Welcome to NIKETALK.com. New Forums and features added!!!

is this it?


it was already released.

no that one is in 9 and below, the one i posted is in 9.5-10
msn/email - [email protected]
aim - pqpine413


STuff to trade: Homer, Viotech, Tiff, Alts, GM Vandals, Mite95s, Melvins
i finished that new banner you guys wanted, let me know if you need anything changed...


Woah now, I once compared NT staff to the Nazi's and got an 18 paragraph essay (with citation) and a quick kick to banned camp... watch what you say.
-Nick AIM
JJs Home- I don't know why you incessantly persist on being deliberately argumentative, but you could do two things to do your arguments a favor:

#1- Show some consideration/ respect/ acknowledgement for whomever you're addressing.

#2- Acknowledge points as they are given.

Regarding #1, you consistently belittle the efforts of NT's mods/ admins, yet expect to be taken seriously. I have no problem with candid debates, as my post history on NikeTalk could well prove, but I do have a problem with those that argue without consideration for whomever they're arguing with, or the points they're making.

Regarding #2, I said earlier that e-mails were NOT the sole reason the decisions were made, yet you come back with a response predacated on the failure of making decisions based solely on e-mails. Yes, you briefly mentioned other responses, but the crux of your argument is still that decisions based on e-mails is a flawed system. We agree. Decisions weren't made based on e-mails. Next point?

Additionally, you say that it's inherently flawed to make decisions based solely on the voices of those crying, because those appeased are remaining quiet. Well that puts us in a lose-lose situation, doesn't it? See, not EVERY NikeTalker is complaining right now. In fact, browse some of the other forums and you'll see droves of regular NT'ers that never set foot in General. They're not complaining. Now, you're saying, "Your error was failing to consider the quiet. You shouldn't have made the changes based on those saying something, because the ones that were o.k. with the way it was ... were quiet. You didn't hear them because they weren't saying anything." The only logical response is ... we will now listen to the quiet. Following your own logic, wouldn't the following question be a perfectly reasonable, and expected, attitude? "The voice of the quiet speaks for their approval, so why change it back?" We wouldn't want to repeat the same mistake you're saying we already made once, would we? We wouldn't want to cater only to those voicing disapproval, would we? You're saying that's what we did, aren't you?

<>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> 23ska for short <<<<<<<[/b]
(http://www.nba.com/lakers/news/Chick_Hearn_Bio-50564-59.htmlI grew up going mainly to ANGELS and LAKERS games, but I will ALWAYS cheer for my wife's home team (UK WILDCATS) and ALL the rest of MY home teams (SPARKS, XTREME, CLIPPERS, PADRES, DUCKS, TROJANS, CHARGERS, AVENGERS, DODGERS, BRUINS, KINGS, GALAXY).​
Woooooooooow... I'm really lovin this "we're gonna do what we want to because we can so your opinions don't count" attitude... Great Job folks!

Real Animal Farmish
Stop E-Snitching​
I'm really lovin this "we're gonna do what we want to because we can so your opinions don't count" attitude
uh...read our responses again b/c you clearly have missed the point.

I'm done with this thread...

bunch of people complaining before even giving things a chance....


some criticisms I think are valid...and I've noted them... the majority is just this.

[table]T E A M N E R D [/table]​
JJs Home- I don't know why you incessantly persist on being deliberately argumentative, but you could do two things to do your arguments a favor:

I'm not deliberatly argumentative. I am willing to express myself where I see fault. I'm not the type to dance around somethnig just because some one else wants to. Thats just not me

#1- Show some consideration/ respect/ acknowledgement for whomever you're addressing.

People very rarely give me that so I don't give it back. I won't lie, I'm already ****ed up within relation to ya'll. Its been that way for a long long time, and I'm not gonna change. If ya'll wanna change thats fine, maybe it would change me, either way its fairly inconsequential. 90% of the stuff every moderator, who set the examlpe here, says has a cut at people on the board in it somewhere. Amybe you less then others, but its still there, and I'm not the type to ignore that either. I won't say I'm helping nothing, but me and the people who run this site don't owe that to each other and it's whatever

#2- Acknowledge points as they are given.

