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No hate, really. It's only one guy

Anyway, ticked IM1 off the list this past weekend.

Scene where he first used the suit :pimp: ...still a very good movie and aged well
It's kinda late and I'm sleepy but just finished IM1.

This ages the best of the phase 1 solo movies.

Terrence Howard should've stayed on as Rhodes. His replacement has nowhere near the same amount of chemistry with RDJ.

Speaking of chemistry, Gwyneth Paltrow was the perfect cast for Pepper. Her chemistry with RDJ was through the roof.

For Thor 1 and Cap 1 there are things I would change, but for Iron Man 1 I wouldn't change a thing.

I probably could've given a better review but my brain is fried lol

Tony Stark is still a douche though. I hope he catches the fade in IW
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Finished IM1 on Amazon and it still stands up well and just reinforces why it's on my top 5 CBM and probably always will. Superb acting, amazing cgi, simple but very good plot that was film/edited well. Just a great film and considering what the productions been through, it was even more impressive.

RDJ is Stark and I am just not sure anyone could fill that shoes if they ever recast even if 20 years from now.
Lelie Bibb is :pimp: liked ever since I saw he in the Skulls
Pepper is eh, just eh, even the acting, super eh
Happy really let himself go :lol:
Yinsens awesome, " *#^$#@^%# Jericho, *#^$#@^%# Jericho" quote always stuck in my mind after all these years :lol:
10 rings boss walking all tough loading his grenade launcher and just missing :lol:
Speaking of 10rings, the group was completely wasted and I really hope now that space is going to be a more common thing in the MCU that we'll finally see Mandarin with the rings
Seeing the making of Mark I was a sight and I remember seeing it on the big screen first and was just lit up like a little kid
Nitpick but Stark should have died in that escape where the Mark I flies off and just crashes in the sand head first
Stane was a very good villain, others argue but I disagree, Bridges is just great and hearing that they worked with little to no script on this film was fascinating
I just don't like Howard as Rhodes, it's cool in one viewing but seeing the film over and over again and the voice becomes annoying
Making and testing Mark II :nthat: Mark III in all it's glory :nthat::nthat::nthat: that scene where he first suits up and you just know you're witnessing childhood coming to life
It's genius how they came up with Tonys interface while in the suit
Mark IIIs hero landing plus uppercut is forever embedded in my mind (among other things)
R8s first big screen appearance (?) :nthat:
Got to be honest, Peppers gift that says "Proof that Tony Stark has a heart" arc reactor display was kind of insulting :lol:
SHIELD and Coulson felt shoehorned and unnecessary but it's not bothersome
Stan Lee as Hef :nthat: first appearance in the MCU
Every action scene was awesome and hold up well, testing, the flight chase, Iron Monger v Iron Man, all great!
End credit with Fury, I got to admit I didn't see it the first time I saw the film, never would have guessed where it will lead to
I like Stane too. I don't think he's a hollow villain like the majority of CBM villains. I think they had enough of him in there without taking up time to develop Tony. We get to see Tony in his worst form and grow to his best form. Dude gave up potential billions by deciding to stop selling warheads. No wonder Stane was so salty. :lol:

I honestly don't have a single qualm with IM1. Favreau killed it. The CG was worse than I remember, but it's not immersion breaking for me. I need a 10th anniversary steelbook badly. I can't have that regular blue plastic case sitting next to the steelbooks. :smh:
Really disappointed they didn't get to do a proper 10 rings and mandarin, after the setup of IM1

And those flippin mf'n promos for IM3

But I'm also disappointed we didn't get a proper AIM either.. think they really missed a chance to have 3 big groups like how they use hydra.. hydra is the political.. AIM scientific.. and ten rings supernatural/mystical
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I hope so, now that they're going to go more space/cosmic, it'll be the perfect time to tackle it.

Even if they retire IM, he could go against DocStrange, maybe throw Fin Fang Foom in there too.

Hell since they f'd up using Zemo, just make Mandarin the leader of Masters of Evil?
man would've loved to seen zemo with the mask in civil war, hopefully soon. probably one of the best villains in the MCU with the least amount of screen time. Dude was really utilized perfectly but would've loved to seen him more.

back to IM1 talk...wish Ike and RDJ didn't screw Terrance Howard for IM2 and the rest of the franchise...dude was supposed to get 8 mil and Marvel came back to the table with an offer of 1 million. Super sad too, he was pretty open about how RDJ wouldn't return his calls for 3 months and such. I guess it worked out in the end with Empire and such but still super sad. Terrance was one of the people to really push for Paramount and Marvel to give RDJ a chance and then he got left high and dry. Fans got screwed in what would've been an awesome 1-2 punch with those two as Iron Man and War Machine.

Could y'all imagine Terrance as Rhodey going up against Thanos.

"He's got them damn infinity stones, mane."
IM1 suit's CGI to me is still the best looking Iron Man suit in the MCU, I dont know how they pulled that off still because the ones that followed are magnificent
I hope so, now that they're going to go more space/cosmic, it'll be the perfect time to tackle it.

Even if they retire IM, he could go against DocStrange, maybe throw Fin Fang Foom in there too.

Exactly what I was thinking.. they could have these entities that force the crossing of streams from various characters

AIM pops up, well characters need to bring in IM.. 10 rings shows up, dr strange needs to pop in.. hydra, bring in the shield folks
In IM1 I had a hard time with the fight scene between Tony and Stane. Tony had spent all this time working on his suit, refining and testing it personally. Then Stane hops in his suit for the first time and is all of a sudden an equal match. Although this is the comics and a movie it was too farfetched based on the premise of the movie for me.

Still one of my all-time favorite CBM for me though. Tony was perfectly cast.
In IM1 I had a hard time with the fight scene between Tony and Stane. Tony had spent all this time working on his suit, refining and testing it personally. Then Stane hops in his suit for the first time and is all of a sudden an equal match. Although this is the comics and a movie it was too farfetched based on the premise of the movie for me.

Still one of my all-time favorite CBM for me though. Tony was perfectly cast.

I remember people had problems with that.
Remember that Stane had somewhat of blueprint from Mark I and had a group of scientist recreate improve on it. The only thing they couldn't replicate is the arc reactor which he had to steal. So while Tony worked on his suit by himself, Stane had a group of scientists and already had an account of what Tony suit could do (after attacking Golmera) so he also had a frame of reference.

With that said, Tony was also weakened when Stane took his arc reactor not just by the paralyzing weapon but also the shrapnel trying to get back to his heart and then he used the old arc reactor on the new IM suit so he was already at a disadvantage not just on a physical level but power level too.

Stane admitted he was getting used to the suit and Tony was worried about Potts and other civilians and that is a trope that the hero is at a disadvantage when he has to worry about others.

To me, it made sense.
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