Video of Prodigy taking his 7yr old son to Gun Range..

Dec 21, 2002
7yrs old?�
P is one of the artist in the game that I really appreciate. However, this skid bid he about to do is absolutely neccesary for him. Judging by the looks ofthis footage, he has some real issues that need correcting. Jail isn't the best answer, however hopefully it will provide him with some sort of renewedperspective. I won't throw insults out like "idiot" or "stupid" because of him taking his son to a shooting range since I'm not inposition to judge anyone. All I'll say is that alot of his actions & even some of the content in his lyrics are clear results of some deep rootedissues he needs to address.....
My pops took me to the gun range when I was 7. Of course this was in 1990, and he isn't a felon. But still,I don'tsee anything wrong with it, mad young'ns hunt deer and stuff with their father, hell I remember being on my Dads ship in the Navy and he let me fire offthe anti aircraft gun

But still,I don't see anything wrong with it, mad young'ns hunt deer and stuff with their father

Sorry but it's very hard for me to picture Prodigy being a deer hunter.

And why is dude frontin like he owns all the guns in that gun shop.

Rednecks have a stronger gun culture than anybody else on the planet, especially rappers..they always take their kids to their conventions and shhh.
theres nothing wrong with this....

its not like he took him to the top of a project building and started to shoot at random dudes...

i have friends that started to shoot at around that age.. they became marksmen at like 17 18...

stop getting ya panties in a bunch...
I don't see nothing wrong with this.

My pops told me how to hold a shank, taught my how to ride a bike, and taught me how to sock a dude if I had to.

Best believe I didn't grow up to be a punk like some people that are sheltered by there know the type of dudes I'm talking about that getdriven to school, never got in a fight, very non-confrontational, get driven to soccer practice by their moms...
But still,I don't see anything wrong with it, mad young'ns hunt deer and stuff with their father
i mean hell, just ran a story a few days ago about how Davey Crocket's 3 year old, 7thgreat-grandson killed a bear...
Yea I don't see the big deal. Atleast he'll know how to use a gun. You know how many senseless killings have been done by kids playing with guns notknowing how to handle a gun? I know ya'll saw that story about the 2 year old who killed some local rapper and##**.
you don't aim a shotty, you point it.

kid's gonna destroy his face tryna aim when that recoil kicks if he holds it any closer
the meaning aint the problem..its just the fact this clown video taped know what message P tryna send
From what I know of him, that's just who he is.

I always respected him in his prime and felt that he was one of the realest people in hip hop.
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