WATCHMEN Movie Thread: Directors Cut is out (updated: deleted scene)

this movie is the WORST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. I went to see it in manhatten 42nd times square.. Eveeyrone was walking out.. yelling screamin..HORRIBLE MOVIE.. EVERYWHERE I LOOKED PEOPLE WERE EITHER WALKING OUT OR SLEEPING.. I WAS SLEEPING FOR A GOOD 20 MINZ.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

i;m not complaining about the length. I wish they would have kept certain aspects of the book in the movie.

Hollis Mason wasn't killed which was a big part of Viedts scheme
I wondered that , i remember seeing pics before the film released of the knotheads in Hollis' office. I think the pic is in this post too.


In the directors cut perhaps? And there's also a live action version of Hollis' book on the freighter dvd.

I knew I saw that somewhere, the Directors Cut better be 4-hours long.
it was okay. i guess. 1/2 the theater walked out of our joint too (sunday, 7:30)...

i mean, i just dont like the story too much. the film adaptation from the graphic novel was on point... i just didnt really like any of the characters.

sin city was long and a similar format... but you had a lot of characters that you were engaged with. in watchmen, all the protagonists were pretty lame...even the antagonists were kind of @%%!@/uninteresting...

one of those rare movies, where you dont root for the good guy OR the bad guy... (in my case, i didnt really give a damn what happened to either)

it got to a point, where i was betting my homie whether or not manhattan would have pants on next time he popped up (pause) ....

personally, i wouldnt recommend it.... the opening titles were amazing though.
wow...I cant say I've ever heard of so many people walking out of a movie. I mean I've sat through some REALLY bad movies and people didnt walk out ofthem. If people didnt walk out of The Spirit, then they'll sit through Watchmen
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

wow...I cant say I've ever heard of so many people walking out of a movie. I mean I've sat through some REALLY bad movies and people didnt walk out of them. If people didnt walk out of The Spirit, then they'll sit through Watchmen

spirit wasnt 3 hours tho...

also, i just want to add to my previous comments... the movie LOOKED AMAZING. the cinematography was ill. the fact that i didnt like the characters, doesntmean i cant appreciate the beauty of the film...
i agree that the cinematography was good but i just didn't like the movie, some parts were dragging and i almost fell asleep
Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

it was okay. i guess. 1/2 the theater walked out of our joint too (sunday, 7:30)...

i mean, i just dont like the story too much. the film adaptation from the graphic novel was on point... i just didnt really like any of the characters.

sin city was long and a similar format... but you had a lot of characters that you were engaged with. in watchmen, all the protagonists were pretty lame... even the antagonists were kind of @%%!@/uninteresting...

one of those rare movies, where you dont root for the good guy OR the bad guy... (in my case, i didnt really give a damn what happened to either)

it got to a point, where i was betting my homie whether or not manhattan would have pants on next time he popped up (pause) ....

personally, i wouldnt recommend it.... the opening titles were amazing though.

The thing is, each character isn't suppose to clearly show who is good or bad. Each could be a dichotomy of another. Like is Rorschach right in being avigilante and killing people he deemed should be killed? Is Veidt right in killing millions to save billions? Is Manhattan right in killing Rorschach and goalong with Veidt's plan? Each character has these things that isn't exactly clear if you do not look for clues or dig hard enough to find out or thinkabout hard enough. That is why I suggest reading the book first to fully understand what it is all about. Of course part of being a great film is making itunderstandable to everyone and on the surface, it makes sense but it has a deeper meaning when read or know what is going on.
Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

wow...I cant say I've ever heard of so many people walking out of a movie. I mean I've sat through some REALLY bad movies and people didnt walk out of them. If people didnt walk out of The Spirit, then they'll sit through Watchmen

spirit wasnt 3 hours tho...

also, i just want to add to my previous comments... the movie LOOKED AMAZING. the cinematography was ill. the fact that i didnt like the characters, doesnt mean i cant appreciate the beauty of the film...