I do acknowledge points. I acknowledge ones I see inconsistency with. I don't acknowledge ones I understand. i simlpy internalize them and stop arguing them. I see no reason to do anything else unless I have been proven to be wholy wrnog as opposed to just misinformed or niave from the beginning,

I don't feel the need to address every point because I am not extended the same curteousy or sometimes they just aren't worth addressnig because the answer is clear


Regarding #1, you consistently belittle the efforts of NT's mods/ admins, yet expect to be taken seriously.

I feel people get belittled because they don't keep it honest when talking to me. I can't and won't argue with the proven truth. If people getting mad at me for belittlement all I can say is its reciprocative, because I feel the same way. If ya'll don't wanna take me serious because of that its hypocritical because ya'll do the same thing, yet I take ya'll seriouslly because a negative attitude does not negate the truth or intelligence. I'd look at being ignored for that as weakness period. Refusing to address an opposition is weakness in any agument from anyone, (since yall wanna hear it) myself included. If you can't defend yourself against a piongiant thought your argument isn't very valid

I have no problem with candid debates, as my post history on NikeTalk could well prove, but I do have a problem with those that argue without consideration for whomever they're arguing with, or the points they're making.

thats fine, thats you, I have a problem with it to, but I deal with it, it just seems to be the nature of opposition

Regarding #2, I said earlier that e-mails were NOT the sole reason the decisions were made, yet you come back with a response predacated on the failure of making decisions based solely on e-mails. Yes, you briefly mentioned other responses, but the crux of your argument is still that decisions based on e-mails is a flawed system. We agree. Decisions weren't made based on e-mails. Next point?

Its great that emails are not the SOLE factor, but what are the other factors, and more importantly WHERE ARE THEY. You all have addressed various other factors, we all deserve to know what they are and see some type of proof of them. If you really care about our input on these changes we would need them. Since they have only been alluded to mysteriously we cannot address them. This pretty much sums up why people are dissatisfied with the changes. We have no knowledge towards where they came frmo and what they are. how can you expect us to respect them? These other fectors could be total fiction with the information you all have presented

regadring number 2 many of my points are equally ignored. i have yet to recieve a straight answer on the reseller issue beyond the email factor, the whine factor, and the "we said so factor". It was claimed for equalities sake, but it it is extremely unfair to a whole group of sellers

I'm used to the practice right now I guess it doesn't phase me as it does you

Additionally, you say that it's inherently flawed to make decisions based solely on the voices of those crying, because those appeased are remaining quiet. Well that puts us in a lose-lose situation, doesn't it?

yes it does, so it makes them practicually unviable, there fore the only way they could have been cnosidered properly is by then questioning the board as a whole on their consistencies

See, not EVERY NikeTalker is complaining right now. In fact, browse some of the other forums and you'll see droves of regular NT'ers that never set foot in General. They're not complaining.

Good where they don't complani thats great, where they do its a problem. When ya'll count them all up I'd love to know what the numbers look like. It should fit in very well with the rest of the research yal'l have done that we have never seen. Here in the largest forum by far I see complaints

"Your error was failing to consider the quiet. You shouldn't have made the changes based on those saying something, because the ones that were o.k. with the way it was ... were quiet. You didn't hear them because they weren't saying anything." The only logical response is ... we will now listen to the quiet. Following your own logic, wouldn't the following question be a perfectly reasonable, and expected, attitude? "The voice of the quiet speaks for their approval, so why change it back?" We wouldn't want to repeat the same mistake you're saying we already made once, would we? We wouldn't want to cater only to those voicing disapproval, would we? You're saying that's what we did, aren't you?

This is a tongue twisting mind bender

What I said was it shuold have brought to the board as a whole first. Yal'l clearly had a plan, why not get input before imposing as opposed to opposition after imposing? thats what I'm saying

All you have done is mashed up the table. Basically what your saying is the tables have turned so the majority who was quiet is now forced to speak. Thats not the proper solution at all. Its like creating a bigger problem to fix a smaller one. All you're diong now is making the quiet loud instead of just being upfront with EVERYONE for the last month. A sticky of proposed changes a month ago would have prevented all this and actually gave a HUGE beenfit to the research ya'll have claimed to have done, because it would have been real time responses from the posting majority minus the combativeness

What you are doing is basically creating the same problem twice when just asking and showing would have created a much better so[/quote]
The Robb Report:<br>coming when I feel like it
Dirty's last post is very much an example

