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[h1]‘Doctor Strange’ Is Already Over $500 Million At The Worldwide Box Office[/h1]
by  SAM FLYNN  on  NOVEMBER 17, 2016

To say Doctor Strange  is doing well is an understatement.

After two weeks of release, it is already at half-a-billion dollars worldwide, with $503 million in ticket sales according to Box Office Mojo. With a budget of $165 million, it has almost recuped its production costs, not including marketing, with its domestic profits ($161 million as of today) alone. In its second weekend, it fell a mere 49 percent from its $85 million opening weekend to, making  it the second-best Week 1-to-Week 2 drop in the last ten MCU movies and second only to Iron Man  as the fastest Marvel Studios film to reach $150 million domestically. From international terrorities, the film has collected $341 million so far,
Great start. Fantastic Beasts releasing today will start taking chunks away from Doctor Strange, curious to see how high this goes.
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In the end I think just over 600 million maybe just short of 600.

We are heading in to Dec which is pretty formidable.
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How is that your point when you said this?:
In what comics are fake X-MEN Inhumans a thing? :nerd:

What does trying to emphasize the Inhumans have to do with the X-Men? The Inhumans also have fundamental differences with the Avengers, F4, Guardians, etc. So what? That's the actual point of pushing them.

Where is the rule that because one ip is more broadly compelling that you can not push the concept of a different ip?

That's like saying Spider-Man is broadly more compelling than Deadpool and it's painful watching them try to emphasize Deadpool.

This is comics where all sorts of different genres get used and mixed together and pushed. The X-Men's success and appeal isnt relevant unless you're saying the only way Marvel should push an ip is to make them more broadly appealing like their other ips that are more broadly compelling.

I meant to write, Emphasize the INhumans and DE-emphasize the X-men.

According to all the reporting I've read, marvels goal was to De-emphsize the X-Men, and make the inhumans more prominent, in the comics.

imo that's dumb, because Inhuman can't replace what the x-men give you.
i watched it again,
I have no idea where anyone is saying this movie is remotely top 7.....
almost fell asleep a 2nd time.

i do get where yall are saying it could have been like 10 mins longer though.
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How is that your point when you said this?:
In what comics are fake X-MEN Inhumans a thing? :nerd:

What does trying to emphasize the Inhumans have to do with the X-Men? The Inhumans also have fundamental differences with the Avengers, F4, Guardians, etc. So what? That's the actual point of pushing them.

Where is the rule that because one ip is more broadly compelling that you can not push the concept of a different ip?

That's like saying Spider-Man is broadly more compelling than Deadpool and it's painful watching them try to emphasize Deadpool.

This is comics where all sorts of different genres get used and mixed together and pushed. The X-Men's success and appeal isnt relevant unless you're saying the only way Marvel should push an ip is to make them more broadly appealing like their other ips that are more broadly compelling.

I meant to write, Emphasize the INhumans and DE-emphasize the X-men.
The two things don't come hand in hand. If the Inhumans didn't exist the X-Men would still be getting deemphasized. As I said, in reducing the # of X books (and putting F4 to rest for now) Marvel took their go at pushing the Squadron Supreme and a few members, New Universe characters, Guardians and every member getting a book, same with Defenders members, not to mention Inhumans.

According to all the reporting I've read, marvels goal was to De-emphsize the X-Men, and make the inhumans more prominent, in the comics.
None of which is credible journalism. Just speculation and conjecture based off rumors and gossip.

imo that's dumb, because Inhuman can't replace what the x-men give you.
To me that was never the intent.

Where was all this conspiracy when the Avengers became the prominent Marvel team book in the mid 2000s? The state of the X-Men was the same, pushed to the side.

I don't think you're gullible enough to believe Marvel thought they could make the Inhumans take the place of X-Men in the span of the year or two? Without even falling back on a movie coming out?

Especially if you just look at the comics and ignore reports. From a marketing perspective the Inhumans are being pushed and emphasized based on recent event comics. There pretty prevalent. Now from that same marketing perspective the X-Men are in the same state they've been in since Avengers Dissassembled; put to the side unless there's an event to benefit from the hero vs. hero fad.

Now from a story perspective it's also true the Inhumans are being emphasized again in a big event and based off recents ones while the X-Men are being supremely ******* on but outside of the 60s where half the time their book was cancelled you can't point out a decade where the X-Men weren't getting ******* on.
Finally watched Strange. Decent. Another weak villain.

