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Sam L, Portman, Paltrow, Hopkins, Scarlett, Douglas, Norton, Bridges, Cheadle, Rockwell, Rourke, are Oscar noms, on top of RDJ and Cumberbatch, so not sure where you're goin here. Cap and Thor certainly came up, but Marvel has been using pretty decent actors from jump. C'mon now.

I guess my thought behind this was that in black panther, They all synergized so we’ll on screen where it didn’t feel like another comic book flick with actors/actress and one liners. The script, diaglogue, was way different, in a good way, where these actors/actress was able to shine in every scene they were on. Someone else said it earlier in this thread, but there was development for most of those on screen with great acting behind it. Yeah we had Paltrow, bridges, cheadle, and Downey in a movie. But it still had a comic book hollowness to their lines. Maybe the scripts writings just got that much better.
I guess my thought behind this was that in black panther, They all synergized so we’ll on screen where it didn’t feel like another comic book flick with actors/actress and one liners. The script, diaglogue, was way different, in a good way, where these actors/actress was able to shine in every scene they were on. Someone else said it earlier in this thread, but there was development for most of those on screen with great acting behind it. Yeah we had Paltrow, bridges, cheadle, and Downey in a movie. But it still had a comic book hollowness to their lines. Maybe the scripts writings just got that much better.

That I can buy, the script bein sharper/tighter, I can absolutely see that.

But the casts from jump have been solid, true actors/actresses thru and thru. I didn't even mention guys like Hiddelston, Edris, or Russell, Skarsgard, because they don't have the Oscar nom backin them, but they are solid actors.
That's my biggest gripe about comic movies whether it be Marvel or DC. The scripts that have been written are subpar for a majority of the movies & for me, even the talented actors that were cast couldn't bring the scripts to life.

The other thing that makes Black Panther my favorite Marvel flick is that it immersed you into the world Coogler created that none of the other Marvel flicks did for me. Very few flicks in recent memory have done this for me. The first John Wick being a good example of what I'm talking about.

The film also had a great pace in terms of story telling & the back stories or side stories didn't take away from that rhythm.
Few flaws, so spoilers if you haven’t seen it. Ignore this post.

- BP suit magically absorbs Klaue’s arm rifle kinect energy nd uses it catch up and capture Klaue. But he gets a rocket launch blast to his chest and it knocks him back and he loses to MJB in their first encounter? Suit didn’t absorb that Kinect energy? Dude literally jumped on a gernade and absorbed the blast a few seconds earlier.

i believe the grenade charged the suit and the shot from mjb triggered it (just like the first time he kicked the suit + second time he kicked the suit)
Marvel better keep Wakanda and Black Panther on the forefront of the Infinity trailers so BP viewers will be on board to see it. Imagine the numbers of even a third go see Infinity..
the movie was dope..i gey why there are hella social commentary articles from it now

kilmonger wasn't a villian necessarily he was just to radical for the people of wakanda

another thing i got from the movie is how we as black people are to friendly/ always willing to help others

now that wakanda has revealed themselves to the world..9 times out of 10 the next movie will deal with someone invading wakanda and stealing their resoures
What I love about Wonder Woman & Black Panther is that now there's box office numbers for a woman director & black director/writer of huge franchise movies. It should be proof that minorities should be given more opportunities & creative freedom to get movies of this magnitude done.

Stop giving chances to the likes of zac snyder & joss whedon. They're the equivalent of nfl teams that keep giving opportunities to likes jeff fisher & expecting different results.
Yeah im not sure the carryover will be that great. Moms , dads, uncles, and aunts arent going to see Infinity war, generally speaking. EVERYONE was on board for BP though. had to show my uncle how to buy advanced tickets via fandango for this movie. Never seen an MCU movie before this.
Marvel needs to tap into minorities and women to handle the xmen once they finish the Fox acquisition. Who better to handle the story of an opressed people? I think a woman would do wonders with the Xmen, and finally get the Storm casting right.
without his powers black panther was a weak guy..he could have been stronger

:lol: So is tony stark... He couldn't even summon his numerous suits any sooner than he did in IM3. He needed the help of a 11-12 yr old... :rolleyes

Marvel needs to tap into minorities and women to handle the xmen once they finish the Fox acquisition. Who better to handle the story of an opressed people? I think a woman would do wonders with the Xmen, and finally get the Storm casting right.

I'd like to see Joon Ho Bong (Snowpiercer & Okja) helm a Marvel flick... Not sure he'd do one though.
lol yea that should have made him more of a fighter

lupita did her thing in the movie too ..i was never really attracted to her like that till now lol
Tony doesn't have powers.. cap would be a better example

Thor without his powers was bodying dudes
I’m gonna give it some time, but this might eclipse The Dark Knight for me. Seen it three times already.:lol::smh:
Same, it could be up there for me as the holy grail status as time goes on. I need to see BP a few more times because right now it's neck and neck with WS as my top 2 MCU movies.
Few flaws, so spoilers if you haven’t seen it. Ignore this post.

- Shuri, all knowing mechanical engineer / scientist, makes black panther suit, but doesn’t know how to deactivate it or find a counter to Killmonger suit. The entire story progression whenever killmonger gaining the throne to him meeting BP again was so lack luster and no story growth. How does Killmonger even obtain the suit if the chief engineer isn’t even there? Is it one of those “oh that suit was fly, it’s mine now”. Hell, how he even know how to activate it? Shuri is made to be one if not smartest person on earth but fails to recognize weakness or counters to her designs. (Stark found counters to even the avengers, Batman counters to the justice league).
Shuri for all her engineering genius is still a 16 year old kid that grew arrogant after all her success. A contingency plan is a foreign concept to someone that never needed one. The difference between her and Stark/Batman is simply experience.

I’m sure there were other engineers that were loyal to the throne and gave Killmonger access to the lab/suit.
Lol crazy to see Joss Whedon slander in here. Even crazier to lump him in with Zach Snyder.

well someone has to take blame for the corny one liners in JL. firefly was lit tho...

BP was awesome. I am gonna see it again..not sure i fully absorbed the movie. my boy hit it with the hate, saying it was a B movie...essentially lion king with vibranium.

......i should fight him for the slander, but one could make the lion king comparison but that is dumbing down wayyyyy too much imo. I could juxtapose the movie with society today. not like anyone could cosign scar, this cat was power hungry plain and simple. but killmonger was deep. killmonger was the type of villain that could hit u with the facts and no hands...

have you like

and i see the risk with wakanda switching to an open door policy with its resources simply because African History.

but i mean for me to be able to see both sides of the argument really stood out in this movie to me. also killmonger's bars at the end :{ :hat

saw this in IMAX yesterday, gonna rewatch in IMAX again. the film made good use of the screen.
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