You all have said alot about research, but we have seen none. All we saw was graphs about the selling spread which where probably correct, but based around a meaningless concept, eveness. What does eveness matter in that at all?

it may be marginally more effetive for people of average fot size, but even then its not a big deal. that is a change which is decent, but over thought out for minimal returns

The best reserach ya'l cuold have dnoe was propsing this to us. Thats it, there is no substitute. the opinions givin could have been real evidence for all to see

You don't do that and say just eat it and if you don't you're crying. i can't speak for everyone else, but to refuse to address my very real points is just weakness. its like saying you can't because with every shown answer I will conceed where I am false, and yet for most concepts that has yet to be done.

to call people cry babiess and refuse to comment is a loss of control on your part. Its right to be exasperted, but your methods of doing so disrespecdt your own ideals
The Robb Report:<br>coming when I feel like it
damn.. you got me back..

to call people cry babiess and refuse to comment is a loss of control on your part.
...sorry...but when the same tired old thing is being re-iterated...i'm going to stop commenting.

like I said...I've read this entire thread...some things I noted..some things I dismiss.

but if you think that we're going to immediately change things back just b/c you guys are complaining now...then yes... TOO friggin BAD.

it's NOT going to happen.

I say many of you are crying, simply b/c you're going on and on and on about the EXACT same thing OVER and OVER and OVER..

call me stalin, hitler, castro, a nazi or whatever... I don't care.
but we did this for the good of the board...and not just b/c we felt like it.

[table]T E A M N E R D [/table]​
some people are some people aren't

you gotta use your argument funnel

address the reasonable ones and dismiss the silly

As for my words, I dno't feel I have gone OVER and OVER on the same point, all I feel is I have dug deeper and deeper on thing I want to understand with which there is still great room for explanation
The Robb Report:<br>coming when I feel like it
it sucks that people can't sell more than one of the same item (refering to tee shirts). some people have doubles of shoes so your saying they can only list one pair at a time? thats a little stupid to me. its a little understandable excluding the resellers but if they have the legit product that people will buy i don't see why they can't sell it here.
but the
In my experience, people dont like changes. They like things to be consistent and comfortable. People had complaints about the old NT but they learned to deal with them and accept them to a degree.

When you changed NT to its new format, it caught us by surprise and we had to adjust to them. The messageboard was no longer familiar to us and that takes time to get used to. Some people take longer to adjust than others and complain as a result. The complaints are a given and although not all of them are justified, they should be expected.

Do I like all the changes? nope... but in time I will learn to deal with them and as a whole I think the board has improved because of the changes.

My suggestion to the mods/admins... try to spread out the changes over time next time and inform the members some more. The only change that I knew was taking place was the buy/sell forum. The others took me by surprise.

Lastly, please be patient with us through our complaints and everything because even though you had months and months to think and process the changes that have happened, we have only seen them for a couple days so to a degree, we are months and months behind you on this.

i think it is really silly to complain about a message board's new layout, if you don't like it join Niketalk Retro but of course your not gonna join because Niketalk can't be duplicated their basically gonna get all their info from the original Niketalk. Niketalk's new layout doesn't affect your life so why complain about it, when you go to bed are you frustrated that NT is different im pretty sure not and if yes you really need to get out more. It's your choice to visit this message board. When everyone signed up to Niketalk most of us already knew ahead of time we have no power, the Administrators make the rules not us so why would you think they should have included us when making these decisions, i agree that they should atleast pitched a few ideas or give us some insight as to what might be changed, since it is "US" who keep Niketalk running but situations like these happen in everyday life most of our Senators don't really represent the "public opinion" as they are potrayed to be they merely go by party lines. But you can't complain about it because at the end of the day you are your own person and you make "YOUR" own decisions, no one should have to make them for you. Now are you forever gonna complain about a certain situation or are you gonna take the inciative like NolanDW did and created a new message board that fits your needs. Me personally i don't like the snitch button but what can i do about it but just sit back and try to follow the rules, then i wouldn't have to worry. People most of the time aren't receptive of change but sometimes change can be for the better, imagine getting up everyday for 60 years and following the same routine of eating breakfast, going to work, come home eat diner, watch T and then sleep, that would become dull after the first 4 years.
The mods already said that the layout will stay the same for until 6 months so are people gonna complain about Niketalk until April, come one we are acting like some 5 year olds at Kindergarden who want extra time to play with the toys.
Stop E-Snitching​
Regarding 'unseen data collection':

