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Yeah, and we've seen guys with talent and a unique vision get fed up or have troubles with Marvel.. Wright, Favreau, Wheedon..
Wright was a ***** boy that dragged his feet for 7 years and was surprised when the cinematic universe he wanted to make the movie for changed and he couldn't do the original movie he pitched. More his fault than anything. Aint like Feige strung him along.

Favreau was always an odd choice to me. He did good with the first Iron Man. I'm not really aware of what he got fed up with but I always felt like Marvel fired him more than he quit.

Whedon quit due to exhaustion. He complained a lot about how much doing Avengers movies took a toll on him. He also liked to talk about the give and take of the collaboration when it came to scenes he wanted to do and what Marvel wanted in the movies.

At least that's how I've seen it so far with Marvel and the directors for their movies. To date I haven't seen a situation where if Marvel had totally backed off and let a director do w/e movie they wanted the better movie would've been made. The majority of these directors aren't even writing the scripts.
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Good points, for sure. I'd be down to see Coogler involved just because I've liked both of his movies.
I think Coogler would be great. It's all about the commitment though, if true. I also think he'd have a bit more room than the rest. A whole country.

Sorta like with Thor when they deal with the realms. It's just that those movies have sucked so we haven't heard either way if the directors were held back or allowed to do w/e they want on that front.

I expect Dr. Strange to have the same sort of anything goes the director gets to choose how he introduces you to this world feel GotG had.

Why is spider man in this Do the xmen ever run into the avengers in the comics ?
All the time in the comics and that's to say in a year it'll happen depending on story and which comics it's warranted. Mostly in event comics though.

Spidey is in the movie cuz SONY made a deal with Marvel to share MCU characters and Spidey.
My only concern with Coogler is the scope of the film being much greater than what he's done so far. Seems most successful blockbusters are usually in the hands of vets.
Favreau was always an odd choice to me. He did good with the first Iron Man. I'm not really aware of what he got fed up with but I always felt like Marvel fired him more than he quit.
IM2's production was kind of a **** show. Film was rushed into production and iirc didn't even have a finished script when shooting began because they made so many last minute changes. Feels like he just ended up exhausted with the process like Whedon.

He also wanted a lot more money than they were willing to offer so it basically came down to that

If you read his old quotes it kind of seems like he was under the impression that he'd be having a Zach Synder-esque role in the MCU, he was 'supposed' to direct the Avengers and wanted Mandarin to be the overarching villain of the mcu.
If Coogler decides/chosen to direct BP I wonder if he'll somehow cast MBJ. Dude did say he wants to play a villain eventually..maybe Killmonger? [emoji]128064[/emoji]
I have a feeling MBJ might be turned off from super hero films for a while though he'd be on a better team this time
He said in the Grantland podcast that he's still down to do a superhero movie and he's a fan of the genre. He's not done. He'll pull a Chris Evans/Ryan Reynolds.
Nah he said he is willing to play a comic book character again.

Asked in a recent interview if he would shy away from going down the comic book movie route again, Jordan said:

“Which is one that you know I would gladly do again, it was a, as me being a comic book fan, and yeah, for that, it was just like a dream come true being able to play that character.”

Hell he'd probably be part of the F4 sequel.

If he is going to be in Marvel film though, i'd stir clear of doing a villain because you know they'll just kill it you off and no one will care about the character after the audience leaves the theater.
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^^Oh word? I didn't listen to that yet but that's good to hear.

I originally thought he would have been a great BP if they were going for the young and inexperienced hero.

Not sure what character left in Marvel I find a right fit for MBJ
My only concern with Coogler is the scope of the film being much greater than what he's done so far. Seems most successful blockbusters are usually in the hands of vets.
I think he's like halfway there with the success of Creed.

I have a feeling MBJ might be turned off from super hero films for a while though he'd be on a better team this time
I think the opposite. Not a superhero film but I feel with his rising fame the next thing he's gonna be in will be another multi-movie franchise like Hunger Games or Harry Potter.
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Nah he said he is willing to play a comic book character again.

Asked in a recent interview if he would shy away from going down the comic book movie route again, Jordan said:

“Which is one that you know I would gladly do again, it was a, as me being a comic book fan, and yeah, for that, it was just like a dream come true being able to play that character.”

Hell he'd probably be part of the F4 sequel.

If he is going to be in Marvel film though, i'd stir clear of doing a villain because you know they'll just kill it you off and no one will care about the character after the audience leaves the theater.
There is no F4 sequel.

