I would, but they just don't deserve it. Especially how they played against Miami.
they had that game... what a shame
im a big warriors fan, but no one does anyone on the team deserve to be in the all star game
Originally Posted by NKEAIR

im a big warriors fan, but no one does anyone on the team deserve to be in the all star game

That was a nasty sentence.

The only person on the Warriors that deserve a consideration of being an All-star is Andris Biedrins...And we know even if he puts up big averages by the timethe All-Star break comes around, Beans still won't be selected.
this years' squad is terrible. no one is deserving. period. jack? i love jack todeath, but only as a shooter...not as a ball handler. the dude was leading (and is now #2) in TO's. %@%?!?! 3.9 to per gm? wow. and goose? he'sdecent, but no all star. i'd like to see him go right a couple times. mags? gets to the foul line, but defensively, not very good. and that's it. no other "stars" on the team. oh yeah, crawford. good handles, but still not all-star material. if boomdizzle didn't make it, how is crawfordgoing to make it?

sorry guys. i am a huge warriors fan, but i'm just being realistic.
Originally Posted by DeewLay

this years' squad is terrible. no one is deserving. period. jack? i love jack to death, but only as a shooter...not as a ball handler. the dude was leading (and is now #2) in TO's. %@%?!?! 3.9 to per gm? wow. and goose? he's decent, but no all star. i'd like to see him go right a couple times. mags? gets to the foul line, but defensively, not very good. and that's it. no other "stars" on the team. oh yeah, crawford. good handles, but still not all-star material. if boomdizzle didn't make it, how is crawford going to make it?

sorry guys. i am a huge warriors fan, but i'm just being realistic.
Well do consider the fact that Maggette never passes and tends to consider about his own stats instead of the teams. And we all know Baron Daviswas NOT picked to be an All-Star because Bryon Scott does not like Baron Davis.

Andris might be good for fantasy, but he's not an all-star. We can all dream about having an all-star on the warriors, but any REAL talent we have alwaysseems to blossom 2 or 3 seansons after we trade it away.
they still suck. i don't care that they won today....b/c even the sun will shine on adog's a**.

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