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Movie was dope af.

Constant lulz, this has to be the funniest of all the Marvel films, no?

Saw this in Imax 3D and was reminded how much I hate 3D for some movies. If you arent looking at the subject in a particular scene, everything else is blurry. Damn thing made me dizzy til I eventually got used to it.
The movie was OK definitely the best Thor movie tho. Felt like they tried too hard to be funny at the start of the movie but as it progressed the jokes/laughs got better.

Funniest scene to me was Loki saying “see how it feels” :lol: and the “help us” routine to catch the soldiers off guard. I felt Hela’s reveal was too quick like they didn’t work up her story enough in the beginning.

Watch homeboy gun down all the dead Warriors was tough to watch after all the Vegas shooting stuff.

Stan Lee cameo :lol:
Weren’t there photos or video or Odin dressed like a homeless guy? I don’t think that was even shown in the movie
Just watched, loved it. The comedy wasn't forced a lot of one liners and one-offs so as to add to the film but not to distract/try too hard/make it a comedy

Extremely curious as to what happens to mjolnir/thor without mjolnir

-when hulk was fighting the wolf, he was bitten and they showed him bleeding I figured that was gonna mean something guess not

-extremely curious as to what happens with the tesseract now that Loki has it. It's safe to assume that's how he escaped Asgard/surtur right?

-crazy to me that the solution was to start ragnarok/blow up Asgard. That blew my mind.

Loki escaped using Grandmasters ogry ship, you can see it docked on top of the big ship in the end.

He kept the tesseract and probably try and give it to Thanos in exchange for freedom, that was what he promised to deliver in A1.
Weren’t there photos or video or Odin dressed like a homeless guy? I don’t think that was even shown in the movie

It was cut from the movie.

“We wanted the scene to have more of an emotional resonance around Odin and the sons. We wanted it to be a very special moment between them, where Odin (Anthony Hopkins) acknowledges Loki (Tom Hiddleston) as his son, and the three of them [are] together, there in that moment. It’s the first time we’ve really seen them all together in the same room alone, connecting, and you just can’t f***ing do that in New York, you know? You can’t even do that in real life in New York, have an emotional connection in an alleyway, so that was a very distracting environment in the end.”

"In the end we thought it’s actually better to give more weight to it, and give it the sort of time that it deserved, and give it the sort of quietness that it really deserved because everything up until then had been such a fast-paced journey. Thor was on Muspelheim, he gets up to Asgard, then suddenly they’re in New York, and [with] Doctor Strange, and then they’re in an alleyway. We just needed to chill out for a second, and have that moment, because the rest of the film basically just runs at a clip. The audiences get to relax and have some emotional connection to some of the characters. It was very important that we took it away from New York."

"[Odin] was originally in New York, and people couldn’t understand why – rightly so. It just didn’t feel very authentic that Odin was wandering around New York, he’s one of the most powerful beings in the universe, and he’s wandering around New York, kind of lost. What we wanted to do, I guess, was to honour that he was a powerful king and he had taken himself to Norway, to the cliffs and was waiting this whole time, whereas before it seemed too and and too tragic that he was there, and dying in New York. I thought, what a pitiful end, you know?"

Just left AMC, thought Ragnarok was fantastic. Zero complaints on my end. Everyone, from Thor and Loki to Valkyrie and Hela, was great. The drama, action, comedy, and heartwarming scenes were all perfectly timed and honestly this might have some of the best transitioning in the entire franchise.
Weren’t there photos or video or Odin dressed like a homeless guy? I don’t think that was even shown in the movie
That subplot was completely ditched after reshoots.

Originally Thor and Loki would've found Odin in NYC, still somewhat under Loki's spell but as a homeless crazy man warning ppl of the end a.k.a. Ragnarok. That's why the scene with Hela destroying mjlonir happens in a NY alley.
Ragnarok was fire. Most fun I've had in a movie in quite awhile.

Probably the funniest comic book movie since Deadpool and had the action to match as well.
One thing I'm concerned and get but don't like if it goes down is in the pursuit to obviously establish Thanos as a threat, that mid credits scene things doesn't look good.

I don't want Thanos to massacre the remaining Asgardians and then that leaves Thor and Strange or whoever to try to pull some time travel save.

I had this worry as well. But I think Thor is just gonna try to stop him or whatever and that's how he ends up with the guardians
I think Loki is going to offer the Tesseract in exchange for the Asgardians lives and somehow save Thor from death by doing something that seems like he's crossing him (again).

They showed Loki looking at it for a reason. It also goes back to Avengers 1 with Loki promising to deliver it. Just wonder what Thanos is gonna do to Vision for the mind stone.
I think Loki is going to offer the Tesseract in exchange for the Asgardians lives and somehow save Thor from death by doing something that seems like he's crossing him (again).

They showed Loki looking at it for a reason. It also goes back to Avengers 1 with Loki promising to deliver it. Just wonder what Thanos is gonna do to Vision for the mind stone.
Loki is going to betray his brother once again

I really didn't see the need for so many characters.

Scrapper 142, The Executioner, and even Loki felt forced in.

I also feel like they could of explained Ragnarok better.

They wrapped the end up a lil too fast.

I really didn't see the need for so many characters.

Scrapper 142, The Executioner, and even Loki felt forced in.

I also feel like they could of explained Ragnarok better.

They wrapped the end up a lil too fast.

This the Marvel thread bruh. Anything less than a RT score and you ain't **** here.
Itd be fair to say that Strange is the strongest Avenger correct? Crazy to think that his power level is so high from reading books.

(I know he has a gem but he's gonna eventually gonna have to come up off that)
Itd be fair to say that Strange is the strongest Avenger correct? Crazy to think that his power level is so high from reading books.

Yeah. As of now. Magic trumps everythng else. Until Tony creates an armor in which none of that **** works on
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