Vid: Kobe w/ Hyperdunk, jumps over moving Aston Martin!?!?

almost as impressive as jumping over a miata. bump this post when jumps over an Escalade...

Fresh is a Fool
This is a sick spot. One of those non-commercial-style viral videos that could pick up steam and attention for the shoe.

Common sense should tell you immediately that this isn't real. No need to say "I bet that's not real" because that's stating the obvious.
real or not... genius marketing scheme for nike/kobe. this commercials got everyone buzzin
yea, I thought it was real too, but then I remembered that joga bonito commercial with ronaldinho and the crossbar, anybody got that vid?
Na.....The Lakers would have Taxed the hell outa dude for intentionally putting himself in harms way. Dope Ad though
I'm sure it's just a cool camera trick, but he still timed it well enough and jumped high enough and for long enough that it could be real.

And to those of you saying Kobe would never try something like this, do you have any idea how competitive Bean is? If you bet him something worthwhile enough,he would definitely try something like this.
obviously not real, cool commercial anyway. He's not gonna risk his life for a commercial, cmon guys.
*yawn* For you youngins, Steve Francis did this like 5 years ago in a Reebok commercial...
can't front, from all the kobe interviews i've seen (as well as the ESNEWS ones
) he seems like a down-to-earth dude.
Originally Posted by acidicality

can't front, from all the kobe interviews i've seen (as well as the ESNEWS ones
) he seems like a down-to-earth dude.

Watching him and Elie Seckbah (sp?) is funny, I like Elie.
Originally Posted by dvdjamm5150

Good's got people talking....
Exactly the point of it.

Ill be honest, I thought it was real at first. I was like "OH MY GOD! HE JUST DID WHAT!?"
I still look at it, and its hard to see it be fake. But at the same time, when you slow it down, you can tell.

To the un-trained eye, it looks real. To those who can point out that kind of stuff, its obvious.

Still, its got people talking...
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