Was this a little racist, or am I reaching?

Jan 17, 2008
Nite Capped | Movies & TV | SPIKE.com


So last night Im sitting here watching "1000 ways to die" on Spike TV.

Im not talking about the killing being racist, I talking about the scenario. 3 black guys drinking 40's and firing guns???

I mean, when they went to film this someone had to come up with the idea: "Lets have 3 black guys, one named Kwame, standing around grilling, drinking40's of malt liquor, talking trash to each other."

Am I reaching?
im sorry to say this but there are many black dudes in real life sit around drinking 40's and firing guns. stop being so sensitive.
eh, yeah its racist, but theres nothing You nor I can do about it except complain
Originally Posted by CryingFreemancoa

im sorry to say this but there are many black dudes in real life sit around drinking 40's and firing guns. stop being so sensitive.
Being sensitive, LOL.

1) I'm white.
2) Even if the scene was some white guys draped in confederate flags, drinking PBR, banging their sisters, and firing shotguns in the air, I could care less.
3) I actually LOL'd when I seen it.
3) The only reason I ask is because my 1st thought was: "Wow, that was kinda racist."
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Originally Posted by CryingFreemancoa

im sorry to say this but there are many black dudes in real life sit around drinking 40's and firing guns. stop being so sensitive.
Being sensitive, LOL.

1) I'm white.
2) Even if the scene was some white guys draped in confederate flags, drinking PBR, banging their sisters, and firing shotguns in the air, I could care less.
3) I actually LOL'd when I seen it.
3) The only reason I ask is because my 1st thought was: "Wow, that was kinda racist."

Is this you?


i don't know, i kinda on the fence with this one. the scenario is a little suspect, yeah, they could have just shown the hand gun being pointed in the airand fired. they didn't have to show three brothas getting faded, and killing an innocent white party goer.
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Originally Posted by CryingFreemancoa

im sorry to say this but there are many black dudes in real life sit around drinking 40's and firing guns. stop being so sensitive.
Being sensitive, LOL.

1) I'm white.
2) Even if the scene was some white guys draped in confederate flags, drinking PBR, banging their sisters, and firing shotguns in the air, I could care less.
3) I actually LOL'd when I seen it.
3) The only reason I ask is because my 1st thought was: "Wow, that was kinda racist."
Chill Homey

I could care less what race you are. i simply said it because people overreact any type of racial stereotype even if it has some truth.
Racism is subjective, if you think it was, then it was to you. Nobody else is in any position to tell you what you can and can't be offended or botheredby.
Pretty racist, makes us blacks look reckless, which we kind of are at times but who isn't. Probably about a 7/10 on the racist scale.
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