*VIDEO* Dog sees other dog. Dog attacks other dog. Owner shoots.

This situation is handled differently depending on what state u live in. I cant stand Pitbulls and in NV it is legal to shoot one if they are in any danger to your pet and u best believe that would be one dead dog if he tried to bite or endanger my cocker spaniel. Come on what defense what my dog have? None so i would shoot first and take them to court for any damages.
Originally Posted by Hitman Holla

Originally Posted by LonelyBoySole


I jus read the description OP posted and that was enough... i cant watch it ...

man up vagine

Shut up %%#%+...
I love the fact that now-a-days any random crazy event that happens in life Will most likely be caught on camera for the world to see and judge
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

The guy who shot the dog was a detective smh at u niketalkers who can't tell the D's from a regular guy
Son, shut the hell up. You can't even see who shot the dog.
it was dude in the barkleys
SMH dude should have never pulled that gun out. HE WAS NOT A COP. And that pit stood no chance SMH!

My pup back in January... I think I will keep her on the leash from now on.


''have good aim, man''

Cuz if you miss...
the hell with some of ya'll.I'd shoot that rot too.You gonna stand around and wait for things to get worse...HELL NO!I bet if it were attacking a kid,ya'll wouldnt be talking that "what if the bullet caught some one else" crap
Originally Posted by taz92

This situation is handled differently depending on what state u live in. I cant stand Pitbulls and in NV it is legal to shoot one if they are in any danger to your pet and u best believe that would be one dead dog if he tried to bite or endanger my cocker spaniel. Come on what defense what my dog have? None so i would shoot first and take them to court for any damages.
I cant stand Cocker Spaniels....They should be shot

Anyway, the guy was extremely reckless. I better decision would be to cut the Rots throat and not endanger so many people with the possibility of a stray bullet
Originally Posted by JFDOOM

Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

The guy who shot the dog was a detective smh at u niketalkers who can't tell the D's from a regular guy
Son, shut the hell up. You can't even see who shot the dog.
it was dude in the barkleys

I think dude was right.  Cuz when the cops show up they dont even seem worried.  You better believe if it was some random dude shooting that gun cops would rushed out guns drawn at the dude.
Originally Posted by eleet1

Originally Posted by JFDOOM

Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

The guy who shot the dog was a detective smh at u niketalkers who can't tell the D's from a regular guy
Son, shut the hell up. You can't even see who shot the dog.
it was dude in the barkleys

I think dude was right.  Cuz when the cops show up they dont even seem worried.  You better believe if it was some random dude shooting that gun cops would rushed out guns drawn at the dude.
That rottweiler was priority trust me.. I've had guns pulled out on my dog and I more than once by the NYPD. They saw dude was trying to take the dog down if he rasied his hands it would be a much different story, plus the video wasn't that good.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

He has every right to protect his property and shoot that dog. That dog was not only a danger to his dog, but also to any person walking on that street.

As long as that gun was registered I see no problem with what he did.

You can't be serious.

What if he had missed and a stray bullet hits a pedestrian?  Does that make it okay because he's "trying to protect his dog" and the pedestrian shouldn't have been where the bullet went?

Think a little harder next time bro.
I'm not talking about hypothetical situations. I talking about the situation in that video. In this case, the owner who protected his dog did all the pedestrians on that street a favor.

I should think a little harder?

Sounds like your trying a little too hard.
So if you're ever in a position where you're near someone who pulls out a gun and you know it's not pointed at you, just stand still because you shouldn't be too worried.  I mean, don't think about the hypotheticals about where bullets could end up, right?

Smart guy
There was more than 1 person with a gun. I think 3.

The guy in the barkleys did NOT shoot. When the 1st shot goes off, you clearly see the guy in the barkleys with his pistol at his side...

When the female that looks like a cop drags the pit around that SUV, dude on the camera says "She gonna shoot it!"

After the guy with the camera goes crazy with the "OH MY GOD"s, the camera goes back up and dude in the barkleys has his gun raised....Don't know why..

Shortly after that, once they are pulling away, a guy in grey has a gun pointed at someone/something too...


Either way, that dog scream was crazy....
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