Weight Experts come in please - i want to start a diet

Jan 26, 2009
hi all, well people tell me so much things i dont no what to do with my diet. what shud i do? im 5,7. 17 yr old, 260 pounds. i want to be in the 100 rangeagain and my goal desire is 160 - 170. is their anything i can do? eating less calories and all? any tips or tricks? i want it to be as soon as possible also.every comment in this post is appreciated even if its a hater.

thanks all..
Originally Posted by JordanKing Xi

hi all, well people tell me so much things i dont no what to do with my diet. what shud i do? im 5,7. 17 yr old, 260 pounds. i want to be in the 100 range again and my goal desire is 160 - 170. is their anything i can do? eating less calories and all? any tips or tricks? i want it to be as soon as possible also. every comment in this post is appreciated even if its a hater.

thanks all..

My dude just start off by going outside and running every single day. No more sodas!!! Just drink WATER!!!!! No moreCandy/Snacks or any of the sort either!!

Real talk though just go outside and run. I know some people are going to go way more in depth but I just gave you a few tips which will defiantly help lol.
Eat healthier foods, doesn't mean you have to eat less calories. If you eat the same amount of food as you do now but things your body can use that is theway to go.

Hit the gym. Your 5'7 260, the weight will MELT away fast at first. If you really work at it you can be 230 by the end of summer.
Originally Posted by iMixedi

Originally Posted by JordanKing Xi

hi all, well people tell me so much things i dont no what to do with my diet. what shud i do? im 5,7. 17 yr old, 260 pounds. i want to be in the 100 range again and my goal desire is 160 - 170. is their anything i can do? eating less calories and all? any tips or tricks? i want it to be as soon as possible also. every comment in this post is appreciated even if its a hater.

thanks all..

My dude just start off by going outside and running every single day. No more sodas!!! Just drink WATER!!!!! No more Candy/Snacks or any of the sort either!!

Real talk though just go outside and run. I know some people are going to go way more in depth but I just gave you a few tips which will defiantly help lol.
Yep. Run/walk as much as you can outside.

Instead of going out for fast food, go buy or make a sandwich instead.

It is very difficult to lose weight, but you have to keep up the mindset every day to lose your weight.
whats your current trend pattern? what do you eat? any exercise at all? who aids you in achieving what you are eatting right now? family cooking too good? doyou need to escape that?

ask yourself all sorts of those questions. you will soon find the root of your problem
first off at that height and weight you are obese

no need to sugarcoat the situation

what do eat like now?

if you want to make a serious change in your life you have to address what your lifestyle is like currently

then we can go from there.....basically what WallyHopp said
funny.i was gonna make a thread. but i just hit 200 and I'm 5' 8"

I'm starting to get a double chin. n that's why I'm liek yoooo... i need to do something.
just watch what your eating. saturated/trans fats are horrible. just try to eat fres foods.

and also from reading health articles... just because somethines says healty or diet doesn't mean its good for you. they used proetein bars as an example,some had like 15g of saturated fat. another big example is chicken wraps or pita bread. u may think your eating healthy but they have more calories than aregularb sandwich. And salads aren't bad, its the dressings that kill you. one of the lightest dressings you can get is vinagrette, or just lemon and salt.

hope this helps.

o. and excercise doing something you like. i heard swimming is good because you don't really notice your excercising plus your having fun...
oh! and don't fight cravings because you'll end up over-indulging when u do give in.
this one article said its better to eat 1/4 or 1/2 of something. for example if u wanted a snickers bar, have the fun size instead of the hude one....
oh! and don't fight cravings because you'll end up over-indulging when u do give in.
this one article said its better to eat 1/4 or 1/2 of something. for example if u wanted a snickers bar, have the fun size instead of the huge ones....
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Sheesh...im tryna gain mass while burning fat. What should i do? I wanna gain another 10 lbs butnot be sloppy weight[/color]
Jesus christ dude, 5'8 260?? How do you let yourself get to that? Im 5'9 148 and im in the process of sheding some weight
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Jesus christ dude, 5'8 260?? How do you let yourself get to that? Im 5'9 148 and im in the process of sheding some weight

Dude is an inch taller than me and weight a full hundred pounds extra.

