*Vietnam In HD* thread

Originally Posted by taymane23

Is it a documentary or is that junt real footage of vietnam combat?

It's a mixture of both really, it's some moving stuff, this is even more hyped than the original, it can better explain the format than I.
Airing 2nd installment tonight, excellent show I recommend you guys peep it. The premier yesterday was excellent
My Lai Massacre ..  
Flying into those conditions
, the tet offensive was so amazingly organized for such an underground army. Insanity at the preparation and patience it took.
@ the role TV played in this war's unpopularity. I knew it played a role but not that big.
Damn I'll have to catch the episodes from the beginning....WWII in HD was so damn good
I wish they would show the type of images now that they showed then. On the other hand, it may not have the same impact since games like Call of Duty are so disturbingly life like. People have been desensitized to death and killings.
Thanks for reminding me about this. My dad got a purple heart in Vietnam. He passed away when I was young but that war messed him and a lot of kids up for the rest of their lives. Imagine watching ur friends die on the regular in a jungle and then coming back and fitting in with the normal lives and insignificant problems here
Haven't seen it yet, but is it another one of those Vietnam movies that tries to make America look like the good guy in this war? If so I'm not even going to waste my time.
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