WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Agatha All Along new ep every Wednesday

Something is going to have to happen where Thanos loses the gauntlet or some of the stones, remember comics-wise Thanos is his own worst enemy. He always does something to give the Avengers hope and a power boost.
I've been thinking last night about A4

I think we can agree that they're not all coming back. Some deaths will be permanent. I'm just wondering how they're going to go about it.

You think they'll just undo the snap but everyone who died before that will stay dead?

Think they travel back in time and then some die in final showdown
Hadn't watched much marvel films in the past even though i followed the comics as a kid but caught BP and the latest infinity wars. Enjoyed infinity and it didnt even feel like 2h40m

Does netflix or hulu have the marvel films for stream?

On Netflix:
  • Captain American: Civil War
  • Doctor Strange
  • Guardian of the Gakaxy 2
Thanos with his palm around Tony’s head. Vision gives him the stone. Delivers a line. Crushes his head with his palm causing it to shatter into pieces. Screen cuts to black.
Yo as cool as that seems, I would be so mad. :lol:
Man I liked the GOTG movie and thought Gamora was cool and all but didn’t think her death would hit me as hard as it did. She really thought Thanos loved nothing...she thought she was safe and he lost :frown:
1. Someone clue me in on the Adam warlock thing (maybe a better question for the comic thread..)

His comic history changed over the decades but most important role was owner of the soul gem, assisting the Avengers in Infinity War, and keeping the gauntlet safe from Thanos after they took it back a second time.
1. Someone clue me in on the Adam warlock thing (maybe a better question for the comic thread..)
2. @masterzik, what do you think of them possibly pulling an Onslaught type storyline and heroes reborn
3. Yall still using spoiler tags..?
You shouldn't even been in the thread this weekend if you haven't seen it.

What’s a spoiler?

Movie is out already b.

If you haven’t seen it you should know better than to come in here. I unsubbed for a week in fear of any spoiler no matter how tiny it might be.
I've been thinking last night about A4

I think we can agree that they're not all coming back. Some deaths will be permanent. I'm just wondering how they're going to go about it.

You think they'll just undo the snap but everyone who died before that will stay dead?

Someone is gonna have to throw on the gauntlet. Thor is my pick.
Civil War was about Cap and Bucky's love story. It wasn't balanced in the least. While it was awesome, IW did much more to showcase all the characters evenly.

Why waste 10-15 minutes showing how Thanos blew up the asgardian ship? We saw how it ended in Ragnarok, so we knew where it was going. Lame you really need EVERYTHING drawn out for you? Whatever happened to the old cinema art of insinuation? Showing how he got the Power Stone would only drag this movie to the 3 hour mark. This is fan service but at its BEST.

Lame you're the epitome of the unsatisfied fanboy. You act like this was the Phantom Menace. I'm sure you had issues with TDK and Star Trek Into The Darkness which was a complete cater to fanboys. This was epic. This was The Godfather Pt II. Citizen Kane. Schindler's List.

But like you said everyone's got different flavors so we'll all agree to disagree with you and your expectations. To me as a long retired comic book fan this is my childhood dream come true hands down.

This may take the spot away from TDK as GOAT.

Come on G, you’re quick to say Thanos is the best part of the movie yet want claiming that 10 minutes more of him acheiving his goal to add to a more cohesive story is a waste? Really? This was NOT fan service at its best because that Thanos that was shown on screen is not the Thanos I’m personally a fan of. Not sure I’m an unsatisfied fan boy because I’m calling a lot of bluffs in here. I’ve posted in this thread almost everyday since it first started. I was taking about this movie before we had an official MCU thread. I know FOR A FACT what people in here expected because I was posting with them hype as hell throwing theories on the wall for six years. Now y’all wanna play coy. I’m sorry but I expected more. MUCH more. Corners were cut something serious in this film and I can’t praise that.

Just want to add that Lame has been on the record saying phantom menace being one of the greatest cinematic experiences of his life.

Phantom Menace in ‘99 was cinema nirvana. Lightsaber duals you could never even imagine that are still considered to this day the best in all of Star Wars.

