Vietnam War Vol. Fight or Dodge

Aug 4, 2011
Would you dodge the draft or would you serve your time and fight.
Take into account all the risks and rewards of both decisions.
real life...

idk man... i would probs serve f it...

how many people actually dipped back then? also what were the benefits?
Fight for Viet Congs. I'm Vietnamese and if Vietnam ever goes to war with any country I'm serving.
real life, i think any war is stupid. violence? really?

i am not going to let a guy high in power use my life to fix his problem. its already every man for himself in your own Neighborhood, so why would i want to pretend like its a pride/country thing.

dodge, whatever that means.
i would literally be an LA Dodger.

the vietnam war wouldn't be my problem and im sure the congress people and others in washington that wanted a draft would have no problem volutnerring their able bodied sons 18 and over to do it for me instead.
It's easy to say what you would do 40 years after the fact.

While the anti-war sentiment was stronger for Vietnam than prior wars, plenty still thought they were fighting for "just" reasons... or simply didn't have the means or resources to avoid service. Plus how do you define "dodge"? If you mean actually fleeing the country, then that's a smaller portion of all those who managed to avoid being drafted. You could pursue various loopholes, such as college, the National Guard, failing your physical, etc. My dad had high blood pressure so he was exempted... I'm sure the *+!% ton of coffee he drank and sprints he ran beforehand didn't hurt either.
Back then I would have fought. If there was a draft today I would dodge with the quickness.
Damn, I would hate leaving the country like that, but I would have no choice.

I will never fight/support a war we have no business being in or could have easily avoided.

Now if China showed up on the West coast on some D-Day type steez, yeah i'll take up arms.
I'd probably dodge it. I've never really been the type to die so old men can get rich off oil.
I would never go to Vietnam.



Death through a variety of ways


Debilitating mental issues


Heroin/other opiate addiction

Incredibly humid/hot climate

Native people hate you

Come home and your own people disrespect you

It's interesting culturally... during WW1 and especially WW2, guys were lining up out the door to sign up. My grandpa drank three banana shakes in order to make the weight requirement for WW2. It was the cool and honorable thing to do.

For Vietnam, it was the first war where Americans had to ask "why are we here?" We were basically trying to mediate South vs. North Vietnam. Korea was similar, but for some reason less significant. Once it became apparent that young men were dying for apparently no reason, the war got VERY unpopular. 
Originally Posted by Futuristic

I'd probably dodge it. I've never really been the type to die so old men can get rich off oil.

Vietnam wasn't about oil. It was about preventing the spread of communism.
Iraq is definitely about oil.

Also, as classic as the 70s rock songs were, this song defines Vietnam for me. Second verse is perfection.
Not sure what I would do but i've always wondered what would have been if I survived it.


"Nothing is over! Nothing! You just don't turn it off! It wasn't my war! You asked me I didn't ask you, and I did what I had to do to win, but somebody wouldn't let us win! Then I come back to the world, and I see all those maggots at the airport, protestin' me, spittin', callin' me a baby killer and all kinds of vile crap! Who are they to protest me?! Huh?! Who are they?! Unless they been me and been there and know what the hell they yellin' about!" -John Rambo
I would dodge without hesitation. I'm not the type to risk my life so some old man can lay back and reap the reward.

However, if hypothetically Mexico decided they wanted Arizona back and invaded, then sign me up chief
"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge the Vietnam War"

That woulda been my motto if you tryna get me to serve....
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I would [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]NEVER[/color] [/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]serve in this countrys armed forces.[/color]
Hell no, I wouldn't go fight a white man's war, when I wasn't getting equality my damn self back home
Bunch of women in this thread.. Y'all complain so much about old white men reaping the benefits. If you live in this country then you will ultimately reap the benefits as aswell. If you guys hate this country so much then leave.
Originally Posted by Any Given Sunday89

Bunch of women in this thread.. Y'all complain so much about old white men reaping the benefits. If you live in this country then you will ultimately reap the benefits as aswell. If you guys hate this country so much then leave.

Oh word so refusing to fight in an unjust war is wrong ,protesting the illegal activities my country commits is wrong.Im sorry but I'm not a mindless drone
Originally Posted by solefood229

Hell no, I wouldn't go fight a white man's war, when I wasn't getting equality my damn self back home

Same thing. I remember Muhammed ali said something to the effect of "Aint no Viet cong ever call me an N-word"

I'd be damned fighting a war when I couldn;t get respect back home,
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