Vice Guide to Liberia- aka Hell does exist my sons

Vice is great. A friend of mine is working on a documentary about the Liberian National Amputee soccer team. One of the dudes from Vice was kind enough to school my boy on some of the pitfalls in Liberia.

what's scarier than cannibals bro and damn near everyone catching aids... point to this place or documentary so i can learn.

If anybody is interested in a somewhat brighter vision of Liberia, this is the trailer.

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Vice stays putting out good ****
:x :smh: :smh: west point really looks like hell
:smh: sacrificing innocent children, living in graveyards, butt naked kills thousands of people and is treated like royalty.
i dont understand and i dont think im meant to.
I'm Liberian and its really not that bad. Do you people really judge entire countries based on hour long TV shows? :smh: :smh: :smh: @ sheltered Americans man....
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Unfortunately, yes. Not just Americans.

Lol I mean Liberia was going through some stuff I won't lie, but whats wild to me is how West African Countries are looked down upon by Americans while Caribbean Islands aren't and they mirror each other exactly.
I'm Liberian and its really not that bad. Do you people really judge entire countries based on hour long TV shows? :smh: :smh: :smh: @ sheltered Americans man....

It's not really just about what they showed, but the context of what they showed ......... Dude just showed warlords, WARLORDS that killed thousands of people walking the streets like its nothing. While I'm happy with how frank Joshua Blayhi was about his past, dukes use to sacrifice and eat young children and is still walking the streets of Liberia. Converted or not, this guy is alive and well after eating people and drinking their blood, that's some zombie and vampire ****..

So please explain to me ATLsFinest, the sunny side of Liberia that was left out. Btw that's not even touching on the implications as to why there was FOURTEEN yrs of civil war
Vice guides are entertaining but they generally don't show a very balanced portrayal of the places covered.
Liberia isn't even Top 10 Worst on the continent, so y'all uninformed dudes need to quit. Everybody catching aids..:lol: :smh:  You sound foolish.

Enlighten us...

Vice guides are entertaining but they generally don't show a very balanced portrayal of the places covered.

I personally thought Butt Nakeds services lightened the mood some what :lol:
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I have family in Liberia, not all of it is like that. These documentaries only tell half of the story
Unfortunately, yes. Not just Americans.

Lol I mean Liberia was going through some stuff I won't lie, but whats wild to me is how West African Countries are looked down upon by Americans while Caribbean Islands aren't and they mirror each other exactly.

i'll give you that some of the islands are no joke. or that violence and corruption is the rampant. but when was the last time you heard about cannibals in the indies or crazed generals forcing kids to snort coke mixed with gun powder and go out to fight with choppers in the virgin islands?
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I'm Liberian and its really not that bad. Do you people really judge entire countries based on hour long TV shows? :smh: :smh: :smh: @ sheltered Americans man....

True true true.. There are places 5 minutes from me that I wouldn't walk through with my enemy's legs.. Get out and travel to get the real
Unfortunately, yes. Not just Americans.

Lol I mean Liberia was going through some stuff I won't lie, but whats wild to me is how West African Countries are looked down upon by Americans while Caribbean Islands aren't and they mirror each other exactly.

i'll give you that some of the islands are no joke. or that violence and corruption is the rampant. but when was the last time you heard about cannibals in the indies or crazed generals forcing kids to snort coke mixed with gun powder and go out to fight with choppers in the virgin islands?

Yeah for real you're bugging Luch... no parts of the Carribean is crazy with that eating humans, drinking children's blood.

In any of parts of the Carribean be it the spanish parts, black parts, indian, white... whatever there isn't none of the crap they just showed in that video.

Yes as this dude said there is violence and corruption, but nowhere near the level of what's shown in the video.
interesting video...although, anyone that thinks that this is what liberia is all about is probably pretty freakin stupid and ignorant, anyway.
In all seriousness...they're biased as hell (its a documentary, who isn't?) but I learn so much from them its unreal.

I like them because you at least have new things to look into and research yourself. 
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