Vote for your Niketalk President 2008 The Winner Is...... PG 1 ....

I vote OG! btw you need a VP

why not pick an unknown like me? seems to have worked out for the GOP..

ill even do a free interview and answer ska's questions

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

#1. During times when you are in no place to be witty or funny, how will you meet your expectation to keep character?
#2. Between haze and whywesteppin, who would you vote for? Why?

We all know og is funny as heck. I was seen as funny as heck back home also ya kno? I was the funniest shoehead in my class. You know the difference between ashoehead and a pitbull? Laces. But being serious is something oh so important and we all know that og can be serious. i mean look at his post record. im surethis dude has some serious posts somewhere eh?

As for question 2 ska, they are both very, very good candidates. but they arent as funny as og. i mean og makes you laugh. og can make you cry...throughlaughter! cmon NT
vote OG! we can do it!

i tried my best.
how the hell mayor keep getting unbanned? whoever keeps son away got myvote. Admins in here getting fat off popeyes discounts.
I thought OG picked Purple Face as his runnin mate

Anyways that ticket has my vote.

Are there gonna be debates before the polls open?
either odrama or ogbobby. Either is fine. But which one of you is going to raise our post limitel and decrease time we wait in between posts?
Originally Posted by JsindaA

I thought OG picked Purple Face as his runnin mate
well hopefully i have a spot in his administration anyways

i mean what is it exactly that the VP does every day anyways?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

#1. During times when you are in no place to be witty or funny, how will you meet your expectation to keep character?
#2. Between haze and whywesteppin, who would you vote for? Why?

Thank you Ska, those are excellent questions you posed and I will try to answer them as best as I can.

My character is one of upstanding morality, effervescent eminence and might. I shall embrace the position of president with the utmost respect, for mycharacter resembles that of a linear
progression within the space of infinite promise and strength. I shall not stray from that progression. For the sake of my NT nation, a leader is needed tostand strong amidst the eye of a storm
or the eye of a needle. There is a time and place for humor and with my exuberant character, my steadfast judgment shall determine the appropriate junctures.

I hold my opponents in the highest regard, for they are both worthy opponents and fellow NT brethren, but I pose the following question: As we walk through thevalley of the shadow of
banishment, who will lead? The weak and the weary may ask, "Oh great leader, we fail to walk for we have no shoes." Behold, I have your shoes, ourshoes shall be hope and hope shall carry
our beaten soles to the promise land….walking will physically bring us there, but with hope………we are already there.

I am not Ogbobbyjohnson………….I am Niketalk…………I am you

Elect OGbobbyjohnson/Purple Face '08
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Two questions for everyone:

#1. In the primaries, you mentioned things like nigHT and .organization; what kind of message does it send to the community for the President of the community to be speaking that way?

#2. Between whywesteppin and og, who would you vote for? Why?


***Ahem....Ahem...Quiets crowd***

My fellow Niketalkians...I stand here before you a humbled man. I stumbled upon Niketalk after Nikepark closed its doors...and I whatI found was more than a sneaker message was a virtual home. To be welcomed and accepted by you, my esteemed peers and to be nominated for such alofty and symbolic position as NT's truly a privilege and one that I do not take lightly.

My friends...we are in troubled times. We are facing a Yuku meltdown crisis of epic proportions, our beloved Jordan Brand is ondeath's doorstep, NT summits have disappeared, MisterP retired....for 12 hours and helpless NT'ers are gettingYoung Dro'd left and right. We need a breath of fresh air, innovation and someone who will defend the rights of the average member, while making the job ofthe staff easier. Ladies and gentleman...that man is me.

Myself and my Vice President Barack "Jewels" Obama (
), when elected, will restore the swag to NT and ensurethat our best days are yet to come.

Ska - The history of NT has always been intertwined with that of other spin off sites. They serve as an outlet and exile for contentunfit for NT and help keep the e-streets of our message board clean. As long as we keep our sovereignty and they do they same, we can peacefully co-existwithout comprising the things that make both places can ask your fellow staff members about this, as several of them are frequent posters there

And in regards to who is the better candidate....let me first make this clear...I have never even heard of whywesteppin

And the good sir OG is a valued member. His 1 liners keep me entertained after a long day of work and school....but whathappens when you need more than 1 line? What about heartfelt opinions in the music forum? Heated discussion in S&T? A voice of reason in the explosivegeneral forum? My people...Me and O'Drama, have have the credential that you need. We are the voice of the people and our resumes set us apart. I havehelped countless NT'ers through PMs, engaged in many an intellectual battle here on NT, I have been involved in several classic threads in my time here,stood up for NT'ers freedom of speech (TKS) at the price of banishment and I have even held a summit at my home. So I say to you NT...ask not what Haze andO'Drama can do for you....ask "who the hell is whywesteppin?

'08 -'09
This @#+ still going on?

As if the actual election wasn't drawn out enough I gotta come on here with this lame stuff
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

hey haze can i be your marilyn monroe

You can be my Jackie Kennedy sweetheart....


















or my Marilyn...yeah...Marilyn is definitely cool with me too...

And now, Your '08-'09 Swagocratic Vice Presidential Nominee: Barack0dramaaaaaaaaaa!


"Thank you, Thank you...You're all too kind..."
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