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White men*

It looked like she did the snap already by looks of her toes
I’m not even disappointed in Hulks role in this film because I learned to stop caring for him

Y’all acting like Hulk’s fighting style is as well tuned as Thanos’.

The magic of Hulk has been well tainted over the past decade and a half
Right but just staying out of the way isn't in his character imo :lol: . I figured that we would go back for the 70 years the og cap was in ice and jump back when he was out, but that leaves some time i between then no.

My problem isn't so much with what happened but how it all happened. For a 3 hour movie it seemed rushed. There was no inclination that he was going to retire. If it weren't for outside sources from Evans and such, and fan speculation before going into the movie that scene would have come out of nowhere.
At first yeah you would think he wouldn't stay out of the way and maybe he didnt (maybe some secret missions) but by the time the other him is found in the ice he's too old to do anything.

As far no inclination that he would retire I dont think anything was rushed.

Lets be honest most ppl thought Cap would die. Getting old like he should've and retiring is basically the same thing. On the outside, we knew Evans was hinting hard this was the end. So to me it doesnt matter much exactly how he's written out of the story.

Tony didn’t lose any more than anybody else in the beginning of the film and he even still had Pepper.

I never said Tony lost any more than anyone else.

Also it’s not about him not only not wanting to face Thanos again but not giving the team any kind of help and that if he did know something, he wouldn’t have told them anyways.
This is irrelevant and a moot point. Tony did not have any info or any way of helping anyone. He gave Cap his nanities and told his lying *** to go hide.

Repeating this over and over is not a point. Assuming he wouldnt help had he had a way of is an assumption. You're taking Tony's justified anger as a definitive he doesn't want to fix things which is obviously a wrong assumption on your part.

They all messed up in defeating Thanos but he wanted to blame Cap again with the Accords, though nobody has followed the Accords since CW.
Sounds like you didnt understand the accords.

Tony signed and exactly like he said in CW he had a say in what happened. Its why Spider-Man isn't in jail. Its why Vision is free to travel around the world. He protected every person that took his side. He was even nice enough not to recapture Cap and those who chose to be criminals. There are no other new heroes that popped up on any gov's radar to pursue for them to sign the accords. BP is a king and like his father agreed with the accords from the jump. Dr. Strange was largely undetected in his activity.

We’re just gonna have to agree to disagree about Stark being worthy to pick up Mjolnir.
Fine with me. Nothing you've said has really addressed how questionable it is to be worthy now anyway.
That scene with Rogers at the end was amazing. When he was down for the count after Thanos beat him down and shredded his shield. Then Thanos started laying down bars about what he was going to do to the planet and called his forces down. Weary and seemingly defeated, he stood up. And when I thought he was going to take off his hacked up shield and accept his fate, he strapped it on tighter. Then all of a sudden you hear "on your left". The theater was silent. Then you see the portal open and you see T'Challa and the Wakanadan army and everyone started cheering! I was in tears yo! YIBAMBE! Had me all up in my feelings.

This scene man. My body started to shake when all of them appeared. That was so :pimp:
A few of the things that really bothered me was

1. I thought regular humans couldn’t hold/handle infinity stones? (Hawkeye/soul stone)

It depends on the stone. The Power, Space, and Reality Stones were all established as being destructive and dangerous. The others just had special abilities but weren't dangerous to the touch.
A few of the things that really bothered me was

1. I thought regular humans couldn’t hold/handle infinity stones? (Hawkeye/soul stone)

2. We knew after IW that Gamora didn’t make it back because Thanos killed her, Nebula knew. How were they so unprepared for the sacrifice aspect.

3. How the heck does past Nebula just blend in and go absent without anyone noticing?

You can't handle the stone directly, but like the Cosmic Cube aka Tesseractm, the power stone was in a protective shell/case.

Plot misstep only to emphasize the, "Oh that's right" moment in the theater.

No one really cares about Nebula lol
My whack *** theater was dead as ****. No cheers, not even applause when the movie ended.

I need to see this in the hood. I still remember seeing Return of the King in the hood. Epic.
Wow, no cheers? That's crazy.

I saw it in the burbs and the crowd in my showing was all invested in movie.
A few of the things that really bothered me was

1. I thought regular humans couldn’t hold/handle infinity stones? (Hawkeye/soul stone)
2. We knew after IW that Gamora didn’t make it back because Thanos killed her, Nebula knew. How were they so unprepared for the sacrifice aspect.
3. How the heck does past Nebula just blend in and go absent without anyone noticing?

1. Despite how it was explained, the Power stone is the only stone that has any type of, "force" or causes destruction. It's just relative to it's nature.

2. How does a group agree on who dies?

3. Thought the same thing. She just kept her distance.
A few of the things that really bothered me was

1. I thought regular humans couldn’t hold/handle infinity stones? (Hawkeye/soul stone)
2. We knew after IW that Gamora didn’t make it back because Thanos killed her, Nebula knew. How were they so unprepared for the sacrifice aspect.
3. How the heck does past Nebula just blend in and go absent without anyone noticing?

She blended in because she swapped out the plate 2019 Nebula for the one she had installed. Absent? I guess no one cares.
the og gauntlet made by dwarves made it so you could wield it without the power surge killing you

if you noticed when hulk and tony (and i think to an extent thanos) put the gauntlet they had that power surge to their body and hulk could barely handle it and tony barely withstood it and was in pain

when thanos put all the stones on the gauntlet it just made him powerful but with the IM gauntlet he was feeling the power and there was a bit of a struggle iirc

again got to watch it again to see how thanos was handling it

Yea.. and dwarves got way stronger and magic metal
ive read that but i dont believe half of the things the russos were saying and i dont buy that at all, it doesn't add up and if that were the case then why not explain it in eg?

also, dude was obviously hurt from losing and having little to no chance against thanos in iw, why is that what made him realize that he is done bailing bruce out?

just dont buy it

thats like losing bball to your little brother for the first time and then telling him you let him win to protect your ego :lol:

Yeah i don't care for it either, just saying that it happened like that because Russo's wanted Hulk to be portrayed more than "heroic muscle"..... :ohwell::smh:

After all the BS he fed tony he ended up being the one to choose himself over everyone.


Here we go...ya reaching levels of cornyness with this agenda that are hard to comprehend, this man deserved his happy ending or nah? Ya expect him to just live out his life in a time period where he doesn’t belong full of regret for never moving on the love of his life? Or given the chance doing his duty which was return the stones and having a chance at a do over?...who else on the squad didn’t understand this move on his part? This is why Tony stans suck
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