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Iron man vs no got was awesome.
Some of my fave scenes are Thor getting his hammer back and the armor coming on him.

Banner transforming on the helicarrier and him fighting Thor. Of course the "I'm always angry" scene.

When Rhodes was fighting them boys and then Vision comes and starts phasing and ish. And when he uses the gem.

Everything in CW :lol:
dont care about him saving random people. I just wanna see Superman do really cool stuff with lots of action.

^ Exactly. I always envisioned Superman as the type of hero who disregards random civilians if it means beating the living crap out of a bunch of aliens.

Why should he have to care about saving lives? Who is he? Jesus?
Wow. Sounds like you don't get Superman at all :lol:
Wow. Sounds like you don't get Superman at all :lol:

Sounds like he was being sarcastic
I didn't pick up on that :lol:

My bad @modelsandpizza

Y'all going too hard cuz of the day.
Fantastic...fantastic four might be back with Marvel :wow:

April fools
Not believable without a link. You went straight to the spoiler.

The way Fox is making money right now, they ain't giving up ****...
They'll be hemorrhaging cash the second they announce another F4 movie.

I feel like they're quietly going to let it revert and/or try one more good trade before that.
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There isn't anybody who isn't named Lamekilla or amel223 that cares about the actual F4 team reverting to Marvel. The human race should collectively avoid any further hare-brained attempts by FOX to plop another turdish F4 movie on us, and erase the Richards/Storm family from our memories. They're dead.

I'm also glad they chose not to taint their X-Verse with F4. The X-verse may undergo a potential Logan-spawned renaissance depending on how X-Force and DP 2 go. Apocalypse was mediocre but the casting for the team is strong, and the foundation is already set for starting from zero, so to speak.

HOWEVER, the problem is that we lose out on characters who are less integral to the F4 and more to the greater Marvel mythos--namely Dr. Doom, Galactus, various alien species, and the Silver Surfer.

GOTG is currently going ham with cosmic Marvel; unfortunately this potential will forever go unrealized as long as FOX keeps the characters associated with the F4.

Dr Doom, for example, is not so much an F4 villain to me as much as he is an awesome foil to both Iron Man and Dr. Strange. I'm predicting that the name of the game for future CBMs will be "buddy flicks" (Hulk/Thor, Hal/John, Cable/Deadpool, Antman/Wasp, Blue Beetle/John Krasinski), and it's a shame we don't get to see Dr. Doom participate in that (portrayed by Oscar Issac, of course)
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Which is all more reason the F4 needs to be back with Marvel SOON. Where do they go after Thanos? What villain will suffice after a battle for the universe? This isn't just about seeing HERBIE on screen.
One of the few best parts also in DOfP had to be the opening scene. The x-men fighting the sentintinals in the future all of them getting murked.
I'm predicting that the name of the game for future CBMs will be "buddy flicks" (Hulk/Thor, Hal/John, Cable/Deadpool, Antman/Wasp, Blue Beetle/John Krasinski), and it's a shame we don't get to see Dr. Doom participate in that (portrayed by Oscar Issac, of course)


You need to stop with that Tuna foolishness. (FTR: I want to see the F4 in the MCU.)
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Wait, I care about the F4 coming back to Marvel cuz I feel them in the MCU will result in a great F4 movie.

Think you're totally wrong about the F4 and the characters.

:lol: @ Fox tainting the X-Men with the F4. **** been tainted since X3. Yall have to stop lying to yourselves. I'd sooner watch the first 2 F4 movies over the last 2 X-Men movies or any other ****** X-Men flicks.

