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Team Iron is trying way to hard.

Didn't the movie start with Killian coming to Stark with an idea and Stark blew him off? All Killian wanted to do was pitch an idea and Stark humiliated him leading Killian on his dark path.....but lets call Steve a scum bag.

What?! That means every person who gets turned down for a job or an autograph has the right to go postal on the world. Smh. Scumbag Steve has taught you well.
More importantly, Killian was trying to pitch a project to someone during a New Year's celebration...Regardless of who the person is, that's not really the best time. I'd have been annoyed by him too.
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What?! That means every person who gets turned down for a job or an autograph has the right to go postal on the world. Smh. Scumbag Steve has taught you well.
What? When did I say that?  Looks like being on Team Iron-Man so long has you delusional. 

Killian comes up to Maya with his life work and to get rid of him C blocking Stark tells him he's interested and to wait on the roof..... He could have just said nothing! They were already getting off the elevator or told him to call her tomorrow after Tony was done with her. Regardless of whether you think Steve is a scumbag, how do you know see this as Tony being one? 
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What? When did I say that?  Looks like being on Team Iron-Man so long has you delusional. 
Killian comes up to Maya with his life work and to get rid of him C blocking Stark tells him he's interested and to wait on the roof..... He could have just said nothing! They were already getting off the elevator or told him to call her tomorrow after Tony was done with her. Regardless of whether you think Steve is a scumbag, how do you know see this as Tony being one? 

You're saying Tony is the blame for not listening to dudes pitch. That stuff happens every day b. Regardless, Scumbag Steve should've been out handling it. He was too busy poppin Molly's with Hydra
You're saying Tony is the blame for not listening to dudes pitch. That stuff happens every day b. Regardless, Scumbag Steve should've been out handling it. He was too busy poppin Molly's with Hydra
Because it happens every day it makes it less of a scumbag move? I was simply saying Tony did something scumbaggy to start that movie. Killan wasn't even rapping at Tony. Granted he was C blocking him, but all Tony had to do was ignore him. Better yet tell him to call her tomorrow. Tony was gone in the AM anyway.

Anyway I see this is going now where so carry on 
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'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2' Scores Extremely Rare 100 in Test Screening

The Marvel film, set for a May 5 release, has bested previous crowdpleasers 'Iron Man 3' and 'Avengers' in its own internal metrics.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 has tested higher than any Marvel Studios movie in the company’s nine-year history. The movie’s score: a perfect 100.

Insiders confirm that extremely rare if not unprecedented score, saying the movie, which Disney is set to release May 5, bested the previous top Marvel scorers, Iron Man 3 and Avengers, both of which tested in the high 90s out of 100.

All studios conduct audience test screenings of their movies, mostly through a process of recruiting people (sometimes at grocery stores or malls) in areas outside of Los Angeles. The audience is shown the movie and asked to rate in on a scale of 1 to 100.

Marvel, however, culls from a more select pool of recruits, what it terms “friends and families screenings.” It’s larger than one might think and still a vigorous testing procedure, not a celebratory reception. It’s one way for Marvel to control security and prevent leaks of either plot spoilers or footage from getting out. And it’s a process Marvel has employed since the first Iron Man.

But because the Marvel testing process is not as random as other studio procedures, the 100 score for Guardians 2 is not necessarily able to be compared to other non-Marvel movies. And testing, of course, is a complicated process and not indicative of a movie’s box office performance or reviews.

In fact, producers and studio executives caution at putting too much meaning into test scores, pointing out the scores are best at gauging where audiences engage or disengage. “It’s a single tool in a whole toolbox arsenal,” says one producer.

Pretty Woman tested in the 70s, according to one former Disney executive, and that romantic comedy went on to become a massive hit and catapulted Julia Roberts to the A-list. Black Swan, the thriller that won Natalie Portman an Oscar, never tested above a 55, according to an insider.

Forrest Gump scored 88, which was the highest-testing movie in Paramount's history for a while. Argo, Ben Affleck’s Oscar-winning thriller, scored in the 90s. Horror movies, say executives, tend to test in 60s, although The Conjuring tested at 91.

"What an audience enjoys isn't necessarily what it responds to," says another executive who has been through the process.

(TV shows also do testing. Glee and Hill Street Blues had low test scores, yet audiences immediately embraced them and both went on to make their mark on pop culture.)

Some movies, such as the Transformers sequels, don't test at all, sometimes due to the leeway afforded to filmmakers or because the movie is so special effects-heavy that much of the film isn't done until very late. And some don't test due to secrecy concerns, as is the case with the new Star Wars films.

Guardians 2 is heading into the summer aloft with expectations and mighty buzz. The initial movie, released in 2014, was a surprise box office hit, grossing $773 million worldwide and generated wide acclaim, scoring a 92 percent from critics on Rotten Tomatoes.

Guardians 2, which reunites director James Gunn with his cast, including Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana and Dave Bautista, received a significant boost last weekend when its Super Bowl spot was one of the best-received movie ads during the most-watched telecast of the year.

Disney and Marvel declined to comment.
Just like no one was around during Thor 2 or TWS.

That's different. The attacks going on in IM3 had been going on for a while. You see that in the new footage and the conversation between Rhodey and Tony.

Most of the events in Thor 2 were happening off world. The damage being done on Earth was in the last 20 minutes of the film. Same with TWS. The damage was at the end.

