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Things going to disintegrate when they get wet.:lol:
AVENGERS: ENDGAME Will NOT Feature An Intermission And There Will Be No Good Time To Go The Bathroom

In a new interview, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige confirms that while the Infinity War sequel clocks in at over 180 minutes, there's a good reason for that and fans should be aware that there may not be a good moment to miss even a few seconds!

"We are not fans of laborious lengths for no reason," he explains. "We are fans of movies that you wish didn’t end. Movies that you want to see again as soon as it’s over. And movies that you just don’t ever find a good time to run out to the bathroom."
gotta use the bathroom during the commercials and previews
I'll have seen all the trailers they'd show anyways
lion king
toy story 4
detective pikachu
john wick

just need the confirmation on how many credits scenes are in the film and I'm good
Avengers: Endgame screenings are expected to take place extremely last-minute due to the fact that Marvel Studios is doing its best to avoid spoilers leaking online but some members of the press were recently treated to the opening eight minutes of the movie.

Now, we've delved deep into that footage to bring you some key new details about the Infinity War sequel, one of which may actually spoil the final fate of a beloved fan-favourite.

The footage also confirmed how long it's been since the Mad Titan snapped his fingers and wiped out half the universe. It's not the one year plus some fans have predicted but certainly more than enough time for the consequences of their loss to be felt (and for Captain Marvel to travel back home).

Endgame Starts 22 Days After Infinity War

There's been an awful lot of speculation about how much time will have passed since we last saw Earth's Mightiest Heroes at the end of Infinity War but this footage finally cleared things up.

While Tony Stark is recording that message for Pepper Potts, he mentions that they have been stranded in space for 22 days. He and Nebula no doubt left Titan almost immediately after the Mad Titan teleported himself to Wakanda so that means they've been drifting through space for at least three weeks.

Presumably, the same amount of time will have passed back on Earth for everyone else too.

Is Iron Man Dying?

Tony Stark was stabbed through the stomach by Thanos and, yes, there are seemingly going to be some pretty major consequences.

The hero tells Pepper that Nebula has helped him heal but he's contracted some sort of infection following the battle. While he tells his fiancee that he's recovering thanks to Nebula's assistance, it would certainly make sense for that to get worse over the course of this adventure and for Tony to sacrifice himself because he's going to end up dying anyway.

It's hard to say for sure but it would be a bit of a cop out for Iron Man to just recover from what initially seemed like a mortal wound.

Repairing The Milano

A lot of fans were confused by the appearance of the Milano in the first trailer for Avengers: Endgame, especially as it was widely assumed it got destroyed on Titan after Thanos pretty much tour the planet apart. However, it sounds like Tony and his new ally have been hard at work trying to repair it.

Iron Man reveals that while the fuel cells were damaged at one stage, they've fixed things up well enough to get two days' of flight time before the oxygen runs out. Someone clearly comes to rescue them because it really doesn't sound like much more can be done before it's too late for them both.

The Movie's Opening Scene

Those in attendance have said that they saw what appeared to be the movie's opening scene as "Dear Mr. Fantasy" plays over the Marvel Studios logo before we catch up with Tony Stark and Nebula playing...paper football.

It's a surprisingly light way to open this adventure but what did you expect them to do after being left stranded in space for weeks? Either wait, Tony is clearly making good use of Star-Lord's Zune so he can enjoy some tunes.

The Rematch Happens Early

We now seen some of the second clip shown to reporters so won't bother going too much into that but a little more was shown to journalists than what's popped up online. Apparently, Earth's Mightiest Heroes do decide to head into outer space to launch a counter attack against Thanos and it seems as if we can expect this rematch to go down fairly early on in proceedings which is unexpected.
As long as you don't chug a bunch of liquid an hour before the movie, I'm sure you'll be good.

-Bring a bottle of water with you to take small sips (not gigantic gulps) incase you get thirsty.
-Don't eat during the movie as it'll make you drink more liquid.
-Use the bathroom during the previews.
Don't even care, I know I'm watching multiple times plus reading stuff and watching stuff on it plus being in here talking about it plus being on twitter

If I gotta take the browns to the super bowl, so be it.. although I am be no means a fan of using public facilities to drop the kids off at the pool
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