Vote for your Niketalk President 2008 The Winner Is...... PG 1 ....

Jun 14, 2006


Answer Text Votes %

abeautifulhaze/barackodrama 159 43%

ogbobbyjohnson/purpleface aka purple johnson 123 33%

whywesteppin / nyelectric 89 24%

Total 371



polls will be up in a couple days to give the candidates a chance to sway your votes .

the first thread was to determine the candidates, this one is to elect the President .........
They don't have running mates? Somebody needs to assist these individuals in making the right decisions for the citizens of NT.
Originally Posted by Dr FONClBrICS

They don't have running mates? Somebody needs to assist these individuals in making the right decisions for the citizens of NT.

i second that notion
Two questions for everyone:

#1. In the primaries, you mentioned things like nigHT and .organization; what kind of message does it send to the community for the President of the communityto be speaking that way?

#2. Between whywesteppin and og, who would you vote for? Why?

#1. Can I vote?

#2. Between haze and og, who would you vote for? Why?

#1. During times when you are in no place to be witty or funny, how will you meet your expectation to keep character?
#2. Between haze and whywesteppin, who would you vote for? Why?
I will shortly be announcing my running mate(s) along with my full cabinet and my platform for 2009.
I will shortly be announcing my running mate(s) along with my full cabinet and my platform for 2009.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Two questions for everyone:

#1. Can I vote?

#2. Between haze and og, who would you vote for? Why?

Those are both excellent question, ska. In regards to the first question, I fully support every Niketalk members' right to vote. Back in 2005, whenuniversal NT suffrage was unpopular, I introduced a bill that would guarantee people like you the right to vote in NT elections. Now, this bill was shot downbefore it could make it to the Senate, and 2 of the ones who voted against the measure are my opponents in this race. So I just ask you to look at the recordand you will see who really will follow through on what they say.

Now, with respect to whom I would vote for, I would like to start by saying I greatly respect both haze's and og's contributions to this message board.No one can question their loyalty and energy. I am proud to be a member on this board with them. However, and I think the debates over the next few weeks willbear this out, we disagree on some very fundamental issues, issues that will hold much sway over members' lives. Further, it would be politicallyirresponsible for me to endorse one candidate over the other. I would rather the members of this message board choose whom they prefer and I will do my best tomake my policies and agenda known so that you can make an informed decision.
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