Weekly NT Comic Book Thread For July 15, 2009 (Issue #1)

Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Here's a few posts I made about Comics in the Marvel Thread that might've gotten skipped over through all that clutter. Alot to read....but what the hell. This IS a comic thread...reading is a must.

I tend to have to read a lot of comics online, my library won't do that for me
Blackest Night is at the top of my "Must Buy" list

Am I the only one who wants Bucky to stay as Cap for at least another year or two. It seems like they built him up to be Cap only to take the mantle away waytoo soon.
I tend to have to read a lot of comics online, my library won't do that for me

Are you sure? Go on the database computer and do a search but in the "All Libraries". Likethis....

Search and request what you want. And choose your Library as the one to pick it up at. Its simple.
Originally Posted by GL Rayner

Blackest Night is at the top of my "Must Buy" list

Am I the only one who wants Bucky to stay as Cap for at least another year or two. It seems like they built him up to be Cap only to take the mantle away way too soon.

i'm with you on this. i guess it's been a year but it really doesn't seem that long at all. i think bucky was still establishing himself. i feelthe same way with the batman books too though. i like grayson so i wanna see him as batman for a while before the writers bring bruce wayne back
I bought that DARK XMEN the other day STAY AWAY very wack. They should have made it along the same lines as Dark Avengers. Marvel is not doing these X-titlesany justice nowadays. Hopefully now that Xforce are back to the present time at least that title may pick up the pace again.
I just got back to pickin up comics with RIP..I have all of the batman books so far except Sirens..idk if i wanna roll with that..Im loving Batman and Robin,Quitelys art grew on me quite well..Im also interested in where Red Robin will be going in his series..Could use a better artist however. Streets of Gothamstarted out cool with Firefly...I loved Detective and batwoman getting her shine as well..Im still curious as to whom the new batgirl will be..i guess we willhave to find out. I hope its gonna be Babs(Im sure they will find some way to make her walk again) or if not her Bette Kane (Kathy's little cousin).

Anyways i would love to get into spiderman but from what ive seen its a complicated journey gettin caught up with that continuity. X-Men as well...I need ajump point. Somebody help me out.
Pick up Sirens its not Sex in the City meets Batman its more like Paul Dini writing the best all-female comic since Birds of Prey

I don't want Batgirl to be Babs, she's far more interesting as Oracle than she ever was as Batgirl. My guess is that the new Batgirl will either beSpoiler or Misfit
Originally Posted by ExileUE

Originally Posted by GL Rayner

Blackest Night is at the top of my "Must Buy" list

Am I the only one who wants Bucky to stay as Cap for at least another year or two. It seems like they built him up to be Cap only to take the mantle away way too soon.

i'm with you on this. i guess it's been a year but it really doesn't seem that long at all. i think bucky was still establishing himself. i feel the same way with the batman books too though. i like grayson so i wanna see him as batman for a while before the writers bring bruce wayne back
Same here. I've always liked that the sidekick becoming the replacement. I'm pissed at DC bringing back Barry Allen.
Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Anyways i would love to get into spiderman but from what ive seen its a complicated journey gettin caught up with that continuity. X-Men as well...I need a jump point. Somebody help me out.

Spiderman....#36 Annual (Came out last week, sets up the upcoming 'Clone Saga'...that will take place again? WTH?!
) & Spiderman #600 (July 22, 2009).Those are good jumping points.

X-Men....Utopia #1 (came out 2 weeks ago,part 1 of the story), Uncanny X-Men #513 (last week, part 2 of the story).

Then you got X-Men Legacy #226 & Dark X-Men #1 (both came out last week) that add to the story. I would recommend Legacy..it was a solid book. DarkX-Men's only golden moment was the Dark Beast chapter...He had Osborn shook.
Well worth the read.
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Anyways i would love to get into spiderman but from what ive seen its a complicated journey gettin caught up with that continuity. X-Men as well...I need a jump point. Somebody help me out.