Watchmen wasnt either...especially if you walked out. my point is Spirit was effin terrible! I didnt see or hear of anyone walking out of that. it was worsethan the Happening, and THAT sucked too
I wonder how many people who didn't like Watchmen like Who Framed Roger Rabbit? because it basically deconstructs cartoon characters inthe same way that Moore did with superheroes.
I am sad at the fact that this movie this movie might be making the same money as the damn Madea movie.
movie has good effects but the story didnt keep you intrested. I recomend you rent it when it comes out at BB.
I caught the last showing yesterday. I liked the movie. I liked that it was rated R and I think more comic book movies need to follow suit.
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Now think about how this movie would've been like had Tyler Perry made it.

Tyler Perry may have played Laurie/SSII's character.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Now think about how this movie would've been like had Tyler Perry made it.

Tyler Perry may have played Laurie/SSII's character.


Went to see it last night around 9:30 and I stayed the whole movie. Me and the wifey thought it was the best superhero film we've seen in a while andplanning on going to see it again.
I think people who walked out are people who had a problem with the novel in the first place, or didn't read it. Or ones that read it, and pretended tolike it because they thought they were supposed to.
"Rorschach's mama was a ho!"

Starting from 3:52, The Totally Rad Show gives one of the most passionate and in depth reviews of the movie I've heard so far.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

it was okay. i guess. 1/2 the theater walked out of our joint too (sunday, 7:30)...

i mean, i just dont like the story too much. the film adaptation from the graphic novel was on point... i just didnt really like any of the characters.

sin city was long and a similar format... but you had a lot of characters that you were engaged with. in watchmen, all the protagonists were pretty lame...
even the antagonists were kind of @%%!@/uninteresting...

one of those rare movies, where you dont root for the good guy OR the bad guy... (in my case, i didnt really give a damn what happened to either)

it got to a point, where i was betting my homie whether or not manhattan would have pants on next time he popped up (pause) ....

personally, i wouldnt recommend it.... the opening titles were amazing though.

The thing is, each character isn't suppose to clearly show who is good or bad. Each could be a dichotomy of another. Like is Rorschach right in being a vigilante and killing people he deemed should be killed? Is Veidt right in killing millions to save billions? Is Manhattan right in killing Rorschach and go along with Veidt's plan? Each character has these things that isn't exactly clear if you do not look for clues or dig hard enough to find out or think about hard enough. That is why I suggest reading the book first to fully understand what it is all about. Of course part of being a great film is making it understandable to everyone and on the surface, it makes sense but it has a deeper meaning when read or know what is going on.

thats my point, though. each character had those conflicts... but I DIDNT CARE... my own intellectual curiosity isnt enough to make me want to dive into thepsyche of the individuals. none of them dudes were interesting enough for me to care...


mini bonaduce had a %@!!* mother and got picked on... i get it.
comedian was a douche bag... period.
niteowl 2/the offbrand zack morris was just lame all around.
malin akerman is my girl... but she's eye candy... her character was lame.

the only dude i was REALLY interested in, was the ninja that whooped comedians @%*. and when i found out it was the frail wannabe spartacus ... i lostinterest.

dr. manhattan? man... i dont even know what to say.

my interest peaked during the opening credits... and went down from there...
I didn't like the movie and I don't see why anyone should read the book before they go see the movie

do people need to read harry potter before they go see it
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

JoeGalvan wrote:

emmanuelabor wrote:

wow...I cant say I've ever heard of so many people walking out of a movie. I mean I've sat through some REALLY bad movies and people didnt walk out of them. If people didnt walk out of The Spirit, then they'll sit through Watchmen

spirit wasnt 3 hours tho...

also, i just want to add to my previous comments... the movie LOOKED AMAZING. the cinematography was ill. the fact that i didnt like the characters, doesnt mean i cant appreciate the beauty of the film...