#1- You are aware that we (mods/ admins) have our own discussions, correct? For example, certain people have asked to be considered in helping to moderate the Buy/ Sell forums. A couple of those people have already been appointed. We made the decision 'behind your back', if that's the way you want to look at it. We also made the decision without announcement. And? What's the problem? I mean ... heck, even parents make decisions about their families that they don't discuss in front of the kids, and don't make a 'pre-approval announcement' for. (And don't take that with the symbolic suggestion that staff = parents and NT = kids. I didn't mean it like that, just to clarify. I could have used an example of administration/ employees, or coach/ team, and the same symbolic references could be made out of those as well ... though (again) that's not how I meant it. I'm simply saying that decisions are made behind closed doors regarding those outside the doors all the time. Not a problem.)

#2- Eventually, this thread will cease to exist. If we make a decision that was influenced by some of the things in this thread (though not entirely hinged on this thread), how could I possibly show you the 'evidence'? All I can tell you is, "People said things in Thread A, Thread B, and Thread C ... none of which exist anymore", and that's just going to have to be a sufficient answer. And the same concept applies to AIM Chats. People have complained ... BLASTED ... the old Buy/ Sell forum in AIM chats with me before, and now we've taken a few steps to try and revamp things.

Were they the right decisions? We don't KNOW that they are, so we'll just have to wait and see.

Were they wrong decisions? You don't KNOW that they aren't, so you'll just have to wait and see.

Let's both wait and see.

These changes were brought in; they can be undone/ amended as we see fit. But we can't gauge anything without first trying it out; all we can do is speculate. All you can do is speculate.

Wait and see.


<>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> 23ska for short <<<<<<<[/b]
(http://www.nba.com/lakers/news/Chick_Hearn_Bio-50564-59.htmlI grew up going mainly to ANGELS and LAKERS games, but I will ALWAYS cheer for my wife's home team (UK WILDCATS) and ALL the rest of MY home teams (SPARKS, XTREME, CLIPPERS, PADRES, DUCKS, TROJANS, CHARGERS, AVENGERS, DODGERS, BRUINS, KINGS, GALAXY).​
dang i been away from NT for almost a month and its different...so much changes....i need to check once in a while now
AIM- Funnydude34
[email protected]
references: truthmain,nonchalant916,wooha,j23stunnah, jsyck
For Sale: Nike Dunk bone/white 10.5, Nike AF1 Sheeds 10.5, Nike Air Revolution 10.5, got other stuff get at me
Were they the right decisions? We don't KNOW that they are, so we'll just have to wait and see.

Were they wrong decisions? You don't KNOW that they aren't, so you'll just have to wait and see.

Let's both wait and see.

These changes were brought in; they can be undone/ amended as we see fit. But we can't gauge anything without first trying it out; all we can do is speculate. All you can do is speculate.

Wait and see.
There wouldn't be such a big mess in this thread if everyone heeded this.

I just hope that not too many contributors to the community are alienated by this.

That NTretro stuff is just plain stupid. I guess it's somewhat of a halfhearted joke, but if y'all are serious about it...then NT doesn't need you in the first place. If you really enjoy NT (and I do, despite what my posts would otherwise insinuate)...help fix the problems by providing meaningful feedback, and don't just run out on it.
C E N E S L U T[/b]
W A N T E D!::Air Trainer SB::Jordan III::Dunk Hulk::Sz.11​
i went back a reread this thread. i noticed a few things, this being the most reflective

you come to us with valid and constructive criticism...we're going to listen...

you come to us merely complaining without any valid alternatives... better believe that it will fall on deaf ears...

i agree with this and it also breaks down this post into 2 clear catagoreys. Many have whined and complained giving little reason or insight. Few have looked at the changes objectively and offered useful criticism. I will try to do the latter and even offer what I feel are reasonable solutions

first: basic layout

The name length issue: I agree with this change, because it has very strong reason. By having a standard width it makes the job of sig checking thousands of times easier. now dirty can truly put to use his eagle eye milli-milli-millimeter over the hieght telling skills to make sure sigs fall within the exact stated limits. Its reasnoable because it directly compliments a long standing rule.

