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The Russos handled Peter much better than Watts did. I have no doubt that his appearance in Infinity War will be a highlight.
The Russo's handled Peter much better than Watts did. I have no doubt that his appearance in Infinity War will be a highlight.
I agree and he'll have the same amount of screen time that he had in CW. I think we'll be good in seeing Spidey taking another step into maturity.
I absolutely LOVE the way the whole MCU cast worships but hazes Tom Holland. He is literally THE Peter Parker of the MCU offices and the films. Peter crying is expected when his whole world around him is being destroyed by an alien tyrant. But Peter is not only the hero we deserve, he's the center of Marvel. The Russo's know that and are setting it up as we speak


Dr. Strange in his astral projection form coming to Spider-Man (who's in his iron spider/Avenger suit) and saying: Peter! Protect them. They're not dead.

i know that said spoiler but I was not expecting an actual spoiler......
I'm sure for most people, that spoiler isn't even a big deal. But for us nerds, that got the blood pumping on overdrive right now,lol
I didn't even recognize there was a spoiler button until it was mentioned. I'm so used to the bar going across the entire post from Huddler. I'm afraid to click it though. I'm trying to stay spoiler free for the next 10 months.
Plus Apes was coming off a great sequel and it's the last entry to the trilogy. I still thought Spidey could hold onto first though because its the MCU Spidey but it's just tough competition. APes didn't come off unscathed either, it opened less than it's predecessor and like I said in the Spidey thread, one of them should have opened on Aug 11 because there's no blockbuster competition til Kingsman2 comes out on Sep 22 which gives the film a little more than a month of BO all to itself.

I do think there were some people who are tired of seeing Peter in HS and just want to see him as an adult like the cartoon they grew up watching.

Really? I'd assume the opposite, because he spent the majority of the original trilogy as an adult. He was a senior in high school for like the first 30-40 minutes, after which he was in college. The Garfield version then spent one film in high school and one out of high school not doing anything. The cartoons have then been pretty evenly split between him being either in high school or out of it over the years. This is the first live action version that's really kept him in high school throughout and actually focused on his life as a high school student. I think people would find this to be a nice change of pace if anything.
Garfields 2 films are pretty much HS years and dealing with HS drama, yeah he dealt with his dads stuff but everything Gwen and Harry are HS-ish, not as young as Holland Spidey but it's still all set in HS years.

And the original animated series that we all grew up watching at Fox along with XMen, Peter was in college and I always see that as what people loved and where their knowledge comes from. It's not til most recently that they made Peter be in HS and as a true kid.

I do think it's definitely a contributing factor and when the film isn't made well from the get go, people gets turned off faster. Got to remember that negative things resonates louder than positive.

But just judging from other forums and some friends, some did have some low interest in the movie and even my brother who I go see almost all CBMs with weren't as excited to see the film and was pleasantly surprised how good it was. That's just the mindset of the some of the people out there. I mean what other explanation could there be? Spidey should be making closer to a bil almost all the time considering he is the most popular CBM character still and highest merch seller. And this film had a lot going on in this film before it even came out, following on a CW and a great cameo there, IM was splattered everywhere in the marketing and the excitement of MCU Spidey was off the charts not to mention the great word of mouth. Yet it's probably a disappointment to Sony and Marvel so far (maybe disappointed isn't the right word, I think under-performed might be better?) and it doesn't help that the domestic projection for BO is at $290m and that is if everything else goes well. I mean GotG2 opened at $146m.

I don't know, film BOs a phenomenon at times. You got Suicide Squad doing great with bad word of mouth, Transformers making billions off crappy plots and seizure-inducing action.
Speaking of Black Panther, does anybody know of any good sites where I can buy a BP helmet? One that looks really good, but not too pricey? Also trying to find a good looking War Machine helmet.
Garfields 2 films are pretty much HS years and dealing with HS drama, yeah he dealt with his dads stuff but everything Gwen and Harry are HS-ish, not as young as Holland Spidey but it's still all set in HS years.

