*VIDEO On to the Next One VIDEO* Vol. Weird

Pause the video at 2:11 and you see the sign of baphomet. That is a devil worshipers sign. How can you put that too the side? Google it
Yea, A LOT of people are not feeling this video.. and are questioning Jay-Z right now.

Way too demonic and weird.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

All the times Jay been accused of being a Freemason its because of subliminal/covert images but he just all of a sudden makes them so blatant in this video... really so all the people who are so "enlightened" can't seem to figure out this is basic satire. Jay has never had an independant videographer like Sam Brown shot his videos.. dont think thats mere coincidence. He's been hearing the mur murs about him being a devil worshiper/ freemason so why not go do a video and stoke the flames even more. Like Ghostface said yall some smart dumb n----s.
Honestly dukes what difference does it make ... I think what some of you guys are caught up in is the concept that someone is trying to dosomething too you, when the only person they are or aren't doing something to or for is themself ... If you're a casualty of the outcome makes littledifference to them ... So if what you get out of it is that its a school yard prank on conspiracy theorists or that someone else thinks it's his own way ofwashing away the last decade, while conjuring merits of future success and immortality in this one, either way it makes no difference too his ritual
The only question I have is why can't it be both at the same time?
Originally Posted by JordanPP30

Yea, A LOT of people are not feeling this video.. and are questioning Jay-Z right now.

Way too demonic and weird.

I bet the Care Bears are appalled ...

All I'm saying is back in the early 2000s yall couldn't care less about this Freemason **!. Yall were throwing up the Dynasty signs, callin Jay"hova", etc. But now everyones a conspiracy theorists tryna look for hidden meanings in music videos. That's the !*$% I can't stand. Aftersome Youtubr videos pop up proclaiming Jay a devil worshipper, yall gon try and run with it.

I just say let Jay be Jay. Worry bout your own damn self.like I been saying, If he's a devil worshipper or in the Freemasons, that's his business, whydo you care about it? Hell, he's prolly laughing right now that these "conspiracy theorists" are playing his videos over and over tryna find somemeaning into it, when in the end it's just publicity for him.
This video is OBVIOUSLY high budget.

I like this video JUST BECAUSE of the high quality angles and shots....

I bet yall, that Jay-Z told the director he was to do something totally different and not something Sean Carter has done before...

Then SAM BROWN took it UPON HIMSELF to do all that weird stuff.

Those are my thoughts.
We are talking about the same man that was reluctant to put out "Hard Knock Life" because he didn't know how people were going to take it.Lololol but yet he doesn't care if he puts out a video basically glorifying believing in Satan?F outta here.
Whoever says "just enjoy it" is kinda slow. Let's go with the perception of not believing in the illuminati. What's entetaining aboutsenseless imagery? I wanna see $%#!!$% have Alcohol poured on them. On the other side of the coin it's a serious flaunting of devil worship which caneasily be displayed cause it's just brushed off as "those ppl are crazy to believe that stuff". Kinda genius in a way. Kinda similar to OJwriting that book on how he would kill 2 ppl. Nobody can do anything and he could flaunt the fact the details of how he did the deed.

I don't believe this video is evil personally. However I think the symbols mean something or else the video is pointless and makes no sense. What's "entertainment" in that.
Now the TINGS TINGS are freemason/illumanati? 2Pac knew that we have computer chips in our bodies?

Yo...the music forum is beyond stupid right now. It's crazy how you guys are influenced by movies,books,t.v shows SO MUCH you can
t distinguish reality from fiction. Give it a break already. This thread is embarassing.
30 years ago.......there were no cell phones. 30 years ago this is the convo:

Me: What if there were an invention that enabled us to talk with each other from different parts of the world?
Miliionuppercut: Shut the hell up......that will NEVER happen. People cant distinguish real from fake. Stop it!

Now we can watch TV from our phones.......possibilities go a long way. Stop being blind sided by the surface and start questioning whats under the surface.
Y'all idiots talking about "y'all didnt care ten years ago when y'all was throwin up the Roc"...

