Weight Experts come in please - i want to start a diet

I wish I could get a trainer to help me out with a meal plan and workout routine, but for now I'll try to stick it out on my own
Originally Posted by masterhammy

I'm in the same situation as you my man. I stopped really doing an activity for a whole summer and got so out of shape. The summer before freshman year I was doing summer PE and football conditioning, then in the fall I did football and winter/spring I did basketball. Then during the summer I did basketball again and in the fall did conditioning and then played basketball during the season. At this time I was keeping my weight at 180-190 at about 5'7"-5'8". I have a bad body, but it is still my fault, which means I have to work extra hard.

I'm just gonna try to get in the habit of drinking only water. I drink only Diet soda, but I still think there's some !+*! wrong with that. Also, I will be hitting the gym and just doing cardio type of stuff. I really wouldn't suggest doing some weight lifting because it will turn the fat into muscle, but can easily go back which was my big problem too.

Basically just try to watch what you eat and hit the gym. It's actually more important for you to be healthy than for you too look good, just remember that. You can be health without being really skinny.

I'm just starting my transition into lots of gym time ande everything so I'll see how it goes and try something else if it doesn't work out. Just keep your head up and try not to slip
Can you slap whoever told you that? cmon bro, you dont build muscle from fat
, your acting like putting on 3+ lbs of muscle a week is easy to do, like your gonna bulk up lifting. its all about diet, Cals in=cals out= matience, energy balance my guy

OP, weight lift, it burns cals, increases lean mass, and can increase your metabolism.

Yeah Swolemeat (I feel like such a dork calling you guys by your screen names, but I'm really sorry I don't know your guys names) is absolutely right,for one you can't turn fat into muscle and the more muscle mass you have the more calories you will burn. Like he said you're not gonna get hugeyou're just making your body more efficient. I'm not 100% sure but I think for every 1lb of muscle you burn 3-4 more calories than 1lb of fat.
Originally Posted by bilbo07

what are some good ways to speed up my metabolism?

increasing activity is your best bet.

metabolism is mostly genetic, and weight lifting can increase it, its not very substantial
Originally Posted by masterhammy

I wish I could get a trainer to help me out with a meal plan and workout routine, but for now I'll try to stick it out on my own


thousands of people with same goals who would be wiling to help bro, no reason to stick it out solo
^^ member on there..

lol same username.

but yeah muscle will not turn into fat or vice versa..

i lost most of my weight through weight lifting.

not only does it speed up metobolism , burn calories while doing the actual motion, increase test levels, but it helps you burn more while you sleep , burnalot of calories through recovering, and burn alot more calories all together cause muscle is harder to mantain.

if anything taking a cutting/weight loss supplement. but i didnt .. dont beleive in them personally, but if worse comes to worse then you do what you must.
I was 6'3" and around 260-270, when I finally decided I had enough and was ready to slim back down. I was never really skinny, and my frame allows meto hold more weight than I like, but after having knee surgery I went from 200 to 230 out of being depressed and no exercise and add in college weight gain Iballooned to 260-270 in the span of about 3 years.

So since about april I have cut out most of the fried foods I eat, to the point where I eat nothing fried M-F and "splurge" once on the weekend. Alsocut out pretty much all fast foods, I may eat fast foods once a month now, and only a small sandwich when I do. I've also cut out soda through out the weekand try to go for one on the weekends.

I know that is not a great diet, but it is something I knew I could ease into especially working in a restaurant. I have probably lost around 20 poundsalready, and know I could lose more working in a better diet and more exercise, which I'm trying to do.
Originally Posted by kylewatson3

I was 6'3" and around 260-270, when I finally decided I had enough and was ready to slim back down. I was never really skinny, and my frame allows me to hold more weight than I like, but after having knee surgery I went from 200 to 230 out of being depressed and no exercise and add in college weight gain I ballooned to 260-270 in the span of about 3 years.

So since about april I have cut out most of the fried foods I eat, to the point where I eat nothing fried M-F and "splurge" once on the weekend. Also cut out pretty much all fast foods, I may eat fast foods once a month now, and only a small sandwich when I do. I've also cut out soda through out the week and try to go for one on the weekends.