Watchmen wasnt either...especially if you walked out. my point is Spirit was effin terrible! I didnt see or hear of anyone walking out of that. it was worse than the Happening, and THAT sucked too

i watched both of them ... start to end of credits. i thought spirit was basura as well.

but please... dont act like 2 hours and 45 minutes is comparable to 1 hr 48 minutes... that hour makes a HUGE difference. nobody walked out of spirit becausethey new it was over in 20 minutes... folks bolted on watchmen, because they new there was another hour and a half left...
Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

it was okay. i guess. 1/2 the theater walked out of our joint too (sunday, 7:30)...

i mean, i just dont like the story too much. the film adaptation from the graphic novel was on point... i just didnt really like any of the characters.

sin city was long and a similar format... but you had a lot of characters that you were engaged with. in watchmen, all the protagonists were pretty lame...
even the antagonists were kind of @%%!@/uninteresting...

one of those rare movies, where you dont root for the good guy OR the bad guy... (in my case, i didnt really give a damn what happened to either)

it got to a point, where i was betting my homie whether or not manhattan would have pants on next time he popped up (pause) ....

personally, i wouldnt recommend it.... the opening titles were amazing though.

The thing is, each character isn't suppose to clearly show who is good or bad. Each could be a dichotomy of another. Like is Rorschach right in being a vigilante and killing people he deemed should be killed? Is Veidt right in killing millions to save billions? Is Manhattan right in killing Rorschach and go along with Veidt's plan? Each character has these things that isn't exactly clear if you do not look for clues or dig hard enough to find out or think about hard enough. That is why I suggest reading the book first to fully understand what it is all about. Of course part of being a great film is making it understandable to everyone and on the surface, it makes sense but it has a deeper meaning when read or know what is going on.

thats my point, though. each character had those conflicts... but I DIDNT CARE... my own intellectual curiosity isnt enough to make me want to dive into the psyche of the individuals. none of them dudes were interesting enough for me to care...


mini bonaduce had a %@!!* mother and got picked on... i get it.
comedian was a douche bag... period.
niteowl 2/the offbrand zack morris was just lame all around.
malin akerman is my girl... but she's eye candy... her character was lame.

the only dude i was REALLY interested in, was the ninja that whooped comedians @%*. and when i found out it was the frail wannabe spartacus ... i lost interest.

dr. manhattan? man... i dont even know what to say.

my interest peaked during the opening credits... and went down from there...

I can respect your reasons but there is more to that.
Rorschach's view changed when the little girl got butchered.
The Comedian was actually the one that understand everything clearly as stated by everyone. He pretty much represented the world and how it is.
NiteOwl was a geek but he eventually fell for the thrill of everything and went against his principles', I guess it would be cleared if Hollis had died.
Silk Spectre II was supposed to show anger toward the Comedian and the way the movie was done, her relation with the Comedian seemed a littler less relevant.

And that is just scratching the surface. Again, I can respect people's opinion on hating the movie, as long as it is not due to the blue penis.
Originally Posted by the north west

I didn't like the movie and I don't see why anyone should read the book before they go see the movie

do people need to read harry potter before they go see it

True but Harry Potter is such a simple book to grasp, it is written for little kids.
Watchmen on the other hand, even though it is a comic book, is so in depth and I doubt anyone of age 13 and under could fully comprehend what is going on.
Originally Posted by Tunnel Vision

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Now think about how this movie would've been like had Tyler Perry made it.

Tyler Perry may have played Laurie/SSII's character.


Went to see it last night around 9:30 and I stayed the whole movie. Me and the wifey thought it was the best superhero film we've seen in a while and planning on going to see it again.

same thing with my girl, I was like " I wanna see it again already." She's like "me too!". I was like

I keep hearing so many people walked out and so many bad reviews but I dont give a *@#$, this movie is beautiful.
what i heard about this movie
-the movie was complicated as hell
-not even 1 single bad guy
-nice sound effect and computer graphics
-the big blue guy was showing off his penis and it wasn't blury or nothing(Ewwwwww thats gross)
I wouldn't say it is complicated, especially the last part, but it isn't exactly laid out for you.
Bad guy is such a complicated term for this movie.
There's a bad guy in all of us? Who knows whats good or evil?
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