Regardless of the boost in e-props and respect he was trying to get out of it, it was still an amazing gesture. Clothes, two nights in a motel room, grooming, and a full meal at a steak house. That whole day had to cost him at least three hundred dollars. As well as them putting his skills information out there. I know damn well someone is going to watch that video and try and find this dude to get a job in construction.

It was a good gesture, and even better for that mans future. :pimp:
Mr. Chi City Christmas Give-Away >. 

No ulterior motives. Not putting his face on anything. Just giving for the sake of giving. 

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if it were a true act of kindness, he would have done it without putting it on youtube.
I see what you'er saying dude, it's a double edged sword really. He did the right thing, but putting it online takes a bit from it, but if he didn't document it then we wouldn't know that he did and if we just read it on his blog or something, it wouldn't really have the greater effect a video with facial reaction and emotional expressions being emitted by the man being helped influencing us to empathize and see the greater good in a visual expression.
I can't knock him because I've never done anything like this for a homeless man.

Reality is, maybe it was the spark he need to change his mentality for a day, and maybe reach out to some people he was to proud to contact before. And possibly figure that it's time to start working to get out of this homelessness cycle. Or he just had one great day, and he's going to think about it for a few weeks, and continue the struggle. At least it happened.

Looks like he had fun doing, even if he might of had an ulterior motive.
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i work with a large population of homeless in my career. i myself, have been homeless (actually living in the park). there's plenty of times that i dig into my own pocket and provide help when that help is necessary and will actually benefit a person - most times anonymously. i've probably put help more homeless people back on their feet than anyone else posting in here. what dude did was nothing. the e-props, advertisement, reputation damage control and youtube revenue he gained far outweighs what the homeless man received. at the end of his 2-day (lol) motel stay, the guy is back on the streets, only now, he has a fresh contrast to what it's like to have a clean bed and shelter. living in crap will only seem that much crappier now. the money would have been better spent helping him to access vocational/housing and perhaps rehab services that would help him re-establish and independently sustain an improved quality of life.
It's funny some of u are talking about what he should've done behind a computer screen but in real life y'all woulda gave him props.

He did a good thing. That's what it boils down to. He's a regular joe and some of u expect him to save this guys life. Thinking way too broad of a spectrum rather than what he did at the moment and what vitaly was able to do as one person.
That was a really nice gesture
if it were a true act of kindness, he would have done it without putting it on youtube.
Youtubing is his J-O-B.

Why would he not put up a video like this?

He's put up prank videos where he's gotten beat up and almost stabbed.

Is it really that surprising that he put up this video?

Also arguing whether it was a true act of kindness is a waste of time.

I know people who give homeless people money just so they'll get out of their faces.

Is that a true act of kindness?

Of course not, but the end result is that the homeless person has some money in his pocket to go eat.

Which is all that really matters.
What makes you say that?

well im probably generalizing but in real life if u saw someone doing this for someone would you go up to them and be like "bro, you know you're not really helping him right? you should probably put him in rehab you know? you ain't doing him no favors. just stop buying him food and clothing because you're just gonna make his life worse."

now if you would say that then i guess i would commend you for sticking to your guns but i doubt it.
i guess jay-z said it best

"Everybody can tell you how to do it, they never did it"
Dude dropped hundreds of dollars and went out of his way to help someone that most people would have ignored and people are still finding fault with what he did.  
What makes you say that?

well im probably generalizing but in real life if u saw someone doing this for someone would you go up to them and be like "bro, you know you're not really helping him right? you should probably put him in rehab you know? you ain't doing him no favors. just stop buying him food and clothing because you're just gonna make his life worse."

now if you would say that then i guess i would commend you for sticking to your guns but i doubt it.

I see people help the homeless all the time and I've never went up to them to congratulate them on a job well done. If those are your intentions when helping someone, then there is a bigger issue at hand. What rubbed me the wrong way with this was the "oh look at what I'm doing" aspect of this.

i guess jay-z said it best

"Everybody can tell you how to do it, they never did it"

Again with these generalizations. Did you not see what stuntman mike posted?
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Dude dropped hundreds of dollars and went out of his way to help someone that most people would have ignored and people are still finding fault with what he did.  
Dude should have set up a homeless shelter and start up a non-profit charity to help all homeless people in his city.

If you're going to help the homeless, do it right.

Not for the youtube fame.

not srs

I see people help the homeless all the time and I've never went up to them to congratulate them on a job well done. If those are your intentions when helping someone, then there is a bigger issue at hand. What rubbed me the wrong way with this was the "oh look at what I'm doing" aspect of this.
The vast, vast, vast, vast, VAST majority of people wouldn't help that man to the extent Vitaly did.  So what if he wanted attention/notoriety by doing so?  At the end of the day he made someone's life a little better and potentially influenced some copycats.  You're caring more about thought and intent, when in reality its action and results that matter the most.
I don't think it matters at all if he only did it for the attention, the main thing is he still did it and he set up a website for the dude to get his teeth pulled.


"So what if he wanted attention/notoriety"? Dude wouldn't have done it if he didn' think he would make money off of it. And you say so what? 
if it were a true act of kindness, he would have done it without putting it on youtube.

was one of the girls on vitalys video one of your ex's or something?
not going at this specifically, but is this response NT's retort to everything? 

Guy A: "I hate Pizza Hut, tastes terrible"

Guy B: " Was your girl turned out by a guy working at Pizza Hut?"

Guy A: "I'm not really a fan of Chris Brown"

Guy B: "Doesnt matter, Breezy can **** your girl whenever he wants"

Am I the only one who thinks its getting real corny?

"So what if he wanted attention/notoriety"? Dude wouldn't have done it if he didn' think he would make money off of it. And you say so what? 
I say "so what" because he did way more than just about anyone else would have done.  Not a Dennis Prager fan by any stretch of the imagination, but he's completely right in this video:

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