... like we've come this far just to remain ignorant.
Originally Posted by blueLAMBORGHINI

There's a lot of @%$!@$@+ in this thread, and I'm not talking about the people talking about the symbolism.
I understand what you're trying to say but that's part of the problem, if most people come into this thread with the perception thatyou're [general not singular] attacking them, what else is most of them going to do but shut you out and attack you back
At the end of the day whether you believe or not, the perfect place to hide the truth is in plain site ... and the fact that someone other than haze or gtekcreated this thread is a testament that more people are searching to answer that uneasiness that they continue to feel
Should I ask Jeezy wassup with your boy or is he and Swizz in on it too? What about the background dancers, lightning coordinators, editors, treatment writers,director assistants, yall forget that alot of people who never seen each other before go into making this video. Like somone else said had the Foo Fightersmade this exact video would we have a problem? Somebody is going to ask him about this video tho so we'll see...
This post really illustrates how seriously people take music and the artists who create it. It also shows how close minded rap fans can be. One guy stepsoutside of the misogynistic and uselessly flashy norm that we're used to seeing and in doing so fries brains and sparks an internet scramble to reach forsome greater meaning.. Genius marketing and advertisement. They're not trying to go over anybodies head here, theyre blatantly picking on and insultingpeople who choose to carry on with all these rumors as if they are fact.. Controversy sells, silly people
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

This video is OBVIOUSLY high budget.

I like this video JUST BECAUSE of the high quality angles and shots....

I bet yall, that Jay-Z told the director he was to do something totally different and not something Sean Carter has done before...

Then SAM BROWN took it UPON HIMSELF to do all that weird stuff.

Those are my thoughts.

I agree 10000000000000%.

The internet really will be the downfall of civilization. There are way too many people out there with completely ridiculous ideas that now have a medium toexpress those ideas through.

Some of you consider Youtube and Wikipedia as serious, infallible sources and I find that more disturbing than a music video that goes outside themisogynistic, materialistic norms.
Obviously Im not "enlightened" enough to know that Jay-Z is a freemason and is brainwashing me into worshipping the devil and giving me hidden secretmessages in his music and videos that tells me to join a secret society.

Yall duds think like yall in The Matrix acting like Neo, Morpheous and Trinity. But oh yeah, we prolly are in the Matrix too huh?

I'm not tryna discredit yall, cuz that's your opinions, but IMO, yall are reaching and delusional. I'm smart enough to know everything ain'talways what it seems, that sometimes the rabbit hole goes deeper than what you think but man, yall acting like your life depends on finding hidden secretmessages in artists music videos. What's next? Kanye West wearing all black everything tells me he joined the Illuminati too?
Originally Posted by RezzurrectMe

I'm a big 2pac fan.......I like jay to. However, Ive been watching and reading a lot of this Illuminati stuff and it does have valid points. Let me break it down for you in short. I was watching the "First 48 Hours" and out of the 10 or episodes I watched yesterday, they couldn't find 1 or maybe 2 of the suspects. The other's were found at least with in a 10 day span. Point is.....they found them! You mean to tell me that they couldn't find 2pac's or biggies killers? Two of the worlds most biggest hip hop stars (at that time) there is a reason as to why they never found the killers and that reason is "Secret Society"........to everyone who haven't watched "Tupac Exposes Illuminati" on youtube needs to check that out. Maybe you can get a better understanding of how all this works. This goes way deeper then music. We all know Illuminati exist....That's a giving. Tupac was speaking about this 14 years ago in 1996! Here is an excerpt from tupac's song "They Dont Give A F... About Us"

Some say they expect Illuminati take my body to sleep
N's at the party with they shotties
Just as rowdy as me
I gotta deal wit brothas flippin
I don't see no devils bleedin'
Only black blood drippin

Pac knew what was going on. He knew they want to put computer chips in our bodies to control us.....you can hear tupac's begging for repentance on a lot of his music. You have to check out that youtube video. Before I dip off pac, I'll leave you with one more excerpt from the song "Smile"

Sellin' my soul for material wishes, fast cars and B's
Wishin' I live my life a legend, immortalized in pictures

Dude basically sold his soul and wanted it back after he got out of jail. In Illuminati that's a no no. But anyway, go watch the video's "Tupac Exposes Illuminati"

As for Jay-z....I did watch the deception video and dude does have valid points. Everything from the 3 red stripes on his album.....the shirt he's wearing.....his videos ect. They all represent a great deal of a secret society that he's in. Would jay spend millions to give internet bloggers a slap in the face? No.......I don't believe so. As something as serious as this, he can lose countless of fans and he can find him self back at the bottom with people not looking for him anymore (R-Kelly).......point is, jay can come out and deny any of this and continue to be on top. The fact that he isn't is telling us that he believes some what in it. The latest video is very disturbing/Weird. As far as people saying "who cares, how does it affect you"......well it doesn't. However, it does affect the future and the next generation to come. What IF they succeeded with people believing in the satan worshiper and the Illuminati crap? To me that sounds like destruction and violence all over the world. Would you want your family members/future family to be apart of that? I'm just saying......there is a lot of stuff human beings cannot explain, and there are things the GOVERNMENT will not say...and you guys know this. To say that its "crazy" that jay is on some next level @%% with freemason.....your the crazy ones because anything is possible. I'm not saying that he is....nor am I saying that he isn't. However, I am saying that there IS a secret Society out there and that the Illuminati wants to brain wash everybody.