the small solution to it is do whatever can be done to allow maximun space use on the side boarder for peoples names. I'm sure this can be easily perfected in the near future and people with 100 character names who dno't care about you knownig there names anyways will get their usuall attention. people will get over all this fast

the Report button: i actually think its a fine thing. I think its lame if you wanna be that one tattle tale guy on every issue, but Niketalk has gotten to the point where certain clowns make up 30 screen names so they can pull the same lame harrassment, make-believe story, look-at-me posts every month. it will simply cut down on habitual losers whose greatest joy in life is being a prick on the internet. If you are a person who has to constantly break basic internet message board rules for no persnoal profit you deserve mini-mods jocking you anyways

as far as the snitch factor, please. yeah its funny to say, but again snitching doesn't involve fake identities, proforming internet hate crimes, because clearly life offers you nothing better. if the only snitching you have to worry about goes on on an internet message board you dno't even have the right to use the word, because you're disrepecting real people who could get snitched on. Whatever don't take that criticism to serious, because we al know when no ones really reporting anything you're gonna wanna joni team late night again, they'd love to have you back.

The jump bar: this is the basis for all iss comparisons i think seeing as I've never gone there till this post. It is too Much, and just a huge bother which I'm sure no one likes. i have for it however a solution; make mini jump stations let me explain

keep the old school ones, but eliminate all the individual regions to a chioce called "regions" with its own page, then from there you can jump to your desired region. Same with B/S one page then you choose from there

for the legit checks and all that, no need for even a jump bar selection. have a link on the top of the respection secton which links it. it will probably lead to greater utilization of those pages anyways. this way ever jordan head who wants to know about jordans can make an easy jump frmo the page they probably view most

these changes will bring the old school jump bar much closer to normal, and help the boadr frmo getting more segregated then it already is

Second: BUY/SELL

Verified selling: Its good but limiting. The better protection is better, but some people like raw sex regardless. I suggest amendnig it

Keep the verified section with the 10 item limit. This will be fnie until we see how much yall can handle, if the number can be bumped up from 10

i however have two seuggestions to amend it. allow for unchecked DON'T COMLPAIN CAUSE WE DON"T CARE buy sell sections in either buy sell or local areas. This will allow sellers to choose. Maybe to prevent clutter or as a fail safe put them in regions, this way things can be done thruogh pick up, or the frauds wil have to man up and be scared that the fraudee will drive to their house Kenn-E style.

each region can have their own regional shoe sale thread and misc sale thread to take up the opt being occupied by the total absence of stickies

Either way this will allow sellers to sell more freely and those scared of fraud to buy from the verified section, and others to trade more freely. Clearly state in the first thread of these posts that there will be NO COMPLAINING so if you use this section its at your own risk

it creates a big people pool and a kiddie pool effect which should dratically lower complaints

i feel my proposed amendments are all incredibly fair and I was a firm believer of the old system because getting frauded always took two people

Finally: B/S RULE NUMBER ONE :lol:

quite a fitting name for the rule if you ask me. This limitation is unfair on all counts. You say consideration for this rule was done by email and among your own dicussions. Let me ask you, how many mods who discussed this were resellers? None right? How many people complain about resellers? Many, but why? Because they don't get the shoes they want, and because they are mad they aren't getting money. Niketalk cannot and should not combat this. its wrong to people who resell because they are forced with unfair rules purely because of whiners, i'm sure you mods don't apprecaite reslling, but as adults you know that resellnig is not why these kids whine, they whine because they don't know who to blame but resellers. The should be blaming Nike for under-producing but thats a cycle which wil neevr stop.

Its unfair to offer inequal business opportunities due to misdirected hate. The guy sellnig 10 pairs of assorted dirty underoos and the guy sellnig 10 pairs of Paris dunks are business people just the same both profiting from Niketalk. Its not fair to force fees on the other guy just because he's selling a more desired product. bt definition it all really is RESELLING ANYWAYS Its an unfair boycott of a guy offering a better service, and its illegal in the vast majority of the areas of American comerc.e Resellers may have upset people, but the crusade should not start here unfairly.

