We Muslims to are Humans.VOL; Speak Out.

Originally Posted by ReeceMan10

Muslims arem't THAT bad..they are pretty good neighbors

Yeah u have a point. Muslims are bad. But just not THAT bad
yall should see these ultra conservative Christians from the south...ignorance to the fullest...and it really frustrates me.
yall would be amazed how ignorant some folks are

when i moved to arizona, i was talking to some random old white man while i was waiting in line at the social security office and dude was talkin about worldissues and things like that and i mentioned i was muslim. he was like "wait, wait what did you say?" i said "im muslim" and he responded"you dont have a beard and youre not arab, are you one of those black mooslums"

i was amazed because i am from the bay area born and raised and those are some of the most liberal people in the country. it was a whole different story in AZ
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