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Well Marvel revealed it themselves so it wasn't even really a leak, they're going to use it as a selling point than a surprise.
Spidey aint gonna be in AOU or any end credit scene.

Yall dudes in a rush for a "surprise" like no other. Plus I'm not believing any reports or rumors that make it sound like Pascal is in charge. Nah, no way. Feige is the captain now.
Via Latino Review:

Senor Fenix here boys and girls with the latest news on Spider-Man at Sony.

There has been much reported on and some news neglected in recent weeks. Kevin Feige and the Marvel team will be producing the new series at Sony in what is envisioned as a three part series to come out over consecutive summers. There is talk about calling the series SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN after yet another Marvel comics series ala the last films being called “Amazing.”

Feige was allowed to join the process only after Ike Perlmutter, Feige’s boss and the man behind the curtain, insisted that former partner and one time friend Avi Arad be removed from the film series. Since Sony had installed Arad as a courtesy back in 2000 it was an easy removal legally. But since former Sony Studio head Amy Pascal made herself a producer on the film on the way out the door, I understand there was a lot of acrimony when Amy informed Avi he was out. Arad will receive an EP credit on the film and instead focus on making a feature out of GHOST IN THE SHELL without any Asian actors.

I understand that Avi’s partner on the recent less-than-stellar reboot Matt Tolmach was so shocked when Pascal (his close friend) informed him she was in and he was out he is now wandering the Sony lot dazed, like after a headbutt from the Rhino.

So the thinking at the moment is that Sony will faze out all the Spidey Verse films they were developing. Yes even the Aunt May film (that was real!) and focus on a story involving Spidey versus the Sinister Six. At one point they were developing a film that was just going to be a spinoff called THE SINISTER SIX. That’s scrapped but the big news is that the director of that film, Drew Goddard, will write AND direct the Spectacular Spider Man movie.

Key things to look for in the new series:

-No new origin story, Spidey exists from the beginning, taken as a given

-New actor, probably an unknown, he will be specifically based in High School and they want him to be able to grow up into the role. The thought being if this works, Spidey can do multiple trilogies for years ala Harry Potter.

-A major part of the first film will involve Spider- Man fighting Iron Man and then trying to pass the “audition” to join the Avengers

-The first film will involved the Sinister Six coming together with the thought to later maybe spin them off.

I know the brave Reddit Warriors are talking about Dylan O’Brien but of the guy is 23 and already in a series, I doubt he’s the guy- and in fact casting will not begin for a number of months yet while Sony and Marvel cross the t’s.
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No more 'whoring' out RDJ to other solo films.

Would love to see Spidey vs the Hulk or Thor for an 'audition'

Low key one of the best part of that article is that we won't be seeing another origin film. I might've commit that
So my source was wrong on Lerman being Parker but was right on RDJ "announcement" on being in the upcoming spiderman film. Lol @ miles talk
Brian Michael Bendis on Spiderman joining the Avengers ten years ago:

It’s funny because when I got The Avengers, my biggest contribution right away was that we took Spider-Man and Wolverine and put them on the team. The idea was why isn’t The Avengers a big bag of the coolest stuff ever? Wolverine is in X-Men. Why can’t he be an Avenger? That was very controversial among the fans at the time. People were screaming and yelling, saying Spider-Man is a loner. Then I sat back and enjoyed how much people wanted him on The Avengers after the movies came out. It’s the same people screaming at me 10 years ago. That felt good, like we made our point.
Even though it's Latino Review that report makes more sense.

No more 'whoring' out RDJ to other solo films.

Would love to see Spidey vs the Hulk or Thor for an 'audition'

Low key one of the best part of that article is that we won't be seeing another origin film. I might've commit that
Nah b, the MCU's most famous hero is still Iron Man. Tony Stark gonna this **** until he drops the mic and dips.

Makes total sense for a Spidey in the MCU that's playing the annoying teenager trying to join the Avengers to face off against IM.

Facing off against Hulk is a whole other matter and not really an audition. Thor would most likely be the next place to go but in a movie you'd have to make up some dumb plot like he's brainwashed by magic to fight Spidey. Thor's not just gonna up and want to fight Spidey on his own. He's not on his level.