Hit the gym fam. Get a routine and live by it.
OP your almost like me when I started trying to lose weight. I'm 5'6 and weighed 265 back in November now I'm at 170 and still have some like 20lbs of body fat to lose. At first I lost weight the horrible way because I didn't know any better which was eating WAY below my recommended calorie intakelike I was skipping breakfast and lunch most of the time but if I did eat those times I would have cereal or subway. But dinner I never skipped and I waseating a ****load of chicken breast,salmon, shrimp at dinner time. I dropped down to 209 with that diet and doing tons of cardio on the elliptical,stairmaster, stationary bike.

Then I got a trainer and he told me what I was doing was wrong because I was eating so little and doing so much cardio that I've probably lost a goodamount of muscle mass. He then gave me a diet(or a meal plan of what I should eat) and gave me routine. I'm still following the diet but I'm notfollowing the crappy routine he gave me because it was mostly about using machines... and I've learned free weights are waay better. So if you'retrying to lose weight don't try to eat little to nothing but try eat the right foods and drink water instead of sugary drinks. Also check outforums.menshealth.com they got tons of info...
i was 5"8 312 pounds 3 years ago.. i was not that fat till i had to be hospitalized for a year and 4 months afterward of not being able to exercise andplay sports i doubled my weight. (from 150 to 300) i ate alot of boredem and depression

through high calorie cuts, eating light food, and eating everything i could to speed of metobolism i ended up dropping to 180 within a year

then i started taking up MA again, football and bodybuilding.

right now i am 5"10 232 pounds with only 12% BFP.

when you hit the gym do as follows:
some light calasthenics for warm-ups
then cardio lastly.

exercise, lots of cardio.. try pushups, situps .. and do weights 3 times a week , training all parts of the body at least 1 time a week.

or try the ripptoes program ( google it ) for strenght

eat light food, snapple diet green tea metbolism = your best friend

take up MA , play sports, increase your daily activities , after your workouts if you got nothing to do pick up a book.

and uh nutrition is 75% of the battle switch up your diet as well.. lean meats, light foods, water and green tea, a diet soda once in a while, no fast foods,candy, pizza etc.

make sure you get alot of rest in while lifting .. and lots of water.

MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT STARVE YOUR SELF, OR ELSE YOU WOULD BE 180 BUT ALL FAT WHICH IS NOT GOOD..after 7 hours with no food your body starts to eat away atmuscle instead of fat

TO MAC A RONI: to gain mass but minimuim fat i recommend a clean-bulk.

its eating high amount of protien, 75%lifting , 10 % cardio, 10% calasthenics and 5% stretching.

intake high amounts of protien with minimuim calories.. and high rest ( your body wont grow without rest)

may i suggest whey ON the gold standard to increase protien intake with miniumum calories , tuna , chicken breast, turkey lean meats.
also drink LOTS of water.

and to the person who said protien bars are not healthy.. their not for losing weight there for gaining mass, i eat 1 after every workout cause its so hard toreach my protien intake.
Wow man 5'8 and 260? That is too much weight for such a small frame.

Take advice people have posted already, don't starve yourself, eat healthier foods, drop the sodas/sugary drinks, drop the enriched flour products, dropthe hydrgenated oil products, become more aware of what your putting in your body by reading food labels and going online to find out whats healthy and whatsnot, no more fried foods, drink more water, keep yourself busy don't fall into playing video games for more than an hour a day, get a gym membership.