I thought Kaecilius was cool as a villain, definitely understood his motive behind the madness but I think they made a smart choice of cutting his screen time for developing Srange more. I hated how they utilized Dormammu though, definitely gave me the Parallax/Galactus flashbacks of GL/F4 

I gave it the same grade too I think, 5/8.
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Solid movie overall but you're right. It was missing that "It" factor that will make it memorable. I kind of wish there were more psychedelic kaleidoscope stuff happening rather than just at his awakening. The movie felt a little safe in my opinion and that's why it didn't exceed expectations. They are introducing a whole new dimension and should have experimented a bit more.

At the end of the day, it was an origin story meant to set the stage for something bigger.

Last thing was Benedict and Amy have 0 chemistry.
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just got back from helping a friend on one of his sets. He showed me the GOTG2 trailer shown at comic con and boy I'm pretty salty that the general public got that stupid itty bitty tease. comic con got a full blown trailer, like at least 2 minutes. Movie is gonna be flames but I was already telling my boy that the trailer he just showed me is going to be the follow up to the tease that came with Doctor Strange/ He said nah, because they do show Stallone and Russell respectively. Stallone is a snippet but Russell is a little more extended with him talking to the guardians and quill in particular

just venting my frustrations with how these things are released
No Portman in Thor R? :smh:

I've never seen an good actress phone in a role like portman did in Thor 2. Like it seemed like she was showing active contempt for the role. :lol:

It was like watching Kobe quit in that series against the suns. Or Lebron against the celtics that time.
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I mean what exactly was she given to work with in both those movies. Her character had nothing of note to say at all.
:rofl: ******* Miley Cyrus.


Jane Foster is not needed or really wanted (other than looking good) in these movies.

Her whole party of the story never really added anything for me in Thor movies.
Just saw Dr. Strange a couple days ago...

I think it's the weakest out of all the Disney Marvel movies that have come out. And I really thought Ant-Man would have been the weakest one but that was actually a great movie.

Dr. Strange got some stuff right but like another poster said before me, it lacked that "It" quality that GOTG had, Ant-Man had, Avengers had, and hopefully Black Panther will have.

What it got right....really liked how they set him up as an arogant, self-centered, egotist that Stephen Strange was....they were spot on with that; liked the support characters around Strange, for the most part liked Cumberpatches acting....

Here's what I didn't like...

Should have had Mordo as the main villian from the jump....maybe their starting the series off slow but kyseliessesesesese was a weak first villian....and the quality of a superhero depends on his rogue's gallery of villians....like the actor....remember him from that hannibal series on NBC....

Too much inception graphics. I mean I give them credit for trying to capture mystic realities but damn they needed to chill with that ****

Tooooo many corny jokes.....This isnt GOTG or Iron Man....scale that **** back....this would have been a better movie if it had a more serious tone to it...

Plot felt rushed....I know they need him to set up that infinity war movie but in the tapestry Marvel is trying to builid with all these avengers hero's movies....they need to spend time on character development for ALL their hero's.

All in all I thought it was a decent movie ....7.5/10

But they could have done sooooo much more with this first movie for the Dr. Strange series...I mean this guy is basically the nexus point/gatekeeper character for the Marvel Universe for that whole other side that is almost a seperate entity on it's own a la Justice League Dark with DC......think of the posibilities for tie in's with Dr. Strange....the cameo's.....Man-thing, Midnight Sons, Mephisto, etc.

How ill would it have been if we had seen a quick image of another mystic dimension with Cyttorak sitting on his thrown or Mephisto meeting with Thanos as homage to the Infinity Gauntlet comic series....

Hopefully Marvel wise's up to the potential possibilities of Dr. Strange.
Weakest DisMarvel movie? :lol:

That's literally not possible.

Seems you were more focused on the potential possibilities in your judgement.

Also, Dr. Strange didn't become the "gatekeeper" of the magic side of the MU until the very end of the movie when all but 3 masters were killed.
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Dr. Strange was leagues better than Guardians. I will never stop hating that trash film. And now James Gunn wants to comment on Marvel and Fox's dealings like he's got clout. He's a bozo
Just saw Dr. Strange a couple days ago...

I think it's the weakest out of all the Disney Marvel movies that have come out. And I really thought Ant-Man would have been the weakest one.

I don't think it's the weakest, but I think it's down there with both Thor movies
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