Seems pretty clear to me that this Sony and MCU thing with Spidey is gonna mirror how things are in the cartoons on Spidey's show and sometimes Avengers Assemble. If Fury ends up recruiting him, then it'll be exactly like that (which is loosely based on the Ultimate comics).
Hollywood would be a much better place if they actually fired some of these people instead of shifting their positions and letting them do 6 bad movies for every good one.
I do understand that Iron Man is the most popular character in the MCU, but I feel that if we play that card too much then it's going to feel like how Fox rode Wolverine to death and underdeveloped all their other characters. I know that at this point I'm tired of Wolverine. Don't want to feel that way about Iron Man.
I don't worry about that cuz Marvel's quality movies >>>>>>> FOX's X-Men trash. Not to mention in the movies IM is vastly better than Wolverine.

IM in the spotlight seems much more natural story wise and it's not like they've already forced him in other stuff he doesn't belong in. Then you look at the X-Men and Wolverine. It did look like he was forced in a lot of their early movies. It was basically Wolverine & the X-Men in X-Men 1-3. Only First Class strayed away from him (didn't do amazing box office wise so they bring him back) and everybody who saw DofP knows Wolverine didn't have to be in that at all and turned out to be pretty useless to how things end.

I feel Marvel sees this for what it is. RDJR isn't going to be Tony Stark forever, might as well use him to his best ability while they can. They already have plans for who they're gonna prop up in to the spotlight after he's gone anyway. Lets have RDJR interact with the new Spidey in a big way before RDJR is gone.

Whereas with FOX, chances are Jackman will still be Wolverine even after Fox does their reboot and the X-Men crossover with the F4 (seems that's gonna happen no matter if the F4 movie is bad). So when you look at what they have in development and what's official Jackman is probably gonna be Wolverine for another 10 damn years :lol: ; the next Wolverine sequel, Apocalypse, probably X-Force, I don't doubt he'd have cameos in Deadpool and Gambit, the X-Men movie after Apocalypse, and he'll definitely be in the crossover with F4. Eventually they might age out Wolverine from the main X-Men movies (depending on who is in charge and directing) and then we'll see a bunch of Old Man Logan movies.

So yeah I don't at all feel Feige is gonna drop the ball and **** things up with Iron Man and this Spidey involvement.
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I thought that's why everyone was geeking out that danny elfman's name was found on the new posters of AOU. Because it was pretty much a hint that a spiderman easter egg or post credit scene was going to be included in AOU
From a "reddit leaker"....
^^Understood. Still, from a preference point of view : Spidey dodging a punch by the Hulk or Thor > dodging a punch by Iron Man

I don't know if they can make it happen, but that's what I'd like to see :pimp:
Bet lamekilla thinks it means Garfield is back though.

:rolleyes a couple months ago you were doubting Latino reviews credibility
That hasn't changed.

Granted they're more credible than you're reasoning skills.
and listening to marvel writers tell lies on formspring accounts.
What lies? Did you prove that the anniversary poster meant anything yet? :lol: :nerd:

Did I miss that?

Otherwise you're still pretty delusional about this and now even prideful about it. Wrong and strong lame, wrong and strong.

Please post your proof if you were right about that.

I'll wait.

Are you liking this spiderman news zik? :wink:
Well like I just said, I don't see him being in any AOU end credits scenes. I'm liking it as long as Feige continues to run the show.

But please continue posting about what you were right about :smh:
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That hasn't changed.

Granted they're more credible than you're reasoning skills.

What lies? Did you prove that the anniversary poster meant anything yet? :lol: :nerd:

Did I miss that?

Otherwise you're still pretty delusional about this and now even prideful about it. Wrong and strong lame, wrong and strong.

Please post your proof if you were right about that.

I'll wait.
Well like I just said, I don't see him being in any AOU end credits scenes. I'm liking it as long as Feige continues to run the show.

But please continue posting about what you were right about :smh:

Lol how about spiderman not only being in the MCU but being in civil war for starters. I won't search and quote posts but you were the main doubter. The fact that you're the only one thats still denying the marvel 75th anniversary poster with spiderman FRONT AND CENTER was obviously a marvel MCU picture combined with all this new news that seems as if marvel is putting Spiderman FRONT AND CENTER in the MCU is absolutely comical. It's no fun being wrong, huh zik? :frown: :lol: :frown:
Zik never outright denied Spidey coming into the MCU ever. What he was mainly shooting down was the fact that you based the whole thing on a poster.

Even with Spidey coming in to the MCU, you still can't prove as a fact it's a MCU poster. It's just a theory. It's just a less cockamanie theory than it was three months ago lol
Geez, this argument seems like it'll last for years. Guess people wouldn't get tired of sucking their own d if they could.
Can we just lay it to rest, please? It was fun and entertaining while it lasted. It really was, but it's just getting repetitive now :lol:
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