free-agent, so it is what it is.
He's not a good player. He should be paying Danny Ferry.
Uh oh....he done pissed off "DA KING"

Cav's irked by AV's comments

While the Cavs players have supported Varejao publicly, this latest jab seemed to sting even James.

''Sometimes things can be twisted the wrong way; I don't know if there is a lot of truth to that. When I have spoken to Andy, he wants to be on this team,'' James said. ''It's his career for him, if he doesn't want to be back here. . . . if he has a problem with the front office then he's young enough to go somewhere else and play.''
Damn...I was hoping he'd be a Cavalier again, so he could blow some more games for you guys.
b) This has nothing to do with basketball smarts and everything to do with paying an average player an exorbitant salary that he doesn't deserve. I don't think anyone on this board is arguing that they wouldn't like Varejao coming off the bench for their team, but at $11 mil per year? Get the +%!+ outta here.

The important statistical figure for AV is LeBron's production increases when AV is on the floor with him. LeBron's production accelerates with AVsetting screens for him.
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