I know that is not a great diet, but it is something I knew I could ease into especially working in a restaurant. I have probably lost around 20 pounds already, and know I could lose more working in a better diet and more exercise, which I'm trying to do.
thats great progress man, respects, keep it up and you'll get back down to where you were
Hopefully this'll inspire you a bit
At the age of 13 I weighed 187 I was FAT I mean FAT
Age 14 I continued to gain weight I was 250 5'6 I was really FAT it didn't hit me till mid summer that I was spiraling out of control with my weight.
Age 15 265 5'5 (I actually got shorter) got a gym membership and went everyday and didn't stop running till I felt as if my feet were gonna bleed Iknow it's REALLY DANGEROUS to do that but I was dedicated to losing weight. I went through a small phase of bulimia where I'd force myself to throw up.I quit that after 2 months.
Age 16 after running and excersing and cutting out fast foods and sodas for a year and a half I was right where I started 187 but now I was 5'7. beganplaying basketball and lifting weights.
Age 17 I am now 190 5'9 muscle is catching up with fat. I'm chubby but I can run 2 miles in 16 minutes.

Age 14-Waist line 36
Age 15-38 mid summer 42
Age 16- 40
Age 17- 36-38

I only eat fast food 12 times a year. Yes once a month. and I only drink soda on occasions such as a party or reunion
I'm a straight-edge...I don't drink and I no longer smoke.
get on the yerba mate its the bombdig. make a conscious effort to eat healthier. drop the cokes and unneccesaary sweets. always drink water. incorporate sometype of excercise into your daily routine even if it is even a walk or taking stairs instead of elevator. start slow this will take time. if you do not alreadyexcercise dont go extreme work your way up. swim ride a bicycle .

always think positive and dont give up
burn trees
iono for some reason i am 230 pounds with a size 31 waiste, all that kicking, sprinting and intense leg workouts really trimmed down my waiste size lol

( i take muy thai and judo, i use to take kung-fu when i was younger, even when i was obese i still took tai-chi and internal martial arts)

i am pretty sure my story gets the inspiration

but yeah to increase metobolism , break up meals into smaller portions except a big 3 , eat a small 6

weight lifting

green tea

increase daily activity

increase water intake


eat lighter meats, food.

chew on your food more

chew gum right after your meals.

but the great part about being 231 pounds 12 BFP , and workout daily... is i kinda could eat whatever i want now, my calorie mantainence is super high .. i eatabout 4K a day ... i burn it off though just as quick... i ate tacobell 3 times this week lol.. i eat like an absoulout monster now
Originally Posted by JordanKing Xi

hi all, well people tell me so much things i dont no what to do with my diet. what shud i do? im 5,7. 17 yr old, 260 pounds. i want to be in the 100 range again and my goal desire is 160 - 170. is their anything i can do? eating less calories and all? any tips or tricks? i want it to be as soon as possible also. every comment in this post is appreciated even if its a hater.

thanks all..

Losing or gaining weight isn't a process that takes a few days..took me about 8-12 months to go from 260 to 190.
The best thing you could do is join a gym and actually go. The first month I promise you'll see results like crazy. Eating right, working out hard, andsleeping a decent amount of hours every night you could lose anywhere from 8-10 pounds in the first month. As time passes the process gets slower and harder.Drink water & only water. Make smarter choices when it comes to what you put in your mouth. (pause) Every time you feel like beasting on food andget a "F it" attitude pinch your gut.
It works trust me.Also if you bagging chicks now imagine after you lose weight and your confidence rises. You'll be healthier and happier with your life. Good luck man!
Don't wanna nitpick at the OP but it is called Sports & TRAINING for a reason playa.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Don't wanna nitpick at the OP but it is called Sports & TRAINING for a reason playa.

i dont want to nitpick at JD but its called weight experts come in please for a reason playa
go to bodybuildingforums.com.

You have to understand also, your not going to lose the weight over night. It will take time, and will shed depending on how much will power you have. Dontgive up if you dont see the results you wish rite away, itll come.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Don't wanna nitpick at the OP but it is called Sports & TRAINING for a reason playa.

i dont want to nitpick at JD but its called weight experts come in please for a reason playa

weight lifting ---> weight training ---> training

basically you need to figure out your BMR (basil metabolic rate) which is the amount of calories you need to stay the same weight. Eat 500 calorieds less thanthat and you should start to lose weight. Also run
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