Spiderman....#36 Annual (Came out last week, sets up the upcoming 'Clone Saga'...that will take place again? WTH?!
) & Spiderman #600 (July 22, 2009). Those are good jumping points.

X-Men....Utopia #1 (came out 2 weeks ago,part 1 of the story), Uncanny X-Men #513 (last week, part 2 of the story).

Then you got X-Men Legacy #226 & Dark X-Men #1 (both came out last week) that add to the story. I would recommend Legacy..it was a solid book. Dark X-Men's only golden moment was the Dark Beast chapter...He had Osborn shook.
Well worth the read.

i'm probably in the minority but i'm looking forward to the clone saga again. ha. it got a little drawn out and messy but i thought ben riley was apretty good character to add to the spider-man cast.

anyway, it's more of a what if isn't it? the way the clone saga was supposed to be before it got messy so it's not in continuity? then the mainsotry in amazing spider-man is just an extension of ben's story and not really dealing with the whole clone saga. right?
Well Ladies & Gentleman...Today is Wednesday. Comic book day.

Those of you making your purchases today.

I thank you.


-Cidman911/Radio Enrique
just watched the ifanboy Green Lantern vid...anyone ever read Green Lantern: Rebirth? How is it? might pick up the trade today.
You should definitely pick up Rebirth, its awesome. Is anyone going to try to pick up a Black Lantern ring today?
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

just watched the ifanboy Green Lantern vid...anyone ever read Green Lantern: Rebirth? How is it? might pick up the trade today.

It's pretty solid if you are a fan of Hal Jordan.

On a related note, I will be picking up my copy of Blackest Night today
This is how I feel about what I bought

I loved it all but that Capt 601 was WACK its juts him and bucky walking around town and killing 3 vampires
Those kinds of issues are Brubraker's strength I feel. But c'mon people lets all give it up to Geoff Johns.
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

You should definitely pick up Rebirth, its awesome. Is anyone going to try to pick up a Black Lantern ring today?
Green Lantern Rebirth was good. I'm liking Flash Rebirth series better though.
Its a good read for you guys that wanna get back into DC comics, besides the usual great Batman stuff coming out now I mean.

My pickups...
Streets Of Gotham #2
Green Lantern: Blackest Night #1 (Yea. I got the black ring they were giving out...lol !!!)
Deadpool #12
Dark Avengers #7
Beta Ray Bill: God Hunter #2
Mr. Negative #2
Spiderman #599

Stuff I had on hold I took out today...
Spiderman #590
Spiderman #591
The Hood #2
What If ...Captain America had led an army of super soldiers in World War 2
Deadpool #40

What I won on eBay today...
Spiderman Maximum Carnage 14 issue set
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Those kinds of issues are Brubraker's strength I feel. But c'mon people lets all give it up to Geoff Johns.

Blackest Night #1 was a great way to start off this series. I finally got the last issue of Green Lantern as well.

Black Hand

Pickups for today:

Blackest Night #1

Green Lantern #43
Batman #688
Superman:World of Krypton #5
Tales of the Corps #1
Titans #15
Amazing Spiderman #599
Deadpool #12
Amazing Spiderman Annual #36
Captain America #601
New Mutants #3
Mighty Avengers #27
Dark Avengers #7
[h1]Great read for you guys that picked up BlackestNight. Either if you just got back into Green Lantern or you're a new reader..[/h1]I'm still debating to get Tales Of The Corps #1. I need tohear a quick review first since it was $4.

[h1]10 Things to Know Going into Blackest Night[/h1] [h1]
[/h1]By Vaneta Rogers (of Newsarama)

Since today marks the release of Blackest Night #1, we pulled together a simple list - well, as simple as humanly possible in the world of comics - to help you prepare.

It's not necessarily a complete list, as there is always more to know about the vast cosmic universe of the Green Lanterns - not to mention the rest of the DCU affected by Blackest Night - but it should get you started.

1) The Green Lantern Corps is an intergalactic police force. And these Earth men were chosen to be a part of it. According to writer Geoff Johns, this is all you really need to know. You can stop here. But if you're one of those completists who loves researching all the details, read on.