FOX took it off their official release list late last month. I highly doubt he'd do a direct to dvd sequel. Plus I don't think any of them signed multi-movie contracts.
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I know they took it off, I posted it, but unless it goes back to Marvel they could just be postponing it. They never had a problem saying the film is "in production" just to extend the rights.

I still see Fox making an F4 sequel and hoping for the crossover cashcow for the future.
Also posted on the DD Netflix thread.

It appears as though a new Daredevil Season 2 Trailer was shown at Brazel Comic-Con this month and Tumblr user Cherryvane was there to witness it. It appears the scene that was shown shows an iconic scene from the comics. Read on below for the description!

"The “teaser” started on a scene where Matt, dressed as Daredevil (wearing the uniform from the end of season 1) walks on a room that looked like a refrigerator. The place was barely lit and had big slices of meat hanging from the ceiling. As Daredevil walks on that room (the camera focused only at him) we see that he’s searching for something as he stays quiet, slowly walking deep into the room, turning his head trying to hear something. At some point, something not show to the spectator grasps his attention. The camera open focus to the rest of the room and we see that there are also people being hanged like meat. Matt searches the corpses with his super senses, not touching, only trying for heart beats, once he finds someone he rush to aid the man: “I’ll take you of that” (or something like it), he says as he tries to take the barely alive man off the hook. After succeeding, he lays the guy (that I have no idea of how he could be alive considering how badly injured the dude was) on the ground and say something along the lines “Why did they do this to you?” In which the guy mumbles “They? It was just a guy”. Matt stays dead silent, camera focusing on him. The scene shifts. It’s night time and someone is on the top of a building aiming a sniper riffle at a person on a taxi. I’m not sure if the person being aimed was a man or a woman, though it looked like a woman. The man behind the gun is no one else but the Frank Castle. While Frank is readying his riffle for the perfect shot, unaware of his surroundings, DD appears. Running on the rooftop, he jumps and kicks the gun, amazingly diving over Frank to stop him. They soon engage on a fight, but when it was getting interesting and intense as [frick] the scene was cut with the Daredevil logo"

image from the trailer.
View media item 1816128
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I know they took it off, I posted it, but unless it goes back to Marvel they could just be postponing it. They never had a problem saying the film is "in production" just to extend the rights.

I still see Fox making an F4 sequel and hoping for the crossover cashcow for the future.
There's not going to be a sequel and there's definitely not going to be a crossover.

FOX is not allowed to make a movie crossing over the X-Men and F4. It's why Kinberg has repeatedly said they're in two separate universes. The contracts they have for X-Men and F4 are different and don't include/allow them crossing over. It'd take renegotiations with Marvel to get that done and that's highly unlikely unless it includes a deal with the MCU.
I've haven't read anything about contracts preventing the crossover, Kinsberg has said it's different universes (to separate it from X-fanchize because of the bad buzz it got) but Singer has also hinted that it could happen.

There was even a Sony email leak from the hack discussing it, granted that was before the F4 failure but that means there is a way to do it and they have considered it.

In their most recent report about information disseminating from the studio leak, The Daily Beast has revealed very strong evidence that an X-Men/Fantastic Four crossover is in the works - courtesy of an email written by Michael De Luca, co-president of production for Columbia Pictures, to Sony Pictures Entertainment Co-Chairman Amy Pascal this past October. In the conversation, De Luca writes that he has learned directly from Simon Kinberg that Fox is working on an X-Men and Fantastic Four team-up movie, and suggests that Sony plan something similar with their Spider-Man property - namely linking together a new Spider-Man movie, the female-led Spider-Man movie, Venom, and Sinister Six for a "eventual mega movie."

Kinsberg last year also said that if they wanted to connect the two, that they could.

Kinberg himself subsequently commented on the possibilities, telling EW early this year that while the Fantastic Four reboot needs to "work in and of itself," a crossover is possible. “If we wanted to find a way to connect them to the X-Men, we could. There’s a lot of precedent from the comics," he said.

And comic book writer Mark Millar - a creative consultant for Fox's Marvel films - said as far back as summer 2013 that an FF/X-Men movie crossover is "without question."

“I think you have to see some of these guys showing up in each other’s movies,” he said.

Again these are all from a year o two back so things could have changed but a contractual problem was never mentioned and I don't think it'll be a big hindrance if they really wanted to do it.

I might just be too optimistic but until I hear otherwise, I am just holding hope that it all works out for the best, whether that means they make a sequel and an eventual crossover of everything just returns to Marvel, either works for me.
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