You think "Life" is all about viewing things through the naked eye? F outta here. Read between the lines.


if he was seriously in some occult, they'd have sniped his @&$...lets be super super real here.

There are things that you or I will NEVER know but come one man...

Originally Posted by Infyrno23

Originally Posted by Illuztrious

This might be Jay's best video ever. No sarcasm.

This is almost exactly what I see in my head when I hear the song. When I saw it was in black and white I was like


As for the rest of the album....


personally, i like the direction jay is going with things....
you know damn well if Jay had another video with cars, girls, money, alcohol, we would be complaining how the video is "ehhh" or the video is "crappy"
but this pushes the boundaries... i always use to say that rappers cant make videos like pop stars or how for example the Ting Tings, shut up and let me go video.... its hot (im sure they are mason's btw since they video was based on the hand sign.... funny how i never heard anybody talkin about that back then) anyway
Jay just took @@%# to another level for rappers.... be creative, we dont have to have the same videos all the time, i actually loved the video

and i really think he is purposly having fun with this illuminati thing..... its an #++hole thing to do.... and its something i would do if i were him. cuz people are idiots.

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Is there anywhere along the line where someone can pinpoint where exactly Jay started using symbolism towards the illuminati etc in his videos/raps?
The word and term "illumanti" is a misnomer fam. Don't get wrapped up in that and the misinformation that comes along with it.

Jay has been involved with the metaphysical before he even dropped his first album though. If you know about the time and place that he came up, you will knowthat this is not some recent game that Jay started playing but a continuation of lifelong studies and practice.

Jay is not part of the "illumanti", that term itself hold very little weight, except when used a placer for a larger concept. Jay-Z is a man in tunedwith the metaphysics (like myself) but he is also aligned with some powerful fraternities.


Remember those double dots above the Y on his first album, those represented the Greek letter Upsilon. That was the pre-cursor to his Jay-Hova, God MC persona,which is textbook metaphysics steeped in freemasonry. Hiram Abiff, King Solomon and the temple of Jehova/Yahweh.

Upsilon (uppercase Υ, lowercase υ; Greek: Ύψιλον, Úpsilon) is the 20th letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 400.
The captivity of the Hebrews in Egypt had to last 400 years.
The number 400 is used 22 times in the Bible.
"That's 22 2's (44) for y'all MF'ers..."

" You know I'm on my four s_ " - Young 4ever

" Leave a mark that can't be erased by neither space nor time...i'll be here 4ever."

Four is the 4th dimension = [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]time which is illusion.[/color]
Four is seen as the first solid number. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Spatial[/color] in scheme or order in manifestation

There are [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]four sides to a square[/color]; four arms to a cross. There are four rivers to Paradise, that formed a cross (the Garden of Eden was said to be within the four rivers). Within Paradise were four infernal regions, seas, and sacred mountains. There are four watches of the night and day, quarters of the moon. There are four quarters to the earth.

Chinese: Four is the number of the Earth, symbolized by the square. There are [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]four streams of immortality.[/color]

Christian: Four is the number representing the body, with three representing the soul. Again we see the theme of the four rivers in Paradise. There are four Gospels, Evangelists, chef arch-angels, chef-devils, four Fathers of the Church, Great Prophets. There are four cardinal virtues--prudence, fortitude, justice, temperance. The are four winds from which the One Spirit is said to come. There are four horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Egyptian: [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Four is the sacred number of Time, measurement of the sun[/color]. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Four pillars support the vault of heaven[/color]. There are four canopic jars placed around the dead at the four corners guarded by the four sons of Horus who are associated with the cardinal points. In the Hermetic it is the divine quaternity. It represents God.

Pythagorean: Four is Perfection; harmonious proportion; justice; the earth. Four is the number of the Pythagorean oath. Four and ten are divinities.