Also it's not a choice, pretty sure Fox can't have them set in the same universe but would have to make it like 2 universes crossing over.
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I'm predicting that the name of the game for future CBMs will be "buddy flicks" (Hulk/Thor, Hal/John, Cable/Deadpool, Antman/Wasp, Blue Beetle/John Krasinski), and it's a shame we don't get to see Dr. Doom participate in that (portrayed by Oscar Issac, of course)

Been saying from the jump that this is what the DCEU should've gone for to differentiate themselves from the other properties, while still allowing them to establish heroes relatively quickly if they were interested in playing catchup.
Which is all more reason the F4 needs to be back with Marvel SOON. Where do they go after Thanos? What villain will suffice after a battle for the universe? This isn't just about seeing HERBIE on screen.
Starting to think there was a slower buildup to Thanos. Maybe some Kang, Count Nefaria, Michael Korvak. Classic Avengers team-busters.
I'm predicting that the name of the game for future CBMs will be "buddy flicks" (Hulk/Thor, Hal/John, Cable/Deadpool, Antman/Wasp, Blue Beetle/John Krasinski), and it's a shame we don't get to see Dr. Doom participate in that (portrayed by Oscar Issac, of course)

It's already a thing.
Which is all more reason the F4 needs to be back with Marvel SOON. Where do they go after Thanos? What villain will suffice after a battle for the universe? This isn't just about seeing HERBIE on screen.

Starting to think there was a slower buildup to Thanos. Maybe some Kang, Count Nefaria, Michael Korvak. Classic Avengers team-busters.
Korvac could be cool. Build on that and do more than the comic story. Make it more than a one off classic but an epic.
As near as we can tell based on what's been teased in the Homecoming trailer and various interviews, it appears that Tony Stark is the one responsible for creating Damage Control in the MCU. It seems unlikely that S.H.I.E.L.D. is bankrolling the group, as they've never quite been the same since the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Tony certainly has the resources to fund such a venture, and more importantly, he has the motivation.

Tony Stark -- Damage Control's new owner?
These days, Tony's MCU character arc mainly revolves around guilt. He regrets the mistakes he made as a headstrong, hedonistic young industrialist. He regrets the destruction caused in the Chitauri Invasion and the battle with Ultron in Sokovia. And even though he tried to start making amends for those mistakes by supporting the Superhuman Registration Act, Tony wound up fracturing the Avengers and destroying his relationship with Steve Rogers. At this point he may be questioning how much good he's actually done in his superhero career.

Damage Control is probably Tony's latest attempt to atone for his mistakes. He knows that stopping new superhuman disasters from unfolding is impossible, and the best he can do is try to help ordinary people rebuild their lives in the wake of those disasters. But as he'll learn in Homecoming, even benevolent actions have unforeseen consequences

The Vulture and His Team
New details have been emerging about Michael Keaton's Vulture and the role he'll be playing in Homecoming. It sounds like Adrian Toomes has a very specific bone to pick with Tony Stark in this movie. He runs a salvage company that also cleans up in the aftermath of superhero-related disasters. With the advent of Tony's swanky, big-budget recovery project, Toomes' company will find itself pushed right out of the market. Toomes fancies himself a hard-working, blue collar guy who had his livelihood destroyed by a rich guy who lives in a penthouse tower

Not that Toomes and his buddies have exactly been on the straight-and-narrow. Toomes and his partners Herman Schultz and Phineas Mason have been busy looting disaster sites for valuable technology and spare parts that the technologically inclined Mason can use to build weapons to sell on the black market. We're guessing that's where Schultz acquires his Shocker gauntlets and Toomes gets his Vulture wings. That would also explain the notable similarities between the Vulture's gear and Falcon's signature flight harness.

It may well be that Mason, not Toomes, is the most significant villain introduced in Homecoming in terms of lasting impact on the MCU. Known as The Tinkerer in the comics, Mason is pretty much the go-to guy for any enterprising criminal who wants to purchase weaponry powerful enough to allow them to tussle with the likes of Spider-Man or Daredevil.

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It is being said that Spiderman will stay in HS for his trilogy of films. As he should in my opinion. What I wanna know, is by the time his third film comes out, how much time in the MCU will have passed? Because I don't see them making Spiderman 3 until about 2023 or 2024
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