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I thought the MCU had something good with the hulk up until Age of Ultron. Even though the sudden love interest between BW and Bruce was weird, it still showed some character development for Bruce. Went from a timid scientist on the run to developing some connections. The hulk was just as powerful but I guess learning the diff between friend and foe. Then the 180 in Ragnork. I like the movie but as a fan of the Hulk it was annoying. I wonder if the success of Ragnork lead them to believe whatever direction they took with the Hulk was working?
I cant really say there was a 180 in Ragnarok.

Gave Hulk more development without the Bruce baggage.

I definitely don't see how what was done there was continued by the Russo Bros in IW and Endgame. If anything they tried to pick up where Whedon left off.
still pissed they made hulk a joke. i wished after he got washed by thanos, he stayed back to help shuri. played the fear angle. then in iw, the rematch and hulk returns to hulk smash version and taking out a bunch of ships. smdh. call me marvel.

FandomWire reports Awkwafina will play a character from Marvel Comics named Fah Lo Suee. Although Fah Lo Suee is Shang-Chi's sister in the comics, Awkwafina's version of the character will reportedly be a potential love interest for him. What's more, she will be the Mandarin's daughter.

The plot details also indicate Tony Chiu-Wai Leung's The Mandarin will have a long history with Shang-Chi. In the film, the Mandarin ran an orphanage for children with special gifts, which is where Shang-Chi was raised.
I cant really say there was a 180 in Ragnarok.

Gave Hulk more development without the Bruce baggage.

I definitely don't see how what was done there was continued by the Russo Bros in IW and Endgame. If anything they tried to pick up where Whedon left off.
I wouldn't say "more" development either. They turned Hulk into the comedic relief and a child. Not an angry child but a pouty child. That's the 180 I was referring to. In IW he wasn't anything but a coward and Endgame was just different all together.
I wouldn't say "more" development either. They turned Hulk into the comedic relief and a child. Not an angry child but a pouty child. That's the 180 I was referring to. In IW he wasn't anything but a coward and Endgame was just different all together.
That's development.

He was a talkative and expressive pouty child. Compared to being the say 9 words the entire movie raging baby monster he was before.

Spent 4 years as Hulk with no Banner interference. Ragnarok isn't a Hulk movie so they couldn't dig more in to that. Russo's decided to not dig in to it or didn't have time. It was the pouty child Hulk that refuses to come out after getting curb stomped by Thanos.
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almost done watching age of ultron. This is first movie in my rewatches where I'm just not enjoying it. its generic. it lacks overall direction. generic bad guy. has nothing to do with the overall plot of endgame which is ultimately where all 20 movies were headed

edit: oh and of course the birth of Vision, the lamest character in the MCU. so powerful but so underwhelmingly displayed
yeah they were tripping not letting Hulk come back for PURE vengeance and carnage in End Game or sometime before that against Thanos but its all good.
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def late to the party but those LOKI, Wandavision, and falcon and the winter soldier trailers seem like the shows will be of "straight to dvd" quality...which is so disappointing.
almost done watching age of ultron. This is first movie in my rewatches where I'm just not enjoying it. its generic. it lacks overall direction. generic bad guy. has nothing to do with the overall plot of endgame which is ultimately where all 20 movies were headed

edit: oh and of course the birth of Vision, the lamest character in the MCU. so powerful but so underwhelmingly displayed
There's an argument saying otherwise here.

For one, the entire plot of AoU is basically cuz of Thanos.
almost done watching age of ultron. This is first movie in my rewatches where I'm just not enjoying it. its generic. it lacks overall direction. generic bad guy. has nothing to do with the overall plot of endgame which is ultimately where all 20 movies were headed

edit: oh and of course the birth of Vision, the lamest character in the MCU. so powerful but so underwhelmingly displayed

AOU is arguably the most important film in the MCU leading up to IW and EG.
How was JJ received?
Nothing but rave reviews for the shows and even more praise for the actor.

She wasn't just a P.I. in name that just went around doing superhero ****. She legit begrudgingly didn't give a **** unless it got personal.

If Marvel comics and studio handles it right she could have as big of a cult following as John Constantine.
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Vision had a pretty big role in IW, specifically getting demolished and having the stone pulled out from his head :lol: so he was kinda a big deal
Watching Ant-man. super fun movie but I made the mistake of watching a few youtube videos on the the giant tropical bullet ant. 1 sting will cause debilitating pain x 12 hours non stop. At the end guys were getting stung with just a small "ouch" lol

Agree with AOU now i suppose the more I thought about it. MAybe bc ive seen it 50 times that I was yawning through it.
I saw AoU twice on release date and hadn't seen it til 2 months ago. I was shocked at how much I liked it after watching IW/EG. Some of the Jossness feels off tho. I would how it would have been if another director did it.
I saw AoU twice on release date and hadn't seen it til 2 months ago. I was shocked at how much I liked it after watching IW/EG. Some of the Jossness feels off tho. I would how it would have been if another director did it.

What’s the criticism of whedons directing style? I keep hearing about different things and I cant find anything aside from how he downplays female characters.

watching endgame for the thousandth time, the throwaway scene at the beginning of AoU when they’re all trying to lift mjolnir makes the Cap scene deeper since he made it slightly move, and you weren’t sure but now we know he’s worthy.
just finished CW again... such an epic movie. So glad the Russo's directed the rest of them. Whedons movies were just not as entertaining. Sure AOU was important, but it just wasnt fun.

anyhow, now its
1) IW
2b) GOTG 1
4) Winter soldier

Im sure it will end up being 1) IW 2) EG for me when I rewatch it now that I have taken a step back and rewatched them all...

also, at the end of CW, Nat runs away as she is a "fugitive" for going against the accords...which sets up BW perfectly since that movie takes place between CW and IW.
What’s the criticism of whedons directing style? I keep hearing about different things and I cant find anything aside from how he downplays female characters.

watching endgame for the thousandth time, the throwaway scene at the beginning of AoU when they’re all trying to lift mjolnir makes the Cap scene deeper since he made it slightly move, and you weren’t sure but now we know he’s worthy.

Sometime its a bit campy. Feels like he's still in the late 90's to mid- 2000's.

I love the Mjolnir scene. That scene pays off well. Once in AoU and in EG.
Cap was always worthy and could have lifted Mjolnir in AoU, he just didn’t. Whedon has said this himself.

Whedon just being Whedon. If he could lift it, then why didn’t he? You mean he purposely used all his strength and had enough skill to make it move ever so slightly just to hide the fact he could lift it? Nah. Whedon’s full of it.
Russo Brothers also said he was worthy and could always lift it. You’re either worthy or unworthy, there’s nothing in between. If he was unworthy, he wouldn’t have been able to move it the smidgen amount he did.
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