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I don't want anyone who dies to be brought back. That's just a lame Hollywood trope.

Unless Captain America dies. Then he will need to be brought back for IW2
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I feel like that'll be a storylone SW deals with as she continues to develop her powers because bruh is still contracted
There's no marvel/fox beef over quicksilver? Since two of them exist...?

Y would there be.. fox is screwing up xmen worse each movie they keep singer around

Why should marvel get worked up

Lol because of the rights. I agree about how screwed up they are, and that's exactly why I figure they'd be really strict/petty about letting marvel studios use characters they own.

The Pietro I know is mature but abrasive, brash, and arrogant. Not a douchey teenager.
Marvel and Fox share the rights to Quicksilver because they have prominent presence in both the XMen and Avengers.

However, there are limits to what they can do with the characters, like saying Quicksilver is Magnetos son is off limits as Magneto is strictly Fox's only..

The same goes for Scarlet Witch, Fox could utilize her if they choose to but there can be no trace of relation with Avengers or MCU.
Marvel didnt mind killing a white hero with super speed known for being arrogant that would never have a solo movie anyway. There's not some huge treasure trove of classic Quicksilver stories Marvel is missing out on.

So they let Fox have him and that basically an obligatory super speed scene in 2 movies so far. There's only so much interaction he can have in X-Men stories before they're completely just making it up.

I can see more now why they haven't bothered to introduce Wanda. She was an evil mutant in the brotherhood for a hot sec then decades later said no more mutants. All of the Ultimate X-Men stuff deals with incest and her being a murderer.

Marvel would've put up more of a fight if it was Storm or Wolverine.
If you could have Hawkeye and Bw useless bodies in the universe then QS should still be there.

His action scenes alone would be up there with any of the better avengers
Wanda has been known more as an Avenger anyway, and QS as a member of X-Factor (at least from as far back as started reading comics) so the setup makes sense to me. Those slo-mo quicksilver scenes in Fox-men, it was cool the first time I saw it and then got old real fast.

Thanks for the clarification btw RFX, repped
QS in DOFP was cool. QS in Apocalypse got boring real quick. Dont care for him anynore. And DOFP was average as it gets aside from the post apocalyptic scene's.
DOFP was character-driven and melodromatic (in the classical sense, not the derogatory sense) which is why I enjoy it so much. That's Singer's strong point, and clearly flashy comic book action and colorful villains are not if XMA is any indication
Those 2 quicksilver scenes are the only good things about the last 2 xmen movies

Will never forgive singer for screwing up xmen.. but having fasbender, Oscar Isaac and mcavoy and giving us that crap :smh:

And if they wanted to go so strongly with a supposed character driven film, they didn't need to have so many holes in the damn plot.. hell why even have those quicksilver scenes if character is your primary focus
Will never forgive singer for screwing up xmen.. but having fasbender, Oscar Isaac and mcavoy and giving us that crap

And DOFP was average as it gets aside from the post apocalyptic scene's.
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First Class, Days of Future Past, and Apocalypse were all just fine in my opinion. Overall, the best trilogy that the X-franchise has managed to put out (Even if Logan if a masterpiece it won't make up for the previous two films) and probably the best trilogy that franchise will have until Marvel gets the film rights.
Apocalypse was ehh bordering on OK. not memorable for me really, and I LOVE the x-men. the plot was messy and action was decent.

the hate that I have was that you had apocalypse and you wasted him. the movie should have been so much better.

Age of Apocalypse is my favorite comic book storyline ever, i have a giant poster of the cover of x-men alpha hanging on my wall in front of me. Why not adapt that instead? Maybe my expectations were insanely high, but i left the theater very disappointed.

DOFP was good in my book.
First Class, Days of Future Past, and Apocalypse were all just fine in my opinion. Overall, the best trilogy that the X-franchise has managed to put out (Even if Logan if a masterpiece it won't make up for the previous two films) and probably the best trilogy that franchise will have until Marvel gets the film rights.
Apocalypse was trash. Stop it. Bruh learning about mankind from palming the tv like Jordan. That goes up there with along with that "Mutant & Proud" as top 10 dumbest moments in a cbm movie.
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