I think a lot of people on here are putting you on the right track but here are some specifics, at your particular age height and weight your body should burnabout 2400 calories a day at rest. You should be eating 1800-2000 calories a day which will create 600-400 calorie deficit a day, it takes about 3500 caloriesto burn 1lb of fat. As for food you can eat anything you want as long as you keep to your calories, that being said you don't eat junk just to eat junk,food is fuel the better the quality the better off you will be. Also eating good quality foods, lean proteins and veggies etc. you will find you can eat moreof it since its so much lower in calories, meaning you won't be hungry. To accelerate your weight loss you of course you need to work out cardio andcircuit training are going to have the biggest impact. Just Like QueensFinest10 said variety is important not only in your eating but in your workouts. Onecommon misconception is stretching before you workout, you should only stretch after doing your warm-up stretching a "cold" muscle can result in atear or injury. Also set small goals like benchmarks, of course your goal is 170-160 but set your goals (for example) in 20-30lb increments. This will keepyou motivated don't discredit your accomplishments. Best of luck to you!!
create a fitday.com account, get diet in order, and get weights/cardio in order

I would say aim for ~2200 cals a day and see if your losing weight

its gonna come with time, thats a good amount of weight to lose, it takes time and it is very much possible

try bodybuilding.com forums for fat loss supp stacks that can make it a little easier or give you an inital boost.

eat half the box of cookies instead of the whole thing

seriously though make a half-decent stride towards eating like a human being an not a vacuum cleaner and the pounds will melt away.
I'm in the same situation as you my man. I stopped really doing an activity for a whole summer and got so out of shape. The summer before freshman year Iwas doing summer PE and football conditioning, then in the fall I did football and winter/spring I did basketball. Then during the summer I did basketballagain and in the fall did conditioning and then played basketball during the season. At this time I was keeping my weight at 180-190 at about5'7"-5'8". I have a bad body, but it is still my fault, which means I have to work extra hard.

I'm just gonna try to get in the habit of drinking only water. I drink only Diet soda, but I still think there's some !*$* wrong with that. I'mjust gonna hit the gym on the bike and elliptical and lift some weights

Basically just try to watch what you eat and hit the gym. It's actually more important for you to be healthy than for you too look good, just rememberthat. You can be health without being really skinny.

I'm just starting my transition into lots of gym time ande everything so I'll see how it goes and try something else if it doesn't work out. Justkeep your head up and try not to slip.

And all the other posters, sometimes you just have a high metabolism and sometimes you have a slow one. I know I eat more than I should, but I'm not eatingall day long and everything and I know others that eat just as much if not more than I do and stay skinny.
Originally Posted by masterhammy

I'm in the same situation as you my man. I stopped really doing an activity for a whole summer and got so out of shape. The summer before freshman year I was doing summer PE and football conditioning, then in the fall I did football and winter/spring I did basketball. Then during the summer I did basketball again and in the fall did conditioning and then played basketball during the season. At this time I was keeping my weight at 180-190 at about 5'7"-5'8". I have a bad body, but it is still my fault, which means I have to work extra hard.

I'm just gonna try to get in the habit of drinking only water. I drink only Diet soda, but I still think there's some !+*! wrong with that. Also, I will be hitting the gym and just doing cardio type of stuff. I really wouldn't suggest doing some weight lifting because it will turn the fat into muscle, but can easily go back which was my big problem too.

Basically just try to watch what you eat and hit the gym. It's actually more important for you to be healthy than for you too look good, just remember that. You can be health without being really skinny.

I'm just starting my transition into lots of gym time ande everything so I'll see how it goes and try something else if it doesn't work out. Just keep your head up and try not to slip
Can you slap whoever told you that? cmon bro, you dont build muscle from fat
, your acting like putting on 3+ lbs of muscle a week is easy to do, like yourgonna bulk up lifting. its all about diet, Cals in=cals out= matience, energy balance my guy

OP, weight lift, it burns cals, increases lean mass, and can increase your metabolism.
^I say that because it seems like if you don't keep up the weight lifting then it will go to flab, but Im not too sure anyway so thanks for the heads up
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