^^^ Bruh just prepare to be disappointed because Thanos is not gonna kill anyone as quick as you want him too
(I mean Ant-Man was giving Falcon problems at Avengers HQ,, that basically sums up my thoughts on dude)

You guys need to put respeck on Ant-Man's name. He can shrink down to the size of an ant and retain his full strength or grow to be a giant and go King Kong. He can go subatomic into an alternate dimension in the quantum realm where the concepts of space and time are irrelevant. That is some legit bad***ery.
It's not so much my disrespect for Ant-Man but my disrespect for Falcon.

If not for Hawkeye, dude would be at the bottom of the totem pole for sure
(I mean Ant-Man was giving Falcon problems at Avengers HQ,, that basically sums up my thoughts on dude)

You guys need to put respeck on Ant-Man's name. He can shrink down to the size of an ant and retain his full strength or grow to be a giant and go King Kong. He can go subatomic into an alternate dimension in the quantum realm where the concepts of space and time are irrelevant. That is some legit bad***ery.
real talk
if any of y'all had antman powers
would y'all shrink
and go inside ur girls walls and just start rolling around???
i would prolly be dope
prolly have to go in naked though
dont wanna go in there with shoes on or anything
with how dirty the ground is
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^^^ Bruh just prepare to be disappointed because Thanos is not gonna kill anyone as quick as you want him too
Would you rather he follow the traditional boring Marvel villain formula of ["bow down to me, humans" + destroy a bunch of buildings + blue light in the sky] or have him uppercut Hawkeye's head clean off from the jump???

Cmon you Mad Titan. Show us you got some balls
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Michael Giacchino's score for this film was actually really cool. I can't get Spider-Man's theme out my head and I'm not talking about the original 60's theme.

His theme sucked

Also there's something really weird about their choice of costume for Holland as Peter.

Like it really evokes 1960s Peter Parker. I can't believe how effortlessly we're just able to believe that Holland is Peter. There's this classic, timeless vibe about him.
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Came back from a midnight showing and boy they dun finally did my favorite hero right

Tom Holland nailed it as Peter Parker and Spiderman. He looks the part and he has the mannerisms down as well. Watts completely captured the essence of the character, while doing something different. It's good to see a different story being told aside from someone being turned into a monster or a villain. He used the MCU to it's advantage while keeping the core qualities of the character there. Peter wanting to be an Avenger and him looking up to Tony and wanting to be just like him adds another layer to the character. With his father and uncle Ben dying, him wanting Starks acceptance works very well and is a satisfying arc. Their dynamic is great, and the scene between the two of them after the boat scene was powerful. I was surprised how well Tom stood up next to RDJ. 

Speaking of Stark, the more they do with him, the more likeable he becomes, but the more his flaws show. Which is what makes him a compelling character. Toomes is making a living cleaning up the mess he and the Avengers make, yet Tony has the nerve to come in and take over without any care. It is the lengths he goes to in order to do good that makes him a great character to watch. I hope RDJ continues to make these movies. It'll be sad when he stops.

Vulture could've been a pretty lame / standard villain, but making him an everyday man is what makes him work and so likable as a villain. Toomes is  great mirror to Peter, and shows that with a little more focus, the villains will benefit the story at large. People say he's not in the movie a lot but I disagree. I believe he had enough time to be more than effective, but giving Michael Keaton 5 more minutes would've been close to perfect. The twist involving him and Liz was really unexpected and worked well.

The supporting characters were cool. Peter's friend being Ned Leeds is interesting. It seems weird out of all of the characters, they use Ned, but most likely they won't do anything with it. He worked great as Peters best friend. Liked ZenBaeyas character. She had a good amount of humorous moments. The MJ line was just a nod to everybody thinking she was her, but she's not. Her name is still Michelle Jones. Not everybody will like it but Flash is an outdated character. The jock bully is outdated and what this Flash represented is more modern bully. Now Liz didn't have much to do, but damn she was so fine. Laura Harrier with them lips. My gawd. With Aaron Davis being involved, it's safe to say somewhere down the line Miles is gonna pop up. I can easily see Miles taking over the mantle once Peter decides to be an Avenger. 

As for the story itself. Movie was paced well. Didn't drag in places, and didn't feel too long or too short. Just about right. My favorite moments was Spiderman meeting Aaron Davis and the interrogation mode.
 Along with the boat scene when he was webbing up the boat when it was split in half. Watts just did so many things right. Whether it was something simple as him riding in costume on a train because he has nothing to swing on. I like how he blended in elements of 616 and Ultimate Comics. Thank God Aunt May finds out he was Spiderman. I'm so glad they didn't go the I don't want her knowing my secret route. 