2) The Guardians of the Universe are not necessarily the good guys. Although they lead the Green Lantern Corps, who usually fight as a force for good, the little blue powerful guys called the Guardians have been more than a little misguided lately. For example, their homeworld, Oa, was ravaged by a group of rioting prisoners, so they decided to just start brutally killing the prisoners. And they've done a bunch of other stupid stuff that would make an ethics commission explode in fury. They claim they're trying to prevent war, but like the actions of any power-hungry idiots in an epic story, all the Guardians' decisions seem to only fan the flames, and Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner are starting to notice.

3) Black Hand is one creepy mofo. If you didn't pick up Green Lantern #43 yet, we'll avoid spoilers here, but the specific origin of the Black Hand is contained within. And while his few appearances in past issues of Green Lantern haven't showcased much that is remarkable about the character, he's now been established as a disturbing villain who's been obsessed with death from an early age, sleeping among corpses. After he is revived by Scar (see #4 below) with a black ring, he's told that he's the embodiment of the black power, and he starts digging up Batman's body, beginning the road to Blackest Night.

4) Scar and the Anti-Monitor have what Hollywood would call an "interesting relationship." Scar is one of the Guardians. The Anti-Monitor is among the biggest, baddest villains in the DCU. In Sinestro Corps, he smacked her around. Now she serves somebody who locked him up and is drawing power from him. Sound complicated? Not really. The simple version is that the Anti-Montior's body powers the big black lantern for the Black Lantern Corps. And the first ring for the Black Lanterns was regurgitated by Scar. The two of them serve the dark power that drives the Black Lanterns. What role they play in Blackest Night, and whether they live happily ever after, remains to be seen. But Scar's been a key player as she manipulated her fellow Guardians to take actions that would spiral the universe toward war.

5) Anyone who's dead can be a black lantern. Yes, that refers to your long-gone favorites, Titans fans. Or Dibny fans. Or even Green Lantern fans who have been yearning for a return of characters like Ch'p and Jade. You could see anyone.

To give you an idea of the scope, here's an at least partial list of a few of the formerly dead characters who have either shown up on Blackest Night covers, in solicitations, in teases, or in interviews with the folks at DC as suspected Black Lanterns, besides the already established members Scar and Black Hand:

Martian Manhunter
Ronnie Raymond (Firestorm)
Boston Brand (Deadman)
Earth-2 Superman
Arthur Curry (Aquaman)
George Harkness (Captain Boomerang)
Mirror Master
Blue Beetle
Ralph Dibny (Elongated Man)
Sue Dibny
Jean Loring
The Flying Graysons (John & Mary)
Hank Hall (Hawk)
Arthur Light (Dr. Light)
Jack Drake
Solomon Grundy
Alexander Luthor
Manitou Raven
Robert Long
Katma Tui
Maxwell Lord
Ted Kord
Al Pratt
Gallius Zed
Jack T. Chance
Roy Lincoln (Human Bomb)
Wesley Dodds (Sandman)
Jonathan Kent
Air Wave (Larry Jordan)

Notice one of your favorites? As you can see, it looks like ANY dead character could rise from the dead, wearing a black ring, and become a living zombie serving as a Black Lantern.

6) It's about your emotions, baby. As Geoff Johns told us earlier this month, "The real central theme in this series is emotion. This entire series is about emotion. It's about conflicting emotion, and changing emotion, and dealing with emotion. What emotion means, what it is."

With any other series, the writer's statement would merely refer to the emotions his characters will experience, but with Green Lantern it goes one step further. The Green Lantern corps, which uses willpower to wield the energy of its green rings, is not the only corps in the cosmic neighborhood. There are seven corps who use some type of emotion to fire energy from their rings, and there are seven corresponding colors:

Red = Hate
Orange = Avarice
Yellow = Fear
Green = Willpower
Blue = Hope
Indigo = Compassion
Violet = Love

Each of the seven emotions has an "embodiment" of their power, and each has a corps of at least one being wearing the colored ring. It should be noted, Willpower isn't an "emotion" but rather what remains when emotion has been cast aside, as was the original goal of the Guardians.