According to various media reports, the Roman numeral IV was also prevalent throughout the party, in honor not only of the wedding month and day (4/4/08), but because the number holds special significance for the couple, each of whom was born on the fourth of the month-September for Knowles, December for the man born Shawn Carter.

400 also equates with astrological numerology...Venus vs Mars.

The same things that he is doing now, he was doing when he started.

This is older and deeper than freemasonry and the so-called Illuminati....this is about life and the principles which govern it. Its not about devil worshipand paranoia.

Its about the search for knowledge, truth and understanding, not a conspiracy theory. Cats been onthis in the NYC area. You hear it from early Nas, AZ, Rakim, Brand Nubian, Wu-Tang, Poor Righteous Teachers, etc. If you were in the streets during the late80's/early 90's you were touched by
metaphysical teachings as the 5% nation, Nationof Islam and Nuwabians who ran the streets.

Don't forget that Kenneth Supreme (god) McGriff ran the drug trade with a crew of 5%ers. Don't forget about Jeff fort and the el rukns/Black PStones...cats been on this and it has nothing to do with the illumanti.



From the first time we saw Jay, you could tell that he was a metaphysician.

... The originators.

NostrandAve68 wrote:
All the times Jay been accused of being a Freemason its because of subliminal/covert images but he just all of a sudden makes them so blatant in this video... really so all the people who are so "enlightened" can't seem to figure out this is basic satire. Jay has never had an independant videographer like Sam Brown shot his videos.. dont think thats mere coincidence. He's been hearing the mur murs about him being a devil worshiper/ freemason so why not go do a video and stoke the flames even more. Like Ghostface said yall some smart dumb n----s.
"How can you fairly assess something from the outside looking in?...Majority of the timesyou'll be wrong..."

You sound real ignorant right now fam.

Enlightenment is a personal, spiritual and physical process. Its not something thats done by posting on internet messageboards.

While I agree that this video is definitely intended to stoke the flames and keep his name ringing. Its deeper than that. There is so much symbolism andritualism in there, I have to tip my hat to whoever is behind that, regardless of their intentions. That was an ingenious video. Its not just random images andscenes, everything on this BP3 project corresponds to something metaphysically.

You sound like someone who listened to a drunk talk about a politics or something...so then you write off all real political news as conspiracy andfoolishness. Don't get caught up with these Youtube clips, tweets and blogger comments. Mysticism and metaphysics are as old and as real as humanexistence.

And Jay has been on this vibration since he stepped into the public consciousness. This is not something that he just started for show. His music and careerhas been shrouded in symbolism before these rumors ever started popping up.

The very first Blueprint album was a testament to that.


This ain't something you play with or just come off the top of your dome with. These are real sciences and organizations and just like street gangs, youwill get your top peelt for false flagging.

And this is not something that is an exclusive gimmick to Jay.


Funny enough, the Young Forever video was way more potent and truthful. This video is more of a personal ritual.

That forever young was subliminal lessons but you and most people didn't recognize because they are only aware of the obvious and what is spread onyoutube. Y'all third eyes are slammed shut.



Eternal youth dwelling with the 4 walls of a perfect square...."Young Hov"









The pathway to immortality resides between two pillars. Pillars of Shu in Ancient Kemet.


The burning flare and burning ball dropping to Malkuth


I been told since I was 4 years old, everything that glitters ain't gold...and now that i've arrived, i've seen those truths unfold before my eyes in a world so cold.

Jesus is heaven bound, so how i'm gonna receive anything y'all pour to ground? Next time throw it up.

My art remains like a dart from the speaker to your heart. Spiritually through the portal, now my words are immortal.

- Jay-Z

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]That was[/color]
November 4, 1997...


"Did you get the picture yet? I'm painting you a portrait of young..."

Jay marketing been on another level this year!!...very smart of him to ride the rumor mill and slap da weirdos in their face...the images are blatant n putthere to be talked about...issh was dope as hell...have fun conspiracy theorists!
Originally Posted by YoungAnakin

nvm, not worth it.

Why are you editing?

Your first reaction is usually the correct one.

It is what, it is and thats the way its supposed to be.

Hate and love are on the same spectrum of truth.

The Metaphysical is declared to be psuedo-intellectuality, so I'll take that as a compliment.

Die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain...

GOD is great.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

The word and term "illumanti" is a misnomer fam. Don't get wrapped up in that and the misinformation that comes along with it.
freakin irony!

Don't believe everything you hear and see, smart
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