Does the issues in IM3 seem like an Iron Man problem or Captain America? Dude wasn't giving a damn about protecting the country and its interest so Tony had to handle it himself. Scumbag.

As we don't have info on what Cap was doing, I can't make a sound defense. Maybe he was chilling or maybe he was on assignment like at the beginning of TWS. We don't know.

Also about the President kidnapping, wasn't the VP in on that? I'm sure when asked to send people he was like "We don't negotiate with Terrorist."

Zik just in here fueling the flames. Don't even think he really cares :rofl:
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the funny thing, if cap was smart instead of trying to do it on his own in WS.. maybe.. just maybe.. dude should have gave tony a call
When Cap doesn't show up in IM3. IM fans say : Scumbag Cap is a scumbgag for not showing up to help out.

When IM doesn't show up in WS. IM fans say: Scumbag Cap is a scumbag for not calling IM to help out.


Damn. IM fans are basically Trump fans.
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I mean he was dealing with a lot of technical things in WS.. who is the smartest person in that regard that he knows?

hell, tony probably could have hacked the helicarriers at the end from a remote location
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Damn. IM fans are basically Trump fans.
who's always bit*hing about the things lost from the good ole days?

talking about the values this and blah blah blah.. when black ppl couldn't go certain places and women had basically zero rights

I mean of course the blond haired white guy misses that time
I mean, instead of going to hit up tony who hacked his way into shield's system before.. dude decides he wants to go to a mall to visit an apple store

Let's be honest.

If he did call Tony yall would have been like "Why is scumbag Steve wasting Tony's time when he could walk into any mac store and did it himself"
MCU Cap never really reminsced about the good ol' days though. He just misses his friends. I mean one night he asked his chica out on a date and the next thing he knows she's 90 years old and washed
Let's be honest.

If he did call Tony yall would have been like "Why is scumbag Steve wasting Tony's time when he could walk into any mac store and did it himself"
completely makes sense..

scumbag steve probably types with only his 2 index fingers.. and gotta look for every letter after he  hits one
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MCU Cap never really reminsced about the good ol' days though. He just misses his friends. I mean one night he asked his chica out on a date and the next thing he knows she's 90 years old and washed
his exact words:

"When I went under, the world was at war. I wake up, they say we won. They didn't say what we lost."
Watching IM3.. where was scumbag Steve when these guys was blowing **** up? Definitely not protecting America's best interest. This guy is as reliable as a car with 3 tires

Just like no one was around during Thor 2 or TWS.
Thor 2 happened pretty quickly for the London parts.

TWS happened after IM3 and want to say during that time Tony really was trying to not be IM first and help ppl in other ways. Something changed before AoU but it's clear he was looking for a way to protect Earth so they wouldn't be the only line of defense.

Hulk probably just don't give a **** about scumbag Steve.

[QUOTE name="Blackmanta" url="[URL]http://niketalk.com/t/583561/marvel-c-u-thread-dr-strange-out-now-new-gotg2-trailer-out/34680_20#post_27508058[/URL]"]

Watching IM3.. where was scumbag Steve when these guys was blowing **** up? Definitely not protecting America's best interest. This guy is as reliable as a car with 3 tires

Just like no one was around during Thor 2 or TWS.
Team Iron is trying way to hard.

Didn't the movie start with Killian coming to Stark with an idea and Stark blew him off? All Killian wanted to do was pitch an idea and Stark humiliated him leading Killian on his dark path.....but lets call Steve a scum bag.
That was ******* 1999 :lol:

During New Years eve. Tony is getting yambs and this lame Killian can't be normal and set up an appointment during business hrs.

What?! That means every person who gets turned down for a job or an autograph has the right to go postal on the world. Smh. Scumbag Steve has taught you well.
What? When did I say that?  Looks like being on Team Iron-Man so long has you delusional. 
Killian comes up to Maya with his life work and to get rid of him C blocking Stark tells him he's interested and to wait on the roof..... He could have just said nothing! They were already getting off the elevator or told him to call her tomorrow after Tony was done with her. Regardless of whether you think Steve is a scumbag, how do you know see this as Tony being one? 
That also shows you his character.

He gets blown off on New Years and gives up. He shows no perseverance. What happened all of 2000? Son had plenty time to track either of them down like a norma person.

No sympathy for the mad scientist.

Zik just in here fueling the flames. Don't even think he really cares :rofl:

I care when we're detailing how much of a scumbag Steve is.
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When Cap doesn't show up in IM3. IM fans say : Scumbag Cap is a scumbgag for not showing up to help out.

When IM doesn't show up in WS. IM fans say: Scumbag Cap is a scumbag for not calling IM to help out.


Damn. IM fans are basically Trump fans.

How dare you!

The Manadarin out here blowing up bases, blowing up Americans, tryna make super soldiers, and threatening the President while flaunting it all on tv. Cap ain't answering calls so they gotta put Rhodey in the red, white and blue suit.

Just like Richard.. I mean Rhodey said, "it's not superhero business, it's American business". The captain of all Americans out there not giving a damn.

Tony finally has to step in cause Happy goes down. Hold on.. even Happy ready for war by doing his part, and Steve too scared to fight? Smh. Scumbag Steve just wasn't tryna get washed by Killian. Just telling it like it is.

And to top it all off... the world believes Tony died in the attack at his house. Steve not even tryna avenge his teammate.

He's a dirtbag. He ain't ****.
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