Vid:SWAT Raids House, Shoot 2 Dogs(1 killed), Find Pipe,Grinder, and Some Bud (vid)

homey just wanted to try out his sub-machine gun on something
Originally Posted by jordanfreek45

That's a load of BS. For a grinder and a small amount of weed????!!? Those cops are jokes, they should feel ashamed of themselves.

.. And the bad thing about this is nobody is prolly gonna do anything about this. 
same thing happened to a friend of mine. my friend got stabbed in front of his house. he went to the hospital and the police came to his house kicked down his door. his dog was locked in the back bedroom and they kicked that door open an shot his pitbull. no one was home and they knew the dog was in the room and killed him for no reason. still makes me mad to this day
R.I.P Debo 
Originally Posted by nick0lis

i would have the cop that did it offed. no joke.

Yeah because a dog's life is equivalent to that of a human being.

WTH is wrong with this country? I swear Americans place so much emphasis on the lives of animals, like these creatures will join you in Heaven

Yeah it sucks the dogs were killed, but they are dogs.....
F the police and every department that is affiliated with it,I have no respect for Police, never will. Theres always stories like these popping up and they are always freed and never prosecuted. Why would they shoot a dog that is caged? Let me off one of their dogs and how they feel. Dumb#!@ Cops
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by nick0lis

i would have the cop that did it offed. no joke.

Yeah because a dog's life is equivalent to that of a human being.

WTH is wrong with this country? I swear Americans place so much emphasis on the lives of animals, like these creatures will join you in Heaven

Yeah it sucks the dogs were killed, but they are dogs.....

true, but your dog can't be bought over with money. can you say the same about the people that are closest to you?...
Can anyone justify a reason for shooting the dogs? Thats just pathetic

Even if the dogs were attacking (which I doubt they were) couldnt the cops just taze them, at worst?

Is this what we pay cops to do? Kill innocent dogs, and raid ppl's houses for an amount of weed their kid probably buys for $60.00, I'm disgusted.
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