**WDYWT December 2007 Edition!**

Originally Posted by killasteez89

are you serious.
get over yourself man. time to grow up it was purchaed at sakks 5th avenue in the mens section.

get over YOURSELF, where you bought it, how much you spent, doesn't help outthe fact that its wack and feminine.
does coach even make stuff for men???

have you ever thought of it being a women's item misplaced in the men's section?
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by killasteez89

are you serious.
get over yourself man. time to grow up it was purchaed at sakks 5th avenue in the mens section.

get over YOURSELF, where you bought it, how much you spent, doesn't help out the fact that its wack and feminine.
Telling us where you bought the bag is some very meaningless info...... unless you are a lady!
Originally Posted by ecdos


Nice um, wallet.....

Also Ecdos, how'd you tan so dark in the winter time?
ecdos wrote:
God I have been working too much lately.. Wife is on my back all the time.

Anyways to get a pack of smokes..
Nice Vs, lovin the Bred colorway.
Is this a joke? OOOOOkay?
And for anybody who wants to post Ecdos' pic with a bunch of rolling smileys under it, we all no its funny, save yourself the post.
Originally Posted by kevin2nd

smh at the new dudes comin in here thinkin they can take away my feminine accessories crown

my ipod case > long wallet

it's ok kev, your still #1 in my book
Going to leave the quotes to everyone else save some time and just say...
at the last few pages.
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