Star Wars Phantom Menace praise, yuck :sick:

and they showed Thanos ship firing shots all that the Asgardian ship so I don't know what more Lame wanted to see. Like a full on assault of every person on the ship? That really necessary to move the plot along? I don't think so

How is him not getting the power stone not necessary in an 18 movie build up? Like honestly? You know that movie most of you love so much, Guardians of the Galaxy? The one where Thanos organized a squad to retrieve the stone for him but was betrayed and it ended up and xandar? How did Thanos handle taking the stone from the planet? Did he destroy it or did he leave it balanced? Is Nova Prime dead? Is Rhoman day dead?But y’all don’t care about that though even though you’re big fans of the movie? Interesting

The more Lame posts the more I don't even want to spend the energy to reply to him.

I'm just skimming through his posts now. I can't take him seriously when it's a legit complaint of his that the movie starts after the ship was already attacked :lol: The man doesn't want to be happy with the movie. He made up his mind from the moment he saw the RT score

Also he says CW was more balanced than IW... I mean, CW was pretty balanced. But IW had way more characters to balance and they were just as competent in putting together a coherent story. Also, Spidey was shoe-horned into CW and it was completely random that Tony hand picked him to join an airport battle out of nowhere.

Dog, Rocket, Groot, Bruce Banner, Black Dwarf, Falcon, Black Widow, Okoye, Winter Soldier and Red Skull were shoe horned into this film. None of those characters I named did anything meaningful with the exception of Bruce Banner in the Hulkbuster which by the way had no explanation as to how he got access to but I guess that one of those things that didn’t need time or explanation wasted on too right? Like why would I not want to be happy with this film? I’m discontent because I wanted to so bad and I can’t find anything with the film that justifies the level of hype I had for it.

This is EXACTLY what he did with The Last Jedi. He went off the rails after praising it for 2+ years, didn't get exactly what he want, and couldn't let it go. Attack attack attack was all he could do.

Seems to be the MO he's goin for here with this one too. Shame.

FOH CP this movie is a disappointment and still better than TLJ. Go wait for Solo.

I'm in a theater with poor data connection. Been here all day.

No need to be so eager to ride my ****.

I'm pages behind at this point. I'll post my full opinion later tonight.

I will say I just watched a true movie about Marvel comics. The rest were just comic book movies. The amount of direct connections and call backs from Marvel comics across the board was amazing.

**** you if you ain't like this movie :lol: If you on some TLJ **** you should go roll around in broken glass.

FTR, I don't **** with lamekilla. I haven't acknowledged dude in months. Ever since he said Cosby's rape victims should also be blamed I can't **** with that dude so don't expect me to address him AT ALL.

This is the best (first half) movie about comics ever.

Thanos: Infinity War 9/8

About to watch it again :pimp:

What kind of ex girlfriend **** is this? :lol: “I haven’t acknowledged dude in months” headass :rofl: pleas shut yo *** up. And then we’re clearly talking about a comic book moviie and you go mention my opinion on a thread dealing with Cosby and his accusers? Zik your credibility in this thread is that of a salty hater who goes coy when proven wrong (which is often) Nobody has taken you seriously in here since Spider-Man got confirmed in the MCU lmfao. You’re still my man 100 grand no matter that hype **** you talking though. We’ve debated in this thread too many times for me to have nothing but love and respect for you. This is just another debate.
Man I liked the GOTG movie and thought Gamora was cool and all but didn’t think her death would hit me as hard as it did. She really thought Thanos loved nothing...she thought she was safe and he lost :frown:

The guy’s a monster and kidnapped her and made her a killer but in his own sick way did love her. He treated her like property / an object but that could still translate to love. Kinda messed up nebula is also his “daughter” but treats her like crap.
I've been thinking last night about A4

I think we can agree that they're not all coming back. Some deaths will be permanent. I'm just wondering how they're going to go about it.
You can also look into the contracts the characters have as well for a "prediction".
Gamora might be done tho.
Maybe I missed though I’m sure I didn’t and like to get some thought processes going by why the hell was there no explanation for why the Guardians went to Titan? Like they just conveniently showed up to meet Thanos but were they tracking a Q ship or is that something we have to “assume”? Same with Gamora. She was apart of the ambush on Thanos out of nowhere.
I'm pretty sure Iron Man is the one that takes down Thanos

Before Strange, IM, & Spidey got to Titan, Strange said he wouldn't hesitate to protect the stone over Spidey/IM. His tone changed after he looked into the future & saw there's 1 outcome in 14 million where they win. Strange asked Thanos to spare IM cause he's the one.
The theater I was in before was downstairs but now I'm above ground with connection going through posts.