I hope Watts comes back because I know he'll deliver on the sequel with this being his first big budget film. This is easily my favorite Marvel solo outing, and in my top 3 MCU movies. Each release I'm reshuffling my list because things keep getting better. Glad to see my favorite hero done justice.
(I mean Ant-Man was giving Falcon problems at Avengers HQ,, that basically sums up my thoughts on dude)

You guys need to put respeck on Ant-Man's name. He can shrink down to the size of an ant and retain his full strength or grow to be a giant and go King Kong. He can go subatomic into an alternate dimension in the quantum realm where the concepts of space and time are irrelevant. That is some legit bad***ery.
real talk
if any of y'all had antman powers
would y'all shrink
and go inside ur girls walls and just start rolling around???
i would prolly be dope
prolly have to go in naked though
dont wanna go in there with shoes on or anything
with how dirty the ground is

(I mean Ant-Man was giving Falcon problems at Avengers HQ,, that basically sums up my thoughts on dude)

You guys need to put respeck on Ant-Man's name. He can shrink down to the size of an ant and retain his full strength or grow to be a giant and go King Kong. He can go subatomic into an alternate dimension in the quantum realm where the concepts of space and time are irrelevant. That is some legit bad***ery.
real talk
if any of y'all had antman powers
would y'all shrink
and go inside ur girls walls and just start rolling around???
i would prolly be dope
prolly have to go in naked though
dont wanna go in there with shoes on or anything
with how dirty the ground is



Made me spit my coffee.
The more I've thought about this film since I've come out the theater the more I'm really amazed at what I saw. How grounded the film was and the pacing was just amazing.
Each release I'm reshuffling my list because things keep getting better.

This is what I'm amazed at, but not really at this point as it seems like they know what they're doing in expanding this universe and progressing it forward. The fact that they can bring in Spider-Man at this stage and knock it out of the park with no problem and keep things moving just goes to show the quality of the content we're getting. I know most of us aren't, but we shouldn't take this era for granted.

I can't wait to see how this arc ends and how things pick up with Spider-Man 2.
The film was also genuinely funny as well. It's just little stuff that were just hilarious, like when they show that pic of him in the news coming out the porta potty :rofl:
Movie was funny and not really any forced material.

It was awesome. Dude was Spidey a lot in the film. Loved it

Flash was whatever. I didn't like the casting either.
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Hawkeye Actor Jeremy Renner Suffered A Nasty Injury While Shooting An AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Stunt

While doing press for Taylor Sheridan’s Wind River at a Karlovy Vary Film Festival press conference this morning, Jeremy Renner revealed that he suffered a pair of broken arms while shooting a stunt as Hawkeye for Avengers: Infinity War.

The actor didn't provide any details on the scene in question, but did specify that he fractured his right elbow and his left wrist. “That’s how it goes,” he added. “It’s part of the job.”

As nasty as these injuries sound, according to Renner, they won't get in the way of any Clint Barton scenes moving forward.

“I’m sort of a problem solver, you know. There will be an affect to it, but it won’t stop me from doing things that I need to be doing. I’ll heal fast. I’m doing everything I can to heal faster.

I’m doing a job that isn’t really requiring a ton of stunts: It’s not an action movie, it’s a comedy — it just happens to have a few stunts in it. So I don’t have to beat a whole lot of people up or do anything crazy. So it won’t really affect my job… It affects how I get dressed in the morning. I can’t tie my shoes, but outside of that and everything else I can kind of get by.”
"As nasty as these injuries sound, according to Renner, they won't get in the way of any Clint Barton scenes moving forward."

Glad dude is okay but so much for him biting it in IW.......
Flash is an outdated character. The jock bully is outdated and what this Flash represented is more modern bully

I keep reading this from you man :lol:

I implore you to go read the absolute earliest comics and tell me, obviously barring certain conventions of the 1960s/70s, what about an arrogant high school football star with an inferiority complex and a heart of gold seems out of place in the year 2017

Flash isn't just stereotypical "shove in lockers bully", he's a multidimensional character.

Stan Lee wrote him early on as a guy who clearly would end up in Pete's corner at some point, but the nuances of being a teenager and the fact that they were completely antithecal young men got in the way of that eventual friendship.

Flash Thompson is supposed to be a foil, inversion of, and rival to Peter Parker.
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Fantastic movie. Loved how everything moved so fluidly from the pace, to the action scenes, to the jokes.

Easily the best Spidey flick.

Zendaya was gold. :lol:
So what's the top tier of the MCU looking like now?

Iron Man
Marvel's The Avengers
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Captain America: Civil War
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Spider-Man: Homecoming
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