it also limits guys offerni a true service. Guys like crisone and such who are making T-shirts not just to profit from YOUR board, but to give back freshness back to OUR communitee, and make a profit. Its actually one of the greatest benefits of niketakl, it allows the small guy with the great idea to succeed, and should be stolen from 40000+ people

it just seems like a decision chosen unfairly with no good reason givin yet


As far as my prior comments I again criticize the methods. Okay ya'l read emails and takled. the reading emails is pretty useless because its clearly biased as has ben recognized, so my suggestion is next time discuss with the communittee anyways. We'l always have the haters, but if we judge all these rules togetehr we grow as a communitee as opposed to create hate. if mods explain proposals nidividually with their feedback we can understand their reasoning and offer back our own. You compared this to the government, but that exactly why it shouldnt be the same, because decisions of that nature are always better with greater input, especially when it can cause healthy discussion that evokes reason and exlpanation from both sides. 40000 members are your greatest resource, do use them, it keps us togeethr as opposed to pushs us apart

with all this said I hope a mod or all the mods comment on some and hopefully all of what I said because it is wholly derived from the cnostructive criticism and discussion ya'll desired when maknig the rules. Discussing it from this point out would also give yak'll the opportunity gove the reasoning behind the current chioces in question
The Robb Report:<br>coming when I feel like it
Resellers are apart of the Shoe Games Eco-System I agree.. so not ALL Mods are UN-ok with them. Without them, I would not have been able to pick up many T-Dot Exclusives and avoid eBAY Sky High Prices.

I would like to share that at least you understand that complaints without suggested solutions are complaints better never said at all.

I truely believe many things and many people were considered, when new changes were made. IF you go around within the new Region Forums, you can easily see happy Campers.

And I will simplify it this way? Is it really THAT serious? When The Executive Board of a Company Implements new Policies and Procedures.. they don't consult everyone at the work site.

Brand Jordan nor Nike Website Masters contact us by email or otherwise to ask about our feedback on Changes they RARELY make to their respective Websites....

But we all seem to be ok with that right? I thought NT was a priviledge not a right. Why should ANY of us who don't pay the bill to keep this site running be so demanding?

While I understand many just want to see what THEY want to see in order to benefit and improve NT the way THEY think it should be improved, it can not always be THEIR way.

NT is a HUGE Focus group. Should the Admins at NT have created an NT New Look Focus Group? I think they did. It was us new recruits..who they asked MANY MANY MANY questions....

And believe me.. We are a Diverse Group of Mods.

So lean back.. enjoy the ride and see where this new Look NT takes us. Action Brings REACTION.. but sometimes.. relaxation should happen first.

You know what Rolls Down Hill Don't You?
Who Will You Call When "They" Make More than You?
keep the old school ones, but eliminate all the individual regions to a chioce called "regions" with its own page, then from there you can jump to your desired region. Same with B/S one page then you choose from there
i completely agree with this. i think it's a good idea.... frankly, whenver i click the jump scroll thing, it's scary. there's like 20 links. it would be very easy to cut down.

and is "report posts" supposed to be a forum that we can read? cause it's in the "jump to" list.

Some of y'all be doubting me
But I can do this in my sleep​
I like the new format

I would prefer if the Price/Check threads were combined because if Nike and Nike Retro shoes can be under Nike Price Checks it makes no sense why Jordan can't be under the title as well. I just don't think that it's necessary to have two Price Check forums there are plenty of people who know about Jordans and Nike shoes to help with both and if both were incorporated it might encourage people who would go in to look at Nike to also comment or help somebody out with Jordans at the same time.

It would also be nice if the Sneaker Art and Sneaker Showcase forums were combined, people will understand the appropriate function of a combined forum and would encourage people who go in just to look at WDYWT to also look at some photoshops or maybe to check out a future up and coming shoe designer it just seems that when there is a mixture or topics it exposes people to what they are missing by looking at the Title of a Forum and just avoiding it because they don't really know about the stuff in the forum. If somebody hadn't accidentally posted something about SB's in the Nike Forum I probably would have never looked at Nike Retro.

I'm just saying that when both forums are combined it encourages people to look at more things, the way things are now NT kind of seems like an express buffet line you come in look at the one thing you knew about before hand in the forum that only allows that one topic and you leave. Why not force people to look at the other side of sneaker cultue that they might be missing out on?

yes I ramble and no I don't take NT too serious I'm just a fast typer with too many opinions.

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