And the original animated series that we all grew up watching at Fox along with XMen, Peter was in college and I always see that as what people loved and where their knowledge comes from. It's not til most recently that they made Peter be in HS and as a true kid.

I do think it's definitely a contributing factor and when the film isn't made well from the get go, people gets turned off faster. Got to remember that negative things resonates louder than positive.

See, I tend to see the opposite, with the average person seeing Spider-Man as the "teenage' superhero and assuming that he was in high school for far longer than he actually was, and therefore wanting to see more of him in that setting. I assumed that was why they chose such a path for him this time around in comparison to Maguire and Garfield's films. In terms of Garfield's second film, it doesn't seem accurate to say that dealing with romantic problems and a dying friend is high schoolish. At least, those are certainly not problems restricted to that setting. The latter especially seems more appropriate for college in my opinion.
I think many still see him more as an adult than a teenager, I mean outside of Ultimates wasn't he an adult for the most part? And as I mentioned, where the majority of audience gets their sources from the old animated series' where Pete was an adult.

This was more evident to me when the GL film came out with Reynolds and so many people (who aren't big comic book fans) asked why he wasn't black (and that's including in this forum) and that's because their main source of comic book knowledge was from the JL cartoon which had John Stewart as the household JL. I do think a pretty big number of audience are like that.

As for MCU's choice to use teenage Spidey, I think they think that they know how people likes their Spideys age? They keep making HS Spidey cartoons only for it to be cancelled over and over and then rebooted again. I also think he just fit in CW and MCU better as a teenager to provide a different perspective as everyone's an adult.
They also want to Harry Potter the kid and grow up with him leading the MCU.

And yea Stewart will always be my GL.
Did anything ever come out of that 'supernova' reference that the Spidey director mentioned?

Completely forgot about that, until today.
I think he was just at Supanova Comic Con in Australia at the time so he tagged #Supanova.
Radcliffe actually looked old by the end of the series though, Hollands 21 and still looks 15, I am not sure dude is going to age enough and that is why I am worried what they'll do past the HS trilogy.

And dudes definitely not going to have a growth spurt out of nowhere, dude's gon' stay his height and probably just utilize lifts like RDJ later on.
If nothing else Sony should be more than pleased with the overwhelmingly positive reception Homecoming is getting. The last time a Spider-Man film got this much praise was 2004 and even then it wasn't immediate, Spider-Man 2 had to grow on people which is why it's being viewed through nostalgia lenses now. Homecoming sets in motion character development that everyone will enjoy following and with Holland being as young as he is and the MCU's success, we have a Spider-Man that has captivated audiences enough to be Spider-Man for years to come. As far as Homecoming's box office performance, it's being way overblown particularly by people (Forbes) who have been calling for the MCU to fail because of their formulaic approach to there stories. Homecoming however just had the smallest Sunday to monday drop of all superhero films released this year. A supremely positive sign that people are coming around to seeing this film if they haven't already and that it's going to have legs. China is one of Spider-Man's biggest markets along with Japan and I have a feeling they will react extremely positive to this film when it finally releases there in a few weeks. The billion mark, though a stretch is no where near out of reach yet. Fast 8 did a billion overseas by itself and only did 225 mil domestic. 300 million came from China ALONE. Looking at the box office records Homecoming is breaking in Asian countries and past Spider-Man films doing very well in china, Homecoming's final box office haul will end up surprising people. It's far from done.
If Spidey was being rebooted again in his own universe I would like to see them keep him adult but in the context of the MCU I like that they intend to keep him young since it provides a different perspective on the hero experience. While he was an adult for all but two or three years of his comics run most of his stories still focused on more juvenile issues (dating, family life, college, etc.). It wasn't until Civil War that he was finally accepted as an Avenger and one reason is that he was always seen as younger. By casting Holland they are looking at the big picture. If this MCU thing really has the legs they think it does they can keep it going longer with Holland because he won't look too old any time soon. Even if he still looks young in his thirties he'll be believable as a college or phd student cause we'll have seen him grow in each film.
i got zero problem with the high school angle..

With ASM, I just didn't like how they handled it
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