Thinking about it after a few days,, something that would have made the

"Mass Death" montage better was showing them feeling some effects of extreme suffering/pain before actually dying.

They just kinda disappeared into piles of feathers/ash. The only one shown to be suffering was Spider-Man and I think a large part of it was just him being scared to die
The whole point of the power of the IG and what Thanos wanted isn't that he was killing you. He literally erased those ppl

Ash was a different approach but its the same point. I would've preferred they faded in to nothing like

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Maybe I missed though I’m sure I didn’t and like to get some thought processes going by why the hell was there no explanation for why the Guardians went to Titan? Like they just conveniently showed up to meet Thanos but were they tracking a Q ship or is that something we have to “assume”? Same with Gamora. She was apart of the ambush on Thanos out of nowhere.
Nebula contacted Mantis from Thanos ship saying he was headed there.
plot twist:
what if everyone that were dusted are the ones who are still alive and everyone that "stayed", are DEAD?
1. Someone clue me in on the Adam warlock thing (maybe a better question for the comic thread..)
He's just Thanos good guy counterpart and rival. Starlin (guy who created both) basically has them as the yin and yang of his cosmic stories.

Its a pretty deep dive to get fully in to Adam Warlock. I would legit say read his Wikipedia page :lol:

2. @masterzik, what do you think of them possibly pulling an Onslaught type storyline and heroes reborn
They say they're not thinking about the Fox merger but that would be a great start premise wise to integrate X-Men and F4.

Just need to do it on a grander scale and choose wisely who does it.

With that not in mind, I don't think its that likely for them to soft reboot their cinematic universe. Just alter it enough.
3. Yall still using spoiler tags..?
You shouldn't even been in the thread this weekend if you haven't seen it.

Anybody in here who hasn't seen it wants to be spoiled.
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I'm pretty sure Iron Man is the one that takes down Thanos

Before Strange, IM, & Spidey got to Titan, Strange said he wouldn't hesitate to protect the stone over Spidey/IM. His tone changed after he looked into the future & saw there's 1 outcome in 14 million where they win. Strange asked Thanos to spare IM cause he's the one.

Yeah I’m team Cap all the way, but Tony is the key, Strange saw it....he knew the only winning outcome had Tony alive to see it through...so he couldn’t die ok Titan....now wether Tony dies taking the gauntlet or lives is another story.
I'm pretty sure Iron Man is the one that takes down Thanos

Before Strange, IM, & Spidey got to Titan, Strange said he wouldn't hesitate to protect the stone over Spidey/IM. His tone changed after he looked into the future & saw there's 1 outcome in 14 million where they win. Strange asked Thanos to spare IM cause he's the one.

I didn’t read it like that...Strange’s ultimate goal after looking at all the possibilities was for Thanos to obtain all the stones, he even told Tony before he ashed out that was the only way...

That’s why he used the opportunity to beg Thanos to spare Tony in exchange for the time stone...If Strange just offered it up willingly then Thanos would’ve known something was off...

Saying it now...Captain Marvel is who takes Thanos down...Faige said last year they were going to maker her the most powerful character in their universe of movies...
Dog, Rocket, Groot, Bruce Banner, Black Dwarf, Falcon, Black Widow, Okoye, Winter Soldier and Red Skull were shoe horned into this film.

Lol I honestly don't think you understand what shoe-horned means.

You only really have a point about Red Skull but you're nitpicking something awful if you're going to complain about Red Skull. The identity of the guardian of the soul stone doesn't really matter and had no bearing on the plot. He was just there so fans who'd recognize Red Skull would go oh wow, which is what happened in my theater.

Everybody else you listed fit naturally into the story. Just because they lacked screen time doesn't mean they were shoe-horned.
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