Watch Dogs. GTA killer?

the whole no missions or objectives thing is kinda 

it'll be like running around GTA without doing the missions, its fun for a bit, but gets boring quick
Haven't seen much of this since E3. I'm still really excited about it though. I feel like it could be a GOTY candidate just from what I've seen so far.

It'll be on PC too right?
^It should be.

Can't wait for this game.

If anyone watches Person of Interest, reminds me of that.
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the whole no missions or objectives thing is kinda 

it'll be like running around GTA without doing the missions, its fun for a bit, but gets boring quick
idk in vice city i would just run around for HOURS seeing how long i could without getting killed by the cops. riding around listening to wanna be startin something and billy jean.
It doesn't look like the game where you can do all crazy free roam stuff which is what makes GTA special. This looks like a game that follows the story tightly.

People were saying the same things about L.A. Noire before it was released.
It doesn't look like the game where you can do all crazy free roam stuff which is what makes GTA special. This looks like a game that follows the story tightly.

People were saying the same things about L.A. Noire before it was released.

I'm sure there are some essential parts of the story you have to play through, but it's actually built with free roaming as the main intention. Check the vid. The possibilities look endless.

GTA will never have a rival its too big of a institution game wise. But this looks :wow: :pimp:
IDK if it's just me, but the main character's voice actor kind of annoys me.
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