Voter Check In

First time voter :pimp:
In and out in 10 minutes. Only person in front of me in line was the known crackhead that lives around the corner. Told me she voted Romney :smh:. Yes srs.
Voted 1 hour ago.. Nobody and I mean nobody was in line.. I thought they went to lunch..

Took less than 10 minutes to vote.. 5 minutes of that was talking to the poll helpers..
i voted took like 3 mins...left my local initiatives blank though because none were about taxation.  
Voted on the 25th or 26th last month, about 10am. Big crowd but everything ran smoothly. Paid extra attention to the local ballots this time around.
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Voted. County doesnt have poll stations anymore so I was in a car line to drop my ballot off :lol:
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