7) The leaders of each of the corps are:

Hate = Atrocitus - A big, mean red dude who has it out for the Green Lantern Corps for once imprisoning him, and hates Sinestro in particular.

Avarice = Larfleeze, or "Agent Orange" - A grotesque, whiny, long isolated creature who wants everything and more, but now wants a blue ring in particular.

Fear = Sinestro, a well-established Green Lantern villain - While technically, Sinestro has to fight Mongul for control of the Sinestro Corps of fear, come on... the corps has his name, so we're calling him the leader. He once had a mentoring relationship with Hal Jordan, and his daughter is a Green Lantern named Soranik Natu who is a love interest of Kyle Rayner.

Willpower = Guardians of the Universe. (See #2.)

Hope = Ganthet and Sayd - Two former Guardians of the Universe members that got sick and tired of their brethren and decided to take matters into their own hands to save the universe, creating a blue-color corps of hope. As a side note, the hope rings can't fire energy on their own, but act in conjunction with the green rings of willpower.

Compassion = Indigo-1 - A character we know absolutely nothing about, but her staff-carrying, primitive-looking corps of compassion is said to be a lot different and more powerful than we expect.

Love = Zamarons - Once Oans like the Guardians of the Universe, this group left the planet due to the decision to suppress their emotions. The Zamorans decided to instead embrace emotions and later were the driving force behind the Star Sapphires who wield the power of love.

Green Lantern John Stewart and Star Sapphire Yrra Cynril have a history. He failed to save a planet called Xanshi, and at one time, the guilt almost destroyed him. Xanshi was also the homeworld of the young Yrra Cynril, who was luckily off-planet when it was destroyed, but lost everyone she loved. After a stint as a villain named Fatality on earth and a Sinestro Corps member, the character has now decided to turn over a new leaf and become a lantern of love, wearing a skimpy little Star Sapphire costume and kissing John Stewart, encouraging him to forgive himself because she already has.

9) Green Lantern Hal Jordan and sometimes-Star Sapphire Carol Ferris have a history. A long one, actually, tracing all the way back to their childhoods together. When Hal Jordan returned from the dead, Carol was married to someone else. Hal started a relationship with a fellow pilot, Cowgirl. But Carol has recently gotten a divorce, so things may get interesting. Whether she becomes a Star Sapphire again remains to be seen, but Johns has indicated she's involved in this story.

10) Yes, there are tie-ins. But according to Johns, it is possible to only read Blackest Night and understand what is happening. That said, this entire article is a list for completists, so you're going to get everything anyway. Here's your checklist through October, and click here for the cost report so far:

* July 2009

Green Lantern #43
Blackest Night #1
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #1
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #2
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #3
Green Lantern #44

* August 2009

Blackest Night #2
Green Lantern #45
Green Lantern Corps #39
Blackest Night: Batman #1 (of 3)
Blackest Night: Superman #1 (of 3)
Blackest Night: Titans #1 (of 3)

* September 2009

Blackest Night #3
Green Lantern #46
Green Lantern Corps #40
Blackest Night: Batman #2 (of 3)
Blackest Night: Superman #2 (of 3)
Blackest Night: Titans #2 (of 3)

* October 2009

Blackest Night #4
Green Lantern #47
Green Lantern Corps #41
Blackest Night: Batman #3 (of 3)
Blackest Night: Superman #3 (of 3)
Blackest Night: Titans #3 (of 3)

It's been announced that November will start three new mini-series, each three parts: Blackest Night: Wonder Woman, Blackest Night: JSA and Blackest Night: The Flash. While announcements of those titles are still pending, it's expected they'll start in November and run through January. Blackest Night itself is an eight-issue mini-series, so expect the epic to last in both Green Lantern titles until February 2010.

So what say you, readers? Have anything else to add to the list? More Black Lantern possibilities? Post below any other things to add to the list for new readers to have on hand as they begin today down the road to Blackest Night.
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