Zik stop. This is Hollywood. Like I mentioned EVERYONE knows who Wonder Woman is more so than any female character in the Marvel Universe and DC got someone with sex appeal first, acting range second. Gadot's looks are subjective but bottom line she's a supermodel more so than an actress. For me to spew DC vitriol any chance I get believe me when I tell you that there moves haven't been stellar but marvel is watching. This is Marvel's first Superhero outing with a female lead. Best believe it will be drawing comparisons to the Wonder Woman film and it's already at a disadvantage because outside me, you and some regulars in this thread who could tell you who Ms. Marvel was without the help of an EMH animated series? My mom knows who Wonder Woman is though and like the rest of the casual audiences the familiarity will draw them in. Marvel is about to take another guardians of the galaxy-esque chance on a galactic superhero film with a female lead that no one has heard of. There isn't a talking raccoon to deliver quips and sell toys this time around. So besides the MCU connection, do you know what's gonna drive casual movie goers to come see a female lead super hero film that no one has heard of outside comic circles? Yeah, I'll let you figure this one out....