I'd rather have a villain who's a little too good at predicting the heroes actions than a hero who undergoes a personality change because the plot depended on it. (Sup, BvS)
Still love the film but it also bugs me that Zemos plan hinged on Falcon ratting out where Cap was going, had he not trusted Stark, everything would have fallen apart.
I'm not entirely sure it was his plan for Tony to show up right there and then.

If he didn't he would've just found another way to expose scumbag Steve's treacherous fake friend ways and inform Tony.

To me all of that isn't that bothersome.

What is bothersome though is that doing all that made BP change his mind about revenge which basically spared Zemo. So in a way his planning saved his own life.

That and they needed to do more with the Hydra version of the super soldier serum. All those dead guys and you telling me Ross aint show up for their blood?

Master Zik Master Zik thor 1 and 2 were ok. just using it to emphasize how meh gotg1 was. out of the mcu from iron man 1 and on, the only movie worse than gotg1 is iron man 3. i dont get how gotg1 gets so much love.
Thor1 or Thor 2 are in no shape or form better than GotG. If you like those movies better than GotG, I question your taste.
Y'all didn't like watching Thor at a 45 degree angle? I swear whoever made Thor just finished watching Transformers and JJ Abrams' Star Trek and decided to try and outdo them for excessive dutch angles. :lol:
Still love the film but it also bugs me that Zemos plan hinged on Falcon ratting out where Cap was going, had he not trusted Stark, everything would have fallen apart.
I'm not entirely sure it was his plan for Tony to show up right there and then.

If he didn't he would've just found another way to expose scumbag Steve's treacherous fake friend ways and inform Tony.

To me all of that isn't that bothersome.

What is bothersome though is that doing all that made BP change his mind about revenge which basically spared Zemo. So in a way his planning saved his own life.

That and they needed to do more with the Hydra version of the super soldier serum. All those dead guys and you telling me Ross aint show up for their blood?

I thought it was because he specifically called the room service chick at a specific time so she discovers the body and it announces that Bucky was actually innocent thus changing Starks mind.

Had Stark not show up, I think Cap and WS could probably prevent the vid from releasing as they'd have their hands on Zemo by themselves.

That's just my take on it, I think ever since it arrived on Netflix I've seen it at least once every two weeks or so so I do love this film but it just seems like his main plan was to get all three in the same place and do the reveal to their faces. I mean it's a small nitpick really and doesn't bother me in the end, just one of those things that you notice more when you see something so many times.
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I am most certainly not struggling lol

But T-Mobile has hooked me up with tickets for ages; why would I not want the hookup for the hottest movie of the summer? :lol:


EDIT: Free one day Redbox rental :x  really? I'm rustled b

Just go on Sunday mornings before 12, did this with Baby Driver this past Sunday. For my girl & I, came out of pocket $12. This is with AMC Theater's though, I don't think you can combine the $5 reward with these cheap tickets... I was on the fence so decided to go the cheap route, but movie was dope. I got my Spider-Man Homecoming tickets for Thursday at 7:45 PM.
Cuz he did all of the things necessary to impersonate dude effectively.

Which were? :lol: mans ain't even put on a fake face, just walked right on in
Steal his identity, digitally change his image to his face all over the internet (word to Michael Scofield/Kaniel Outis and the latest season of Prison Break), then learn all that's necessary to enter the building and conduct his session unimpeded.

They just didn't show it cuz it wasn't important enough to.

How is it anymore hard to believe that he somehow made himself look like Bucky and bomb the UN meeting?

If you're willing to bend suspension of disbelief for one act that requires a lot you should be able to do the same for another act that requires a lot.

Still love the film but it also bugs me that Zemos plan hinged on Falcon ratting out where Cap was going, had he not trusted Stark, everything would have fallen apart.
I'm not entirely sure it was his plan for Tony to show up right there and then.

If he didn't he would've just found another way to expose scumbag Steve's treacherous fake friend ways and inform Tony.

To me all of that isn't that bothersome.

What is bothersome though is that doing all that made BP change his mind about revenge which basically spared Zemo. So in a way his planning saved his own life.

That and they needed to do more with the Hydra version of the super soldier serum. All those dead guys and you telling me Ross aint show up for their blood?

I thought it was because he specifically called the room service chick at a specific time so she discovers the body and it announces that Bucky was actually innocent thus changing Starks mind.

Had Stark not show up, I think Cap and WS could probably prevent the vid from releasing as they'd have their hands on Zemo by themselves.

That's just my take on it, I think ever since it arrived on Netflix I've seen it at least once every two weeks or so so I do love this film but it just seems like his main plan was to get all three in the same place and do the reveal to their faces. I mean it's a small nitpick really and doesn't bother me in the end, just one of those things that you notice more when you see something so many times.
I feel like he only showed himself to them was cuz he knew Tony was already on the way.

Timing is just too close.

But yes the whole lady at the hotel and revealing he was a fake was set up to cast suspicion on the interviewer being a fake/there being someone else behind all of this.

And even though we know what he did and that scumbag Steve was wrong in his assumption had for some reason Tony was suspicious and it really took Sam to get Tony in the right direction, I feel like writers just alter something in the script for Zemo to eother be able to face both of them or he keeps one of those Hydra super soldiers a love to occupy them until Tony shows up. That actually wouldve been a nice alteration to the ending (a pre-fight) and at least explain how Tony's armor got so easily nerfed.
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Stark definitely still suspected Bucky before that big reveal, it was only then that he decided to believe Cap and his claim of more Winter Soldiers. Plus that is pretty much what he used to convince Falcon to telling him where Cap and Bucky was.
**** a Sunday I'm gonna be in this theater on Thursday evening :lol: I was just hoping for that hookup

lol yeah, I know. Still, I'm sure there's some Dad's on here that'd love to take their kids but it's expensive going on the day a movie releases. My girl & I usually spend $50 going on a movie date. $25 for food, $25 for the tickets.
Fury rumoured to co star in Captain Marvel movie.

Black man with a white woman.. then throw in black panther

Marvel making the progress we thought the world would be making in 2017

Hopefully trump doesn't start WWIII before we get a chance to see it
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I watched Strange again last night. Pretty good. Went by fast!

It was a short movie like 1hour 45mim. Could have used the extra 15 mins.

Did went into his accident like 10 mins in :lol:

5-10 more mins of him being a douche could have helped.

The cloak was awesome. Dude looked gangster with it. I would of liked if he dropped more spells though... he didn't really use any.
Just magical weapons. Would of been cool to see a battle of just spells.

My dude was getting faded left and right. Had me dying with the Walmart gloves.
Either pay $18 for Thursday night or $7 on Friday morning. 
Mine are like 15. I actually think it's a good price considering it's reserved and the sound system is great and it's pitch black in there.

But those are for them huge movie releases. All other films get the Costco treatment as well.
Copped for $14 a piece for 10:15pm tomorrow. Reserved seating.

My expectations are fairly high for this.
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