Vietnam War

Its an interesting subject...even more interesting when you consider the contemporary parallels one can draw from it. You would think the gov't would haveirrecocably learned their lesson about 'policing' the world after that fiasco...
a couple pics i took when i was at some museum in ho chi min city (formally known as saigon) that paid tribute to the war. the propaganda there was heavy. theycalled it the "american war". oh, how the european (mostly french) toursists ate it up, too.



i didn't realize it til now, but note the bodies in the illustrated picture behind the guns.

no real contribution, but threads are always better with pics.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by yao11ming4mvp

It's been fourty years since America pulled out of Vietnam. Vietnam was the point in which America saw much bloodsheed, horror, and most of all, chaos. Many died and those lucky enough to survive the horror of war are unable to speak of the subject, while others remain loyal to their country and are glad they served in a time of much confusion and disruption (Cold War + Communism). So speak for those war veterans whose are speechless and those protestors who still do not want to speak over the matter today. Both sides of the opinion welcome.

What do you mean "the point?" As opposed to World War II, where more than 400,000 American lost their lives? I understand you can argue Vietnam was the first televised war, but WWII had its share of bringing bad news to the front pages. Morale was very low in America in the first couple years due to heavy losses. Not even the propoganda machine could cover it up.

And not able to speak of the subject? Don't blanket all Vietnam vets into that category. My uncle was a village advisor, going from village to village (with a Navy SEAL escort), and he saw some crazy stuff, and he turned out just fine and will talk to anyone about his experience. My dad was a pilot for the Navy and he will talk your ear off about the Vietnam War and his experience there.

first of all, vietnam was known to be a civil war, communism was the reason why they were independent where the communist took out the french army at dienbien phu. my opinion since that had happen everyone believe in communism, north wanted to unite the country as one, U.S was living in shame after they leftvietnam because it was one of the first war they lost, many believe it was a conflict, government wanted to condemned it as the 90s were the year where theystarted teaching about the vietnam war it is also the vets that paid for the memorial as the government didnt want to support it. some people like ur dad canhandle all that stuff he wouldnt mind about talking about it but did any of his close friends died in front of his eyes? did u uncle personally know some ofthe soldiers thats why they talk about the story, some soldiers cant handle that so they keep it to themselves and want to forget the past as for it was a badmemory for them
Mostly anyone who fought in a war doesn't wanna talk about grandpa was in WW2 and told only funny stories until bout 2 years before he died...myDad was in Korea and just scratches the surface, and my oldest brother was in Desert Storm 1 and came bacc effed up so I didn't want him talkin boutit...Vietnam was a prime example of "getting too big for your britches" the U.S. is, has been, and looks to continue to be a worldwide bully, andalthough it sux we lost, it was a blow to the chin we so desperately needed in those times. Iraq is another phantom jab priming to knocc us flat on ourcollective arses...we're a blind, bumbling giant inciting war with opponents with which we haven't taken the time or exhibited the proper intelligenceto fully feel out.

I'm 24 years old by the way...
Originally Posted by bbanks707

both highly unpopular and too many soldiers are dying

Vietnam: 58,209 Dead
Iraq: 4,061 Dead
Kind of a difference i'd say . . .
Dont compare Vietnam and Iraq with numbers of casualties

what about civilian casualties no